Anyone else put Windows 8 on a TM2?


Dec 11, 2007
Currently typing this post on a first gen model after installing W8 Pro.

The install process went pretty well, though the switchable graphics were a bitch to get working (note to anyone using a TM2 with switchable graphics: enable the .NET framework 3.5 package under Programs and Features beforehand and make sure the extracted ATI setup executable from HP is set to run under Windows 7 compatibility). The rotate button doesn't function as well as it did under Windows 7 as it takes about a minute or three to change the screen orientation when pressed.

I'm also not a fan of the new input panel for handwriting. It feels too big, yet it only allows two lines of text input at a time (the input panel expanded automatically when needed under Windows 7 and earlier).

Despite those drawbacks, Windows 8 does feel like the more appropriate OS for my tablet pc. I just wish HP included an accelerometer for screen rotation and offered more touch points on the screen.
Yeah, I put Windows 8 on a TM2 that I sold to my sister-in-law and it seems to be working fine for her, she's a big Office user and that's perfectly for her, Office 2010. I never tried to setup the switchable graphics, that just seems to be a difficult and broken process at this time, there's lots of complaints about them floating around right now.

I think the input panel is overall better, handwriting recognition seems faster and more accurate and while I did like how the old input panel would expand it also starts to cover too much of the screen, so that's kind of a wash. Also it seems easier to hit the word corrections, I think you're right, it is a bit bigger and the correction words are bigger as part of the size increase, my .02 cents.
Oh, I have absolutely no qualms against the handwriting recognition in Windows 8. I was amazed at how fast and how accurately it translated my chicken scratch into readable text without any prior training. I was able to get the switchable graphics to work as well as it did under Windows 7; it's just the initial setup, which is a massive PITA.