Anyone beat LOTRO???

It may sound petty, but.. Does anybody have an extra buddy pass code thing so I can try this out? :)

I really wish they'd start some sort of free trial, even if it's a few days - I don't really want to drop the money for this, not like it, and have it be unsellable (or a real pain in the ass to sell).

I'm really interested, but at the same time, I don't want to not like it and I basacially flushed a good chunk of money down the toilet.
most people that have played this seem to like it, not many people have complained about the performance too, I played wow for a time but I just didnt like the 20 man and 40 man raids, does LOTRO have a similar setup with large raids like that?

I would just prefer 5-10 man raids, maybe even 15 but 20+ was just ridiculous, and item drops where also anoying.
most people that have played this seem to like it, not many people have complained about the performance too, I played wow for a time but I just didnt like the 20 man and 40 man raids, does LOTRO have a similar setup with large raids like that?

I would just prefer 5-10 man raids, maybe even 15 but 20+ was just ridiculous, and item drops where also anoying.

No, LOTRO does not give you a month free when you get somebody signed up. When you buy the game you get 1 buddy key per regular edition and 2 per special edition. As far as raids go it is 5 -6 man group raid. I have been playing WoW today, I just did not get used to the interface of LOTRO yet. I have to tell you though, LOTRO's quests are fun for hte most part, unlike WoW where it is just grinding over and over again.
I've got a 7 day buddy trial for the european servers if anyone wants it.

Can't comment on the game itself, bought it on a whim, installed, lost interest because it took so long to install and then never got round to playing it before my 30 days was up. :eek:
I've got a 7 day buddy trial for the european servers if anyone wants it.

Can't comment on the game itself, bought it on a whim, installed, lost interest because it took so long to install and then never got round to playing it before my 30 days was up. :eek:

That is quite sad..... You threw 50 bucks towards something you didn't even try.
I'm not sure I understand. Traditionally, "Raid" implies more than one group. Is there no raid content or has the usage of "Raid" changed among the MMO crowd? I wouldn't mind using that key Iratus, but I can't be sure the Euro servers will allow US connections. If you know they do, I would love to be able to use it! Can't get muchd one in 10 days that I can't do over with a retail copy anyway. :)
I'm not sure I understand. Traditionally, "Raid" implies more than one group. Is there no raid content or has the usage of "Raid" changed among the MMO crowd? I wouldn't mind using that key Iratus, but I can't be sure the Euro servers will allow US connections. If you know they do, I would love to be able to use it! Can't get muchd one in 10 days that I can't do over with a retail copy anyway. :)

Well I said it in the sense, that it became virtually essential to progress in the game unless you went on raids, just normal grouping in Stratholme etc was obsolete after a while, didnt give TBC a try but from my old guild mates its the same, just shinier.
Totally, man. I agree with how you feel. I'm wondering how raids work in this one as well.
Here's another random screenshot.

It is Weathertop, a large mountaintop keep in the Lone Lands between Bree-land and Troll-shaws. Or, rather, it was a large mountain-top keep. It is ruins now.


There is a group raid entitled "Retaking Weathertop" in which your group battles its way to the top to kill a couple of high level elite bosses and seize control from the white hand horde. It's supposed to be fun, but I haven't tried it yet. For the movie buffs, weathertop is the place where Frodo was stabbed by the Nazgul with the morgul blade.
So wait, the end game content for LOTRO doesn't revolve around huge 20 - 40 man groups? That is the main thing that caused me to lose interest in WoW really fast. For some reason, Guild Wars didn't stick with me, and I'm getting the MMORPG itch, but WoW is too much of a chore for me to go back to.

And 2008 is too long to wait for Warhammer :(
So wait, the end game content for LOTRO doesn't revolve around huge 20 - 40 man groups? That is the main thing that caused me to lose interest in WoW really fast. For some reason, Guild Wars didn't stick with me, and I'm getting the MMORPG itch, but WoW is too much of a chore for me to go back to.

