Anyone a Yankee's fan?


Nov 12, 2003
I don't really watch Baseball much, a bit boring for me. But my supervisor at work does, and he had an old case laying around that he donated to my noob case modding, so I can hack something up and not care if I break it.

It's still a work in progress, I'm not very happy with the color on the front, so I'm going to try to work on that. There is also some spots on the edges that the paint is thin, going to try to make that look better. There is some other things that I'm doing to it. 120 mm fan in the front and back is one of the things.

But anyway, This was his idea, and I made it... Always appreciate constructive criticism. let me know what you think!


Wow.. hella nice paint job.. The side logo looks pretty sharp and defined.

I would agree, the front panel's cover is different from the rest of the cast - as well as some of the joints are not colored... but the side color looks dead on.

Are you planning on adding anything, or just work on the paint job? (like lights, fan holes, etc?)

Keep me posted.

Depending on how it looks I could take it off your hands when you are done.. :)
I am actually in the process of repainting the front panel.

The cut for the NY is a little rough in some spots, but you don't really see it unless you're looking for it.

I'm also going to touch up the joints and that too, I didn't realize they would show through so much untill I put it together.

as for lights or anything, I was thinking about putting a white ccfl inside of it, to make the logo glow. but I think it looks better without it. I wasn't going to do any fan holes or anything either. I don't have any holesaw's, nor do I have the money to buy one.

when I get home tonight, i'll put the newly painted front on and post a picture of that. with the touched up spots and everything

modi123: If you're interested in it, when it's all done, i do plan on trying to sell it.
Nice case but I think the logo should have had a old english D on it instead......yeap I'm a Tigers fan (We should have been playing Oakland except my Tigers choked the last week of baseball):D
Pepster64 said:
Nice case but I think the logo should have had a old english D on it instead......yeap I'm a Tigers fan (We should have been playing Oakland except my Tigers choked the last week of baseball):D

Lordy lord.. I initially read that as an 'old english B'. wheeew... a second read clarified. I was half heartedly rooting for Detroit, but my old man wanted the Twins so bad I really couldn't cheer too loudly. Now if the Vikings were to stop draggin ass perhaps he might finish the year out happy.
Meh... it should be an orange O on a black case. You fail. :p

Actually, I just looked at it again and realized it's a really clean looking stencil job. I like it, even though it is a yankee's mod :rolleyes:
Thank you for the compliments everyone.

It was actually a lot easier than I expected it to be. I've thought about doing other sports oriented cases too. I'd like to do some more in depth stuff. If anyone has idea's feel free to post.
penguin said:
Meh... it should be an orange O on a black case. You fail. :p

Actually, I just looked at it again and realized it's a really clean looking stencil job. I like it, even though it is a yankee's mod :rolleyes:


other than that, nice case!
rayman2k2 said:

other than that, nice case!
wait wait. who made it to the playoffs???

that's right,

Just the very sight of it makes me shudder.....o wait...that's from the Yankees logo, not the case :cool:

Besides the Yankees logo, I like it. Like others have said before, that a real nice paint job there. Very clean and simple...very nice :)
Yes a Big Yankess fan!!!

Born/Raise/Live in NYC and am a Mets fan and yankess fan!!!
Anyone realize the Tigers declined in the second half of the season? Tigers suck and the Yankess will make easy meat of them.

I love the case mod. If you don't mind I would like to use it as an avatar or wallpaper.
BaronBamboo: No, I don't mind at all if you use the pictures.. You may want to wait though, I'm going to take some updated pictures tonight and have them posted by tomorrow.. I repainted the front panel and I'm in the process of touching up the spots that need it the most.

Thank you again for the compliments, nice to hear good things about it after spending about 2 weeks painting.
wait wait. who made it to the playoffs???

that's right,


true, but that still doesn't make up for the fact that you guys almost had a no-hitter against a reliever we pulled up from Triple-A Ottawa.
What'd be cool, if you made the NY either plexi or mesh, and then put the CCFL behind it, would have looked nice.

Make a front panel LCD with RSS updates of the yanks playing, that'd be ultimate :D
hybrid.09 said:
What'd be cool, if you made the NY either plexi or mesh, and then put the CCFL behind it, would have looked nice.

It is plexi... it's just painted white behind it.. the NY is cut out, don't know how many people knew that.

I was going to put a white ccfl behind it.. but I'm not going to spend the m oney on them, anyone want to donate?? :)
haha, he isn't going to :)

He actually isn't paying anything for this, he donated the case to me to cut up.. he actually doesn't even want it back, he's going to let me sell it.
Your mod sucks.

Ok, so the mod doesnt suck, just the logo on the side. That should be a big old B with some sox behind it. Yeah, thats right, redsox for life.

Seriously though, its a good mod...... your theme just sucks.