Anyone else dissapointed with how World in Conflict performs?


Nov 22, 2004
I know this is just a BETA, first of all. But, I doubt it could be much different in the final version. As many of you know, this is one of the first DX10 games. Now, I just built myself a whole new computer. A Core Duo E6700, 2 Gigs of DDR2-800, and a EVGA 8800GTX. I have it at 1280x1024 with everything maxed, and I get a average of about 25FPS in the benchmark. I hate to complain, but back when I bought my 6800GT when it first came out, I was able to play everything at max settings (Very-High preset) (except Doom 3 at Ultra setting). I just thought i'd have the same result more-or-less.

Also, i'm thinking of getting a second 8800GTX. I was wondering if anyone has a similar setup, and can tell me how it runs for you.

Maybe this whole thread was unneccessary b/c it is a beta, but I was just wondering how it's running for others.
Also, I just download the ForceWare Release 163Beta, which...

# Beta driver release.
# This driver supports single GPU and NVIDIA SLI™ technology on DirectX 9, DirectX 10, and OpenGL for GeForce 8 series GPUs.
# Improved compatibility for World in Conflict.
# Numerous game and application compatibility fixes. Please read the release notes for more information on product support, feature limitations, driver fixes and known compatibility issues.
# If you would like to be notified of upcoming drivers for Windows Vista, please subscribe to the newsletter.

Game runs worse now because of that driver.
I'm pretty sure this is one of those games that is basically directx 9 but they added in dx10 stuff which runs like ass.

I could be wrong though.
The game didn't impress me much. It seems that you would have to know the people you are playing with to actually accomplish something.

The game seemed to be a resource hog. I'm not sure if it was server lag or what but I would have problems panning
In one month, from the closed beta to open, many people have been reporting frame rate increases, some as high as 20. I'm pretty sure that performance will get even better from now to release, which is two months from now.
In one month, from the closed beta to open, many people have been reporting frame rate increases, some as high as 20. I'm pretty sure that performance will get even better from now to release, which is two months from now.

I really hope that's true, b/c after running the benchmark like 10 times, i'm not impressed. RTSs in general don't really interest me anyway, but I was curious how a DX10 game ran on my new system.
Runs fine at 1280x720 , although anything higher then that and it runs like ass
My experience with the game comes from the closed beta and the game was just playable and I gave up after a few sessions because the game was just playable. So I guess i'm not the one to be commenting on the game at this stage.
Unfortunately I dont have Vista so I cant comment on the DX10, but the game was running well on my E6600/2Gb 800mhz/8800GTS 640 during the tutorial (only as far as I got).
The game locked my PC up twice in a row when I clicked the 'Play Now' button. It would search forever, and even Ctrl-Alt-Del wouldn't unfreeze it. The previous night it was working fine, but I gave up trying after that.
The beta seemed to run very well for me. I like the game but I think I'll stick to the SP campaigns - I'm just not cut out for MP RTS games. ;)

3700+, 2gb RAM, 7800GT, 150gb Raptor, A2ZS, 1280x1024 most settings on high, some med, shadows low, no AA and 4x AF
does anyone realize that this game is still in Beta??? all of these complaints should be geared towards sierra so that they get feedback on the game and can make it better. i am really impressed with the graphics on my 8800gts but i could just be use to BF2. i really didnt like the "BOOOOOOOOOMMMM" error and kick out of the game last night but that is what you have to deal with in a Beta game.
It seems ok.

I ran it on a 7600GS at 1280 x 720 and it ran fine on a 2.4am2 + 2Gb
rig in my sig runs world in conflict @ max settings and @ 1800 x 1440 and the benchmark had an average of 85 fps.
Runs really well for me @ 1680x1050 max settings (DX10 mode)....

Their is a minor stutter here and there but I'm quite happy with it. Also, I'm running the 163.11 betas.
that gtx is a dx9 card than can do dx10. dont expect very good dx10 performance out of anything this generation.
The game runs fine but it's completely blurry/blocky.. even with AA on and 1680x1050 res (native). XP, specs in sig. I can't find any settings to fix this.
Almost all settings maxed, besides the water setting which is low. Everything else is high with DirectX 10 enabled on windows vista 32bit.

Running the new beta drivers from Nvida.