And 2008 is too long to wait for Warhammer :(

That's the thing that I do not want to get in to in terms of WoW. I can hardly dedicate any time to it, and once I level, I do not see myself doing 40 man raids, simply takes too much time that I do not have. But I tell you think, coming from WoW, it is quite hard to get used to LOTRO.
worst thing about the large raids, is there was always a good chance you left with nothing apart from some reputation, I didnt mind that too much because I enjoyed it, but all the schedule times etc for raids was way too demanding for a game, I just hope that at end game for LOTRO, they have some epic style 6 man quests like in teh film or something, or at least have like times where a town oir something is being sieged and everyone on the server etc helps to fend them off.
worst thing about the large raids, is there was always a good chance you left with nothing apart from some reputation, I didnt mind that too much because I enjoyed it, but all the schedule times etc for raids was way too demanding for a game, I just hope that at end game for LOTRO, they have some epic style 6 man quests like in teh film or something, or at least have like times where a town oir something is being sieged and everyone on the server etc helps to fend them off.
I have basketball + school + work, I do not see myself coming every thursday night for 8 hrs just to raid with someone. I would not mind going and having a blast with a small group though.
I have basketball + school + work, I do not see myself coming every thursday night for 8 hrs just to raid with someone. I would not mind going and having a blast with a small group though.

neither do I, but if everything was done in smaller groups, it shouldnt need to take as long as 8 hours.
nice.. hatchetface! reminds me of "Bring your pretty face to mah axe!!!"
Yeah, it's a little too late for this character. She's a ugly little hobbit burglar who's already had a few encounters with teh axe. Nothing pretty about her at all, lol.

The Shores of Evendim was released today and I'm about to give it a try with my hunter. I'm not sure I want to try my now-nerfed guardian. It might bring me to tears. Any other guardians notice the changes yet?
neither do I, but if everything was done in smaller groups, it shouldnt need to take as long as 8 hours.

Yea, I play WoW still, it took me 5+ hrs today just to lvl, and I am still couple of levels away from my mount age. I hope LOTRO is a little different in terms of that, I just can't sacrifice the things I do for a game.
worst thing about the large raids, is there was always a good chance you left with nothing apart from some reputation, I didnt mind that too much because I enjoyed it, but all the schedule times etc for raids was way too demanding for a game, I just hope that at end game for LOTRO, they have some epic style 6 man quests like in teh film or something, or at least have like times where a town oir something is being sieged and everyone on the server etc helps to fend them off.

This is why I've been interested in Warhammer, is that it seems to take the focus away from giant 40 man raids to do anything in the end game.

If LOTRO's end game doesn't involve 40 man raids, and I don't think it does (I hope), I will pick it up as soon as I can.
Yea, I play WoW still, it took me 5+ hrs today just to lvl, and I am still couple of levels away from my mount age. I hope LOTRO is a little different in terms of that, I just can't sacrifice the things I do for a game.

Well WoW turns to a big grind, all the quests revolve around killing a certain amount of something in a certain area right until end game, when you get there, you basically either can do the 5 man level 60 instances, which become boring and can do all teh quests for them in a few runs, or two join a big guild and do raids. But to get money and Xp and reputation its all a GRIND.
This is why I've been interested in Warhammer, is that it seems to take the focus away from giant 40 man raids to do anything in the end game.

If LOTRO's end game doesn't involve 40 man raids, and I don't think it does (I hope), I will pick it up as soon as I can.

It seems as if LOTRO is a lot simpler than WoW. I haven't really gotten far at all yet, but weapon and the whole game does not seem as exciting? Like the mounts. you only have 1 type of horse..... and weapon choice, armor, items...
It seems as if LOTRO is a lot simpler than WoW. I haven't really gotten far at all yet, but weapon and the whole game does not seem as exciting? Like the mounts. you only have 1 type of horse..... and weapon choice, armor, items...

yea wow was like that when it first came out, matured into what it is now. wow had alot of choice with items, most where usless and all the good players ended up with the same stuff anyways.
yea wow was like that when it first came out, matured into what it is now. wow had alot of choice with items, most where usless and all the good players ended up with the same stuff anyways.

That is exactly the thing, I hope LOTRO heads in the right direction. I threw away 800+ hrs in GW, just to see it go way downhilll since the first one.
yea wow was like that when it first came out, matured into what it is now. wow had alot of choice with items, most where usless and all the good players ended up with the same stuff anyways.

The difference is WOW matured quickly, nothing from Turbine ever does.
I'm not sure I want to try my now-nerfed guardian. It might bring me to tears. Any other guardians notice the changes yet?

What nerfs? I read the patch notes and spotted a few mob abilities that could disable evasion and parry - are these abilities used by every other mob?

I quite enjoy the Guardian - quite slow to kill things, but genuinely hard to kill unless you're careless.
I just started last night, it's a little hard for me to get used to after two years of playing WoW.

Burglar - Seems like a WoW rogue with less DPS but more options to debuff
Captain - Seems like a generalized WoW paladin. Can secondary heal, secondary tank, or secondary DPS, but really shines as a buffer. Seems like the only true hybrid in this game.
Champion - Seems like a WoW dual wield fury warrior.
Guardian - Seems like a WoW prot warrior.
Hunter - Seems like a D&D style hunter or a WoW hunter without a pet.
Lore-master - Most confusing class to me. Almost seems like a middle of the road DPS WoW warlock in the the way that he debuffs the enemy a lot. Also has some minor heals.
Minstrel - Seems like a WoW priest in leather armor + shield.

