Anyone else have to reactivate Windows XP today for no reason??

Oct 29, 2006
On two different machines in my house (with different copies of windows) BOTH prompted me today to re-activate Windows (NO hardware changes either)... I sat on hold with customer service for 15 mins. for the first one (haven't done the second one yet) - which was much longer than its ever been.

Anything up with Windows activations today???
None for me, and I am currently running 14 XP machines between home and work, not including my three laptops, which I haven't checked yet...
none here, a couple at home, and every one we run at work has xp on it. I'd have heard something probably.
i had my reactivation coming up a couple days ago for no appearant reason. It's the second time in just 3 months.

Both times it was for no reason (e.g. no hardware change, no reinstall no new driver, nothing...)
Hummmm, reeeallly:D

Well, now I'm curious.
Just checked all of mine again, and still no problem.
The only time I had to reactivate was when I swapped out my system drive for a bigger one.
Is this reason MS's doing? Or is it a bug in the activation code? I would really hope that it is a bug in the activation code.

The reason why is becouse MS has ALWAYS claimed that the activation code can send them information but not vise-versa, none of which can be used to identify you....It's a one way street according to MS... If MS can tell the the activation code to de-activate then this claim is clearly wrong, immoral, and illegal....

What do you know that we dont? If you have some information then right now would be the time to CYA.... When the lawsuits start rolling in you really dont want to be involved.
I'm going to have to assume that it merely took M$ a while to account for my second PC's XP's install being on two machines - but I don't know what triggered either one of my activations (especially my first machine that has an install of a brand spankin new retail copy) . I'm stumped, but i believe its merely coincidental. *groan*

Windows Activation has changed dramatically over the past two years though, it seems to be extremely sensitive.
There's a reason... it's just not public knowledge... yet... ;)

Might be a good scheme to fool people into upgrading from a perfectly good OS to a beta version.

Oh and anyone who suspects MS is doing something on your computer, ever heard of personal firewalls? No wonder the net is full of worms.
well, not for no reason. but about six months ago, i had to reactivate because i updated my video card drivers. i know i have brought this up about 4 times, but i love bitching about microsofts reactivation :D
well, not for no reason. but about six months ago, i had to reactivate because i updated my video card drivers. i know i have brought this up about 4 times, but i love bitching about microsofts reactivation :D

Yeah they walk a thin line ;)
Might be a good scheme to fool people into upgrading from a perfectly good OS to a beta version.

Oh and anyone who suspects MS is doing something on your computer, ever heard of personal firewalls? No wonder the net is full of worms.

Without access to the code there is no way to know what MS is doing, and a firewall aint gonna get you no where....

It's no wonder that so many worms exist, people actually think they are protected....