I get average 32 on the benchmark @ 1600 x 1200 4x AA and 4x AF, and my machine never slows down during intense fire fights. At first i had shitty performance, but I messed around with the nvidia control panel, and turned off transparency AA, and AA Gamma Correction, and I enalbed Texture Filtering - Trilinear Optimization and that somehow did the trick. I don't know why, and I'm so happy because before on ViSTA i was Averaging 22FPS on the benchmark like wtf lol....

I had did benchmark tests with Vista vs. XP and at first XP was the faster of the two. Now for some reason Vista wins... hahah i'm happy. See you guys online..

my name is *BareVibes* online if any of you care..
it runs great for me on dx9 with a dx9 card on XP. I can run high on 16x10 easy with no hickups. However, the game doesnt WoW me like the DX10 screens i have been seeing or the alpha demo at Geforce 3 lan.
The game locked my PC up twice in a row when I clicked the 'Play Now' button. It would search forever, and even Ctrl-Alt-Del wouldn't unfreeze it. The previous night it was working fine, but I gave up trying after that.

I figured out the problem (it was actually figured out for me). Last night when I started the search, my firewall popped-up for authorization. That never happened the night before, and alt-tab, ctrl-alt-del did jack. This time I made sure to always allow it, so I shouldn't have any more issues.

I'm loving this game right now. Artillery with a couple of AA units is a LOT of fun. I also set off my first nuke last night. Good times :D
You all might wanna mention if you're running Vista + DX10, because my smooth gaming edxperience in this game was with XP and DX9
Nope, not at all it runs like a dream on the rig in my sig. Vista Home Premium 32 bit. DirectX 10, 8800 GTS with all settings cranked. @ 1680 x 1050 :D
I know this is just a BETA, first of all. But, I doubt it could be much different in the final version. As many of you know, this is one of the first DX10 games. Now, I just built myself a whole new computer. A Core Duo E6700, 2 Gigs of DDR2-800, and a EVGA 8800GTX. I have it at 1280x1024 with everything maxed, and I get a average of about 25FPS in the benchmark. I hate to complain, but back when I bought my 6800GT when it first came out, I was able to play everything at max settings (Very-High preset) (except Doom 3 at Ultra setting). I just thought i'd have the same result more-or-less.

Also, i'm thinking of getting a second 8800GTX. I was wondering if anyone has a similar setup, and can tell me how it runs for you.

Maybe this whole thread was unneccessary b/c it is a beta, but I was just wondering how it's running for others.

Your setup is better than mine, and I get Average 34fps (Vista, directx 10, 4x AA, 4x AF, all settings on high besides water), maybe you should try changing some of the settings in the NV Control Panel and in the game to see what is killing your FPS.
XP and DX9 here, the game runs amazing. I really expected it to dominate my computer in some larger battles with all of the effects but I haven't even had so much as a slow down.
Is the beta open to the public..

I might as well give it a try and see how performs on my new pc
The benchmark runs like ass for everyone, it's not indicative of actual play at all.

I've spent probably 15-20 hours playing it so far and the only time I've ever had a frame rate problem under DX10 is if there are multiple carpet bombs (nukes are fine because of HDR whiteout) going off at the same time and even then its only momentary. I'm pretty sensitive to juddering as well.

However when I do the benchmarks I'll only get 20fps and it jerks like hell.

OC'd 4400+
Vista Ultimate x64
The benchmark runs like ass for everyone, it's not indicative of actual play at all.

I've spent probably 15-20 hours playing it so far and the only time I've ever had a frame rate problem under DX10 is if there are multiple carpet bombs (nukes are fine because of HDR whiteout) going off at the same time and even then its only momentary. I'm pretty sensitive to juddering as well.

However when I do the benchmarks I'll only get 20fps and it jerks like hell.

OC'd 4400+
Vista Ultimate x64

I had those problems at first, now I can run the game smoothly with almost everything maxed. Now i got 4x AA, 16x AF and all settings maxed including directx 10 besides (shadows from clouds and the water setting). I avg like 33 -34 on the benchmark. I think you guys need to tweak your graphic cards in the Nvidia Control Panel. Also, if you boot up vista you have to wait to it finishes building up the cached RAM or else u will suffer performance problems. You can watch it in the Task Manager.

WIC runs faster on Vista than it does on XP for me.. That sounds crazy but that beta patch really works wonders.
I played for an hour or so last night and hardly had any issues with rig in sig... however I cant say as well regarding my gameplay as I still havent gotten a hang of what to do and when.