I play a 70 blood elf paladin on WoW, so I went captain. I can heal if needed, I can DPS if needed, I can take a few hits as needed. At least all this I have been told. My main roll is a buffer which was my fav. aspect of my paladin.
I quit WoW a few months ago after over 2 years of solid playing. I gave LOTRO a shot with the free trial, but I couldn’t get into it. It’s much prettier than WoW, but it’s essentially the same game. ‘Go here and kill this guy/get this item and I’ll give you gold/XP, and maybe a piece of gear’. It did seem to have less of the ‘kill X of these mobs’ type grinding, so it has that going for it I suppose. I hated that when I got a little ambitious and died, I wasn’t even on the same map anymore.

I think that not having any PvP is really going to hurt this game in the long run. Apart from raiding, what else will there be to do when you hit the level cap? For casual players the smaller dungeons will be fine, but what about people that play every night? Those that are hatin’ on the WoW-style raids, what exactly do you expect to be doing?
I think that not having any PvP is really going to hurt this game in the long run. Apart from raiding, what else will there be to do when you hit the level cap? For casual players the smaller dungeons will be fine, but what about people that play every night? Those that are hatin’ on the WoW-style raids, what exactly do you expect to be doing?

There is PvP. It's monster play (PvMP), and you have to be level 10 before it becomes available.
up to 24 people in a Raid at the moment i believe, there is only one raid available right now, it was just added with the content update.
up to 24 people in a Raid at the moment i believe, there is only one raid available right now, it was just added with the content update.

There's many raids available in the game at the moment. There is, however, only one 24-man raid instance (but 12 raid quests in it) at the moment.

The other raids in Angmar (Bogbereth, Master of Imlad Balchorth) are possible to complete with anywhere from 6 to 24 people.

Then, there's the PVP raids in the Ettenmoors. There's about 7 off the top of my head, and aside from one (which I completed with just 4 people the other day lol), they all required anywhere from 12 to 24 people to complete (although a full raid is recommended, seeing as how there might be creep resistance).

As for the Guardian nerfs, it really does suck... but learn to be versatile. I currently have a shield/sword combo for my tanking needs, but whenever I need to DPS, I just pull out my 2-handed poleaxe and start kicking ass. If one of these debuffs should hit me, I just bust out it out again. lol
To be honest, turbine have to be retarded to mess this up, the world of middle earth is huge, they could even add the northlands where all the pirates and those huge persian type elephants come from, theres so much.
Currently, the game is limited to the 9 areas of Eriador, which contains the Shire and Rivendell, among other places. Mordor is not included, Gondor is not included, and Rohan is not included, along with quite a few other areas, like the mines of Moria. They could, and hopefully will, fully flesh out all of middle earth with expansion packs. Having played in Eriador, I for one would gladly pay more to play in Rohan with the horselords of the Riddermark, and a raid on Mordor itself would be insanely fun.
Currently, the game is limited to the 9 areas of Eriador, which contains the Shire and Rivendell, among other places. Mordor is not included, Gondor is not included, and Rohan is not included, along with quite a few other areas, like the mines of Moria. They could, and hopefully will, fully flesh out all of middle earth with expansion packs. Having played in Eriador, I for one would gladly pay more to play in Rohan with the horselords of the Riddermark, and a raid on Mordor itself would be insanely fun.

Well, the base of the gmae is great by far. If they keep heading in the right direction I see the world growing dramatically along with armor sets, mount sets etc, once they do everything that LOTRO should have, they can even add more stuff, quite exciting.
Thought it looked really pretty. It is a bit choppy maxed out for me now, but quite cool looking ;)

Yeah, it really is a great looking game. Set it to Very Low and it might look like a certain other MMO. ;)

Pic from Helegrod, 24-man raid:

And here's a nice pic with the end boss mocking me from afar :(
here are a couple more images from my stash

six peeps on a mangler in one of the epic quests...

and are a couple showing off the fellowship conjuction combat moves.. special moves which can be performed by groups and depending on what color you pick from the colorwheel, you can perform one of the bad ass moves which can do lots of damage (red), or heal you lots (green), or charge you power up (edit: blue).. etc

this large ethereal thing appears over you if you complete the conjuction correctly... the march of the ents one looks like an ent (tree herder).. you have to see it in the flesh for full effect.. it's pretty awesome. :) good reading on conjunctions
does look like a refreshing improvement to WoW. I second that about the buddy keys :)