Anybody know where to get gages like these?

Sorry, just the gages.
I wrote zalman support to ask, but they are not good at getting back
I doubt those are gauges you can just buy of the shelf. Maybe something similiar is available (just not in the trim and finish you want) from automotive websites.

How are you trying to use these?
Mod some automotive gauges. Very likely what the guts are anyway. There are some guides on the internet.
Oh well..., i spent hours seraching the internet, and talked to Zalman.
There is really no way to get these gauges standalone unless you buy the reserator XT.

I give.

Anyone have a reserator XT and want to sell me just the gauges :D
Hehe, if they were not so pricy small automotive guages can be easily modified to be used with a computer.
I have those cyberdyne gauges in my car.

The engine temp gauge only goes as low as 70*, any lower and it flashes "LO"

They do make an amplifier temp gauge that goes down to 40* though.

You may also research Dakota Digital gauges. They're a lot more expensive then the Cyberdynes though.

yeah, for those prices i may as well buy the zalman reserator xt just for the gauges.
Thanks though.
Most people's temps aren't below 70F, unless they hang their rads out the window or use phase chillled water.
yeah, for those prices i may as well buy the zalman reserator xt just for the gauges.
Thanks though.

The gauges are around $90. How many did you need? They're still cheaper than the Zalman. That being said, I think this thread has struck a little inspiration in me!