Anybody still play Diablo 2?


Jan 13, 2005
I just started playing torchlight and it is a great game, but it reminded me of the multiplayer fun that was diablo 2.

Anybody still play?
Yeah, I still run around here and there on closed-bnet
I wish I could, but the addict in me would take over again; been sober for a few years now. :p The urge to make a l33t character again still stirs lol....
If I had my CD key's I would jump on every now and then but over the years and several purchases of the game, I am not going to be buying again. What a classic.
Yeah, I still go venturing into that world a few times every year. It's like going home.
blizzard store ftw. I registered all my blizz keys as soon as I could and now dont worry about losing the key or CD
You both make it sound so easy! I'm tempted to try and get a small LAN together to kill Big Red one night with my buddies. ;)

Well now you can reclaim expired characters (as long as no one took the name), so there's no reason you can't keep an account on B.Net.

That and I have a few thousand gold on JSP from when I used to play heavily, now I just dip into that when I want to start up again.
I am waiting for Diablo 3. It's too depressing going back to D2. I used to have everything in that game... 40+ Stone of Jordans, a ton of Zods, Ohms, Jahs... Perfect life and mana charms, all the unique equipment in the game, etc etc. The days of Windforce 'Zons, teleporting Necros, Orbing Sorceress ...
Agreed. It's too much to start new all over again.

I will always remember the good old 1.08/1.09 days.
Lol, yeah, I suppose it can well enough. Tremendous overkill, yet most of the time I play it on a older P4 system.
I remember foggin up the window of the store early in the morning to purchase this game, and the expansion pack. Bought two copies each.
I probably logged more hours on this game than any of the others I have purchased in the past.
Agreed. It's too much to start new all over again.

I will always remember the good old 1.08/1.09 days.

I wish I could downgrade from 1.11 or whatever its at now. But since the expansion CD stopped working with Vista, I have no way of installing 1.07 or 1.09, and as far as I know there is no way to downgrade.:(
Well now you can reclaim expired characters (as long as no one took the name), so there's no reason you can't keep an account on B.Net.

That and I have a few thousand gold on JSP from when I used to play heavily, now I just dip into that when I want to start up again.

Really? Do you need to remember your character's name in order to reclaim it?
Really? Do you need to remember your character's name in order to reclaim it?

Nope, it will just say character expired.. then you double click to join as them, and if it wasn't taken you will enter chat, if it was taken, you will get an error :D

And yes, I still play the game rarely, but I always feel like playing it. Must resist.
Nope, it will just say character expired.. then you double click to join as them, and if it wasn't taken you will enter chat, if it was taken, you will get an error :D

And yes, I still play the game rarely, but I always feel like playing it. Must resist.

But you can't reclaim your gear on the expired character correct? Bc if you can I'm all about it again...
But you can't reclaim your gear on the expired character correct? Bc if you can I'm all about it again...

The gear will still be there if you can log on to the character. I think accounts are deleted every 90 days or something like that but if your account is still around you may be in luck.
I still have a few accounts that I keep active on USEast.... don't really play anymore though, I just can't seem to let them go!
it took me 13 years to beat diablo 2 and i never played mp. just beat the game on xmas. beat diablo 1 sum time ago and i figured i'd knock out 2 in preparation of 3.

lvl 35 paladin smiter.
it took me 13 years to beat diablo 2 and i never played mp. just beat the game on xmas. beat diablo 1 sum time ago and i figured i'd knock out 2 in preparation of 3.

lvl 35 paladin smiter.

Time to move onto Nightmare and do it all over again!
Some friends and I lan'd together for a few months playing the eastern sun mod. If you've never heard of it you should deffinetely check it out. It totally changes the skills, enemies, etc for the better. I think my favorite part is the stash: multiple pages for loot and a shared stash for all your characters. Throw in tons of new items and it's a totally new game again. I haven't played in a while and likely won't as my friend just got me hooked on EVE online.
I just installed Win7 so haven't had time to install yet. I've had it on every laptop I've had for several years. I love playing, but it is addictive.
I cant start playing again, I spent so much time getting uber chars just to foolishly let them expire. :( I don't think I can ever invest the time again to get there. I will however with D3.
Well now you can reclaim expired characters (as long as no one took the name), so there's no reason you can't keep an account on B.Net.

That and I have a few thousand gold on JSP from when I used to play heavily, now I just dip into that when I want to start up again.

I used to have gold until I went all in on the phillies in the world series.

I was sure they where going to win :(

Now if I start d2 again it has to be from scratch.
Well now you can reclaim expired characters (as long as no one took the name), so there's no reason you can't keep an account on B.Net.

That and I have a few thousand gold on JSP from when I used to play heavily, now I just dip into that when I want to start up again.

I haven't been on JSP in years. Couldn't I give some WoW gold and get some obscene amount of FG and be set for the rest of my D2 career? I'm sure the conversions are pretty lopsided, no?
I haven't been on JSP in years. Couldn't I give some WoW gold and get some obscene amount of FG and be set for the rest of my D2 career? I'm sure the conversions are pretty lopsided, no?

Just took a quick 2min gander at a few for sale threads, looks like depending on faction and server it's either a direct 1:1 or 2 wowgold per fg. WoW gold prices went to poop quite a bit ago; starting with dailies in TBC and then especially now since WOTLK made gold farming a cakewalk.

Depending on your professions you could knock out a few thousand in a weekend easily and that could buy you a very nice gear setup for a character. Although if you're wanting the best of the best charms you better have dozens of thousands of gold to sell :eek:
Your account expires in 90 days so there is no way to recover an expired character unless you kept the account alive by using another one. I had to download the game to find out.