Anyone board? Need Logo…


Nov 20, 2003
I am making a website for my farm. I would like a logo for the site

We called the farm isle farms because we have isle jersey cows. We are going to offer shares of cows so that people can have raw milk without breaking the law.

Thanks in advance,
i'm on it ;)

do you want just a simple graphic to accent the business name? or do you want the name to be in the logo. i'll go as detailed as you can describe.
No text is necessary. Use your discretion.

As for size... I was thinking about placing it to the left of Isle Farms and the slogan. Not sure how to measure it thougth...

If you think it would look better, you could incorperate the Name, slogan and logo into one graphic.
freezer said:
If you think it would look better, you could incorperate the Name, slogan and logo into one graphic.
most definetly.....i'll see how close of the size i can get.
I was thinking there might be some type of img of a Jersey cow/utter/milk or something that would relate to what the primary opperation is.... That way when you see the logo and slogan... it does not make you think of something different...
here is something I put together, I was board ;-)

Anyway I made two versions: one with the slogan and one without, personaly I like the one without. I can tweek them if you want any changes.

With Logo
Without Large
Without Small

Anyway Let me know if you want to use them

you got me there, I don't know crap about cows except that they are tasty ;-) anyway I modified the color to be more in line with the pic you provided.

modified cow

An idea, maybe not what youre after though..


I like your black and white cow CFlux, its so cute!
I added it to the website... Is it possible to make the background transparent and the text a little larger?
this one should look better, it is closer to the size you want and I made it transparent.

RandysWay said:
Yves' logo looks much more professional than those cartoonish ones, imho.

I would be interested in seeing your ideas.... Yves' looks more like beef cattle to me