Anyone else miss the old Rainbow Six?


Oct 28, 2006
I just finished Vegas 2 and it was ok, but nothing special. I remember playing the original Rainbow Six when it first came out, and then playing through the expansion and the sequel, Rogue Spear and its expansions.

It all went downhill with the third game and every one after that. I liked the first Vegas better than the second one though. It seems that the single player campaigns suffer due to multiplayer, I have noticed this with most of the newer games that come out, especially multi-platform titles. I wish that when they make the next Rainbow Six game, that it goes back to its strategic roots, for the single player, and it can take the Vegas route for its multiplayer, I think that would make everyone happy.

I like what Valve did with the Orange Box, they gave you a solid single player experience, and a better multiplayer experience that most other games out there, but they were drastically different.
raven shield was my favorite r6 game, because it was still like r6, but being able to see the guns was something I had wanted. At the time I was just awestruck with how many weapons you could pick from.

Also the stock maps were great, but the mapping community was awesome, and there were just countless user-made maps that were spectacular(including mine: poseyhouse) :D
Is Raven Shield the 3rd one? I plan to play that on Gametap. Hoping it recaptures some of the old memories.
I'm a little stuck in the middle as to missing the old r6 games. On one hand I really miss the tension and tactical part of the old rainbows but on the other hand I really like the cover system from Vegas. I guess the perfect r6 game for me would be Raven Shield with Vegas cover system.
Cover may be fun, but it's a crutch. The great part of R6 was that you had to coordinate entry well enough to shock the bad guys and charge in within a few seconds. It was best when one team distracted and the other hit the terrorists from a flank. A small nod to realism as well.
Is Raven Shield the 3rd one? I plan to play that on Gametap. Hoping it recaptures some of the old memories.

Yeah it's the 3rd one. Also if you get it, you can get the Iron Wrath expansion they released for free, and it has some good maps and more weapons.
Yep, the original rainbox six, eagle watch, and rogue spear, were all great games (although I haven't played any after that).

Playing multiplayer over LAN was a great time because you could coordinate attacks, without having to deal with the poor AI. "I'll throw the flashbang. The second it goes off you rush in from the back. Once he turns towards you I'll rush from the front and take out anyone that looks twice at the hostage."

The missions were always a challenge on the most difficult setting, and occasionally things don't go quite as planned. You might be organizing your strategy then someone starts walking down the hall towards your team. Suddenly you're scrambling to hide somewhere without making too much noise.

The planning in singleplayer was definitely fun. You could tell a sniper to shoot the terrorist holding the hostage, and the second later one team rushes in the right side while you're team blows up the door and rushes in the left side.

I would like to see them done with improved AI though. Something more unpredictable. Have the terrorists actually use the hostages as cover while trying to escape. In the old r6 games, they would occasionally just shoot the hostage for no reason, or at the slightest noise. Terrorists would always follow the exact same path, stop at the same places, etc.
I would like to see them done with improved AI though. Something more unpredictable. Have the terrorists actually use the hostages as cover while trying to escape. In the old r6 games, they would occasionally just shoot the hostage for no reason, or at the slightest noise. Terrorists would always follow the exact same path, stop at the same places, etc.

The game is how old now? Hahah, give it a break, it was pretty amazing for its time.
Yea, I guess it's a couple years old now :) I remember connecting to friends through hyperterminal for some multiplayer action. "The phones going to ring, don't pick it up!"
Lockdown/Vegas/Vegas 2 are crapping in the punch bowl that was Rainbow Six.

I would do just about anything to have the old experiences again.

I think my favorite was Rogue Spear / Urban Ops / Black Thorn. I really loved the 747 mission.

Raven Shield was the final hurrah. At the time a bunch of people complained because the damage model was a little flawed, and the Unreal Warfare engine had a bit of a problem with long range sniping (sometimes instead of bullet drop the bullets would rise). Looking back though, we would be lucky to have a game as just a shadow of that.
R6 on MSN Gaming Zone was my first multiplayer online game.

The only reason I bought it was because I saw that there were thousands of people playing it.

Good times, good times.
I played it all the time with some of my brothers online with 56k lol. R6, Urban Ops, Raven Shield, Black Thorn. After those the serries went down hill for me. I loved online co op and the multi player was fun.

I loved getting so into it and sneaking around then hearing the massive boom from the barret and almost wetting myself lol. Great times.
I know most people hate the latest Rainbox Six games but I'm enjoying the hell out of Rainbox Six Vegas 2. After all the negative press I'm surprised how much I'm enjoying the game. The weapons are great, sound terrific and the game is a very good challenge.
I know most people hate the latest Rainbox Six games but I'm enjoying the hell out of Rainbox Six Vegas 2. After all the negative press I'm surprised how much I'm enjoying the game. The weapons are great, sound terrific and the game is a very good challenge.

