Anyone else running latest AMD drivers unable to run XRay engine?


May 3, 2011
I had this problem 2 years ago, rolled back to the old drivers, and it was OK again.

I decided to play through STALKER again last night and of course my drivers are fully up to date, and wouldnt ya know, XRay engine crashed every time I start