Anyone else just buy games and never get around to playing them?


Aug 17, 2005
Anyone else just buy games and never get around to playing them? it seems like when I find a really good deal on a game, Ill snap it up, but not have time to get around to it..

So far, Sitting on the shelf, waiting to be played I have

NFS: Carbon
Lost Planet
Bet on Soldier
Dawn of War Platinum

Gears of War was on there, but I started Playing it a couple of days ago..

I guess I will eventually get around to playing through them.. But man.. I just need to stop.. :)
I'm sure this happens to a bunch of people. I have a massive backlog of games that I need to play, I would continue to purchase and never touch them or barely play for a few hours. I don't have as much time as I used to but I have told myself not to purchase anything else until I play through my current collection, including PC and console games.

I have a feeling I will purchase GTA4 though, crap. Also, I want to get The Witcher
Yeah, I have years worth of games that I've bought but not played, usually it's not because I'm too busy, but I'll get hooked on something else and spend all my play time on that, even after getting new games.

I think CS and WoW have probably been responsible for most of my "meh, I'll get around to it" orphan games.
I'm glad you're all rich enough to do that. I buy what I mean to play, and I play it. I can't afford to grab everything that comes along and leave it on a shelf to gather dust.

I've never understood this tendency. Is it pack-rat syndrome or something? You have to get them because you can, not because you actually intend to play them?
Not with me. I choose my games wisely. I only buy games when I feel I'll have my money's worth and I have time to play them. Otherwise, I prefer to wait for its price to drop.

There was one game though, that utterly frustrated me and I only played it for an hour or two and never played it again. Dark Messiah of Might and Magic. The buggiest game I ever bought. It crashed even when trying to load the main menu. Even with patches, it crashed frequently. Eventually, I stopped trying. I did have the time to play it and it did seem like fun, but the crashes made me lost my interest in it and now it collects dust and I'm not thinking of playing it again. Along with HL2 Episode 1, it was the game I regret buying the most. At least Ep 1 didn't crash...
Guitar Hero III... I've only played it 3 times since I got it for Christmas. I just don't have a lot of time to game, and when I do, it's always on FPS.
I think a lot of people have a shelf in thier mind, but don't actually buy the games...
Currently The Witcher and Company of Heros have been sitting on my shelf since they came out...I try real hard to break out of the FPS genre but when push comes to shove Crysis, COD4, and now Vegas 2 keep pushing these other games to the back of the stack.
I'm glad you're all rich enough to do that. I buy what I mean to play, and I play it. I can't afford to grab everything that comes along and leave it on a shelf to gather dust.

I've never understood this tendency. Is it pack-rat syndrome or something? You have to get them because you can, not because you actually intend to play them?

Other than GoW, I found them on sale and snagged them up;

Oblivion - $20
Gun - $5
NFS: Carbon - $$9
GT2 - $9
Lost Planet - $12
Bet on Soldier - Free
Dawn of War Platinum - $14
I'm glad you're all rich enough to do that. I buy what I mean to play, and I play it. I can't afford to grab everything that comes along and leave it on a shelf to gather dust.

I've never understood this tendency. Is it pack-rat syndrome or something? You have to get them because you can, not because you actually intend to play them?

It is called marriage man. You get it, but then the wife never gives you any time to play it.
It is called marriage man. You get it, but then the wife never gives you any time to play it.

I think the point was: do not buy the game, if you know you won't be able/let to play it :)
I went and got a bunch of older games when CC had them for $10. Still sitting on the shelf collecting dust. City of Heroes is taking up most of my time.
Most of my games I traded for rather than bought. But here's the list of what's on the shelf.

Never played:
Prisoner of War
Etherlords II (never played the first one either; but don't have it)
Republic the Revolution
Tiger Woods PGA Tour (don't even know why I have that one)
Ghost Recon: Advanced Warfighter
The Sims
Soulbringer and Might and Magic VII (couple older games).
Unreal Anthology

Never Finished:
Neverwinter Nights 2
Baldur's Gate 2
Fallout 2
Fable the Lost Chapters (kept randomly crashing; couldn't play it)

A bunch of console games could be added to the list, but meh.
LOL i do this all the time. Crysis, Kane's Wrath, Crysis, Assassins Creed, Sins of a Solar Empire, Bioshock, Gears of War, FarCry, Quake 4, S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Now the list of games ive installed and played but never actually finished is equally as big.
Off the top of my head.

Star Trek Legacy
Tomb Raider Anniversary
Dungeon Siege 2

I usually play games that I buy because I don't buy many games, and money isn't growing on trees.
ok, now i feel bad, Battlefield 1942.....just started playing it after building my new rig last month
Been playing bust never finished.

The new Painkiler expansion (forgot name)

I just don't seem to be interested anymore.
I am guilty of doing this, especially since Steam came around. ;)


Out of all those the only ones I've played sofar is HL, HL2, and Portal. :p

Oh and HL2DM, I used to be huge into it... I miss it as a matter of fact. :(
I hate to get in a game and not finish it.. Of all of the PC games I have owned over the years (Several hundred), I have probably only given up on 2 or 3...

Ill often play back through Twice, Like Crysis, Bioshock, Prey, HL2, KOTOR..
I've beat every game that I've played since C&C95 and Doom. I buy a game and it usually takes 1-3 days to beat, excluding rpgs like Final Fantasy - they usually take a bit longer. I also play multiplayer if it has a good community and good support.
I'm glad you're all rich enough to do that. I buy what I mean to play, and I play it. I can't afford to grab everything that comes along and leave it on a shelf to gather dust.

I've never understood this tendency. Is it pack-rat syndrome or something? You have to get them because you can, not because you actually intend to play them?

No. It's the "I've been playing games for so long I think I should like these games but in reality I can't be bothered to play them" syndrome.

It's funny that way, I'll let myself get hyped by ridiculously inflated reviews for a game like COD4, get it on steam, go through the trouble of configuring the settings exactly like I want them, then after realizing in ten minutes of play that it's just another whack-a-mole I exit and will probably never have any motivation to play it again.
No. It's the "I've been playing games for so long I think I should like these games but in reality I can't be bothered to play them" syndrome.

It's funny that way, I'll let myself get hyped by ridiculously inflated reviews for a game like COD4, get it on steam, go through the trouble of configuring the settings exactly like I want them, then after realizing in ten minutes of play that it's just another whack-a-mole I exit and will probably never have any motivation to play it again.

Thats a good point.

I have a tendancy to get excited about a title, like oblivion, but once I have it, it tends to sit on the shelf...

The "Whack a Mole" (I like that) is exactly that for a lot of FPS games. I thought Crysis was sufficient enough to not warrant that title.. but there are a lot of games that are turning out that way..
Orange Box, I installed it but find myself playing shaiya and CS:S.
Crysis, UT3, GoW, Oblivion (lost my gamesave when I was big into it two years ago but got it again), Assassin's Creed, CoD4.

Yeah, I'll get around to playing them but I've been on a gaming drought recently.
I spend 50-70 hrs gaming a week and bought all these games but never touch them:

Assassin's Creed

Single player games just can't hold my interest I'm addicted to online play, TF2, cod4, soon AOC. I LOVE all the games above just something about pwning noobs online I can't ever get around to playing single player lol
I have a hard time passing up known good games when they hit the bargain bin, particularly knowing that at some point they may be hard or impossible to find. I only have a few games that I've never played, but many that I've only barely played. Even games that I know absolutely I will love, like Baldur's Gate 2 and Planescape:Torment, I got years ago and have never made time to get past the opening areas.

Of course, you get the game expecting to play it quite a bit, but sometimes you get two games and get addicted to one and who knows where the other ends up. The cost of collecting games ends up very small compared to the cost of subscribing to an MMO or upgrading your hardware every few years.
I sometimes do this, but the games always get played, sometimes by my room mate. I started Super Mario Galaxy, but he finished it before me and I haven't bothered finishing it. Same thing happened to Metroid Prime: Corruption or whatever for the Wii. I bought and he beat Shadow of the Colossus, I never played it. Everything else I at least tried to play, even if it didn't last long.

I'm currently playing Hellgate London, because it dropped to $30, and it doesn't look like I'll be stopping any time soon. Guess I'll probably never get around to buying The Witcher or Sins of a Solar Empire. I do plan to get Super Smash Brothers and Mario Cart though.
Shit-ton from the Circuit City clearance a while back:

Gothic 3
Brothers in Arms: EIB
Ghost Recon Ad.W. 2
GTA San Andreas (played at release; re-purchase)
Doom 3 exp. (played at release; re-purchase)
On my XP box I have over 80 games installed and haven't played any of them for weeks. Just bought Bioshock and Crysis in the last two weeks and had a quick boo at both and haven't touched them since.
I have loads of games I have never finished and only played briefly. Not that I don't like them, I just keep buying new games and moving on. For no real good reason too. I think I am just addicted to buying games.
I only have a few games that I've never played, but many that I've only barely played. Even games that I know absolutely I will love, like Baldur's Gate 2 and Planescape:Torment, I got years ago and have never made time to get past the opening areas.

Same here. I have Baldur's Gate1, Baldur's Gate 2 + addons, Planescape Torment, and NeverWinter's Night Diamond. I have never played any of them very far even though I like all of them. I will one day though. I am trying to play Fallout all the way through right now as I never did get very far into it and that is a game I bought over ten years ago.
nope, never buy a game I dont intend to play. Thats a waste of money. Wonder how many of you are living with mommy and daddy getting an allowence?
nope, never buy a game I dont intend to play. Thats a waste of money. Wonder how many of you are living with mommy and daddy getting an allowence?

How much do they give you?;)

I think you missed the point of the thread. I am sure we all bought the games with the intent to play them.:rolleyes:
nope, never buy a game I dont intend to play. Thats a waste of money. Wonder how many of you are living with mommy and daddy getting an allowence?

Yeah, b/c all the rigs posted in here are due to mom and dad :rolleyes:

All the games i listed I bought for like $3-5 a piece. Me = not feeling guilty.