Anyone else bite on Prey for $4.95 from Steam?


Live! Laug[H]! Overclock!
Jun 25, 2003
I bought Prey when it first came out and was impressed with gameplay. Couldn't finish it because a drunk friend knocked one of the CDs off my desk, stepped on it and damaged it. :(

Tonight I logged into Steam and saw the advertisement for Prey for $4.95 and hopped on it right away. It is currently downloading at the moment and is 16% done after 3 minutes. Can't wait to play it!

Anyone else hop on this deal?
Yep. I played the demo back when it first came out. I really like the gameplay, but I heard the full game was pretty short so I never picked it up. Glad I waited now. :D
I bought it, never did play it but seems fun. I am about 2 hours in the game.
I heard multiplayer was fun though it only allowed for 8 players. Anyone have any input on this?
$5? Sweet! You really can't say no to a $5 game unless it is total suckage.

I was actually thinking of getting Prey back in the day, but at the time I was in the middle of my get all the achievement points in Call of Duty 2 binge.
I just grabbed it.

I played the demo too; it seemed OK but the reviews were iffy so I passed. Now, for $4.95... hell, I almost want two ;)
Yeah, funny thing is I already had it installed with a retail CD but bought it just so I would never have to worry about patching or CD again (I know you can register it on steam but the manual with the cd key is who knows where)
I've played it through before, although even with it at only $5, I'm hesitant because I don't think I would actually play the game much if I do buy it. It was pretty fun, but I didn't see a reason to replay it at the time and I don't really see one now either.
Yeah I got it today. I figure it's worth $5.

Yup, me too. Played the demo when it first came out and thought it was kind of fun but never bought it, was thinking of getting it used but this is perfect. :)

God, I'm really starting to love Steam. I hope more publishers offer up their games on Steam (I'm still waiting for a good deal on Bioshock).
I bought it when it first came out. I thought that it had alot of original ideas, such as the walking on walls entering rooms thorugh boxes, I also enjoyed the radio transmissions ,all in all I liked it, hopefully they will come out with the second one soon.
I wasn't 4.95 guy but I was 49.95 guy. SP was very good IMO.The MP wasn't great, but then again finding a server with more than 2 people was almost impossible. I really enjoyed the SP of this game and would buy the next installment if one was in the works. This game was pretty much buried for some reason when it launched. I can't remember why but I think a bunch of AAA titles were released at the same time?
I got the collectors edition when it first came it. It was fun for a while but it got old.
A roomate gave me his boxed copy a while ago, the SP was GREAT! The portals were good, the plot had quite a few twists I wasn't expecting and the vehicles were a nice change of pace from the rest of the game. Never played the MP, but 5 bucks for the SP alone is a steal.
Prey's SP was pretty good. I played it a couple years ago. The level design gets pretty loopy and enjoyable.
Hmm, five bucks for a video game or a trip to McDonalds, its a tough choice but the colon said to go for the game
This is a pretty decent game. I bought it when it came out and don't regret it.

Definately worth 5 bucks even if you aren't an fps fan. Hell, Art Bell makes the game worth 5 bucks.
i got it.... is there a way to get my doom 3 and stuff on steam or do i have to buy again
for $5 i'd definitely give it a shot. The demo was cool, to be sure. I <3 games going on sale for cheap but I don't have time to play!!
i got it.... is there a way to get my doom 3 and stuff on steam or do i have to buy again

You would have to buy it again. Steam generally does not allow you to use old retail keys for non Valve games. It is annoying, but I suppose it is fair, since they did not get a cut of the retail sales of non Valve games.
I got it a while back on Steam for $15. It was worth it then, and it's definitely worth $5 if you haven't bought it yet.

Hopefully this weekend sale means I'll see some people online. Since I bought it I've literally never seen a single person playing multiplayer Prey.
I got it yesterday for $5, then got distracted by Peggle.
Just saw this $5 thing, I'll definitely pick it up when I get home. It would be interesting to know how many they sell when they do these cheap weekend deals, I did the Two Worlds for $10 one too, just on a whim, when I would never have bothered at full price.
The game never really caught my attention. I played the demo awhile back also and wasnt impressed. Now the story on the otehr hand, sounded really kick ass.
I already have the X360 version but haven't played it yet. For $5 though I got the PC version just so I can look at how much better the graphics are on PC. I'll play the X360 version for the achievements though. :)
Im a buzz kill...nope didnt get it.

Played it on my friends X360 and really did not like it, not my kinda game.
Got this on clearance from Target years ago for about $4... and just put the game in a lot on Ebay because I never opened it and played it lol.

But for $5, to always have it on Steam, not worry about another box, CD, manual, clutter, blah blah... that's not so bad.

I'd probably play it just because it was always available without CD cracks and all that BS!

I wish Steam would do more deals like this.
Rented it for 360 2 years ago. It was decent, short and yet it still managed to fill dragged out... :S
Steam takes Paypal! Totally sold ;)

My fiancee is in love with this idea of starting to go Steam only, because she absolutely hates the clutter all the game boxes have, because I only ever use them once to install the game, and then use a No CD crack the rest of the time... then they just sit there forever.
I picked a used 360 copy of the collectors edition a few months ago at gamestop for $10. Worth every penny. It's also a great game for giving your gamer score a boost.

Here too. I enjoyed the demo, if only for the atmosphere. For $5 it's better than renting a movie. I hated Doom3 so this gives me a cheap sci-fi shooter fix on the same engine.
I uninstalled this game a couple of hours in. I kept dying and the black and white world where you had to shoot flying dinosaurs killed my suspension of disbelief.
Now, why o why do all the FPS games out there have to be set in "dark" scenarios? Cant we have an FPS that has 1000watt halogens all over the place?? heh.
For 5$, I bit. Plus Steam now takes paypal! So easy. I can see alot of game I will start buying from steam now.
I played the demo a few times before but never bought it.

I jumped on this and I really like it. The story is great and it has enough things in it to be different from any other shooter.