Anybody for a free VooDoo 2 SLI set ?

Nov 3, 2004
I've still got a Guillemot VooDoo2 SLI set (2 cards) lying about. Free for who really wants it. :)
I would love em, but I would just have them sitting around as well. I'll pass so some one can really use it. ;o)
I've got an old Celeron 433 that I had overclocked that those would be beastly in, but alas, I don't use the system much anymore, so it'd prob. be a novelty for awhile, then just a collectors item.
SpangeMonkee said:
I recently upgraded to an ATI Rage Pro II.. I'm good.


My grandma's got a voodoo banshee in her rig. She pwn3rs windows 98 solitare.