Problem is it plays nothing like the originals. It's an arcade shooter, there is not tactical element to it anymore.
Problem is it plays nothing like the originals. It's an arcade shooter, there is not tactical element to it anymore.

I understand, it is pretty much run and gun now. Simply moving your team forwards with little tactical thought. But I have never played any on the Rainbox Six games before Vegas 1 & 2
Well at least in R6V2 your teammates don't act like they had a fucking lobotomy. In all Rainbow 6 greatness, the AI was god damn awful at doing ANYTHING, it still pisses me off even when I think about it.
Well at least in R6V2 your teammates don't act like they had a fucking lobotomy. In all Rainbow 6 greatness, the AI was god damn awful at doing ANYTHING, it still pisses me off even when I think about it.

They get lost occasionally but in general they are useful. Later on in the game (Monorail level and Penthouse) my teammates get killed instantly and so mission failed immediately. You need to leave them behind on some sections and do it yourself to be safe. The G3KA4 and the UMP45 are the 2 best weapons in the game.
I'm not a Vegas hater like some others but I really do still look back on Raven Shield as the all time high of the series and miss it fondly.
They get lost occasionally but in general they are useful. Later on in the game (Monorail level and Penthouse) my teammates get killed instantly and so mission failed immediately. You need to leave them behind on some sections and do it yourself to be safe. The G3KA4 and the UMP45 are the 2 best weapons in the game.

Dude, I was expressing my opinion about older Rainbow 6 AI. Teammates in Vegas/Vegas2 were OK. They weren't rocket scientists, but they did their job (even on the so called "realistic" diff level). In "classic" R6 games (the first one, rogue spear, raven shield) their AI is absolutely abysmal.
I don't miss them because I have them installed on my WinME machine right now. I have RB6 Vegas2 installed on Vista64 but haven't gotten around to playing it yet.

You ain't missing anything.:eek:
Hell yes I miss this game. I miss all the trash talking you'd do in the MSN gaming chatroom before launch, then when the game starts you bust out some mad plownage with the eagle.
Yes I miss Rogue Spear , the zone, and Netzero

Bunkers and Killhouse was remade outside of the Rainbow Six franchise numerous times across different games.

One of the few games, where I teabag and macro jihad when I get a kill
Well at least in R6V2 your teammates don't act like they had a fucking lobotomy. In all Rainbow 6 greatness, the AI was god damn awful at doing ANYTHING, it still pisses me off even when I think about it.

Really? I was able to complete entire levels in observer mode. I loved the fact that they added interteam go codes for Raven Shield.
yea. it was the first game that started off my PC gaming. Me and 3 of my best friends started up a clan and was using mplayer and to play online. VERY fun and better yet my 250mhz computer at the time actually ran it. The eagle watch expansion was much needed because of city streets large.Great multiplayer map. damn do i miss it.
yea. it was the first game that started off my PC gaming. Me and 3 of my best friends started up a clan and was using mplayer and to play online. VERY fun and better yet my 250mhz computer at the time actually ran it. The eagle watch expansion was much needed because of city streets large.Great multiplayer map. damn do i miss it.

I liked the Space Shuttle map.
RainbowSix series basically sums up what's happening to gaming as a whole. Lower the learning curve, make things pretty, and don't forget the sequels! I was a big RainbowSix fan all the way up to RainbowSix: 3 and Black Arrow.. Sure they elminated the tactical planning, but at least they introduced voice commands to break new ground.

Wish Ubisoft would make a good old styled RainbowSix for us. Rogue Spear is the only one I can really remember at the moment.
R6 on MSN Gaming Zone was my first multiplayer online game.

The only reason I bought it was because I saw that there were thousands of people playing it.

Good times, good times.

QFT! Rogue Spear was my absolute favorite game. My buddies didn't like playing it because of all the AI stupidity, and the menu glitches, but I spent countless hours on The Zone playing.

I liked Vegas and 2, but now that Ubisoft owns the rights to Tom Clancy, I can only see the games going to shit now.
I miss the old ghost recon.

It was like a strategy game, but in real-time. Like Jagged Alliance 2 or something, but without the turns.

and because of that, it was really awesome. A sense of urgency and every move was important. You pretty much HAD to have cover unless you really had a handle on your team with all possible enemy hiding spots covered. Even then, you should have cover. really.

I miss the old days, I am always heart felt when we talk about RB:6 & Eagle Watch.

Mplayer, MXL, OGL, and all the other ladders I forgot. First time I ever played a game competitively was when I tried out for an rb:6 clan. And ultimately fought for the top spot in 2v2s with my friend from school. (We had an advantage back then, before the ventrilo and teamspeak revolution we used to talk on the phone while we practice and played)

No one bring up pre-cu SWG or I will get really depressed. Ahh the golden age of video games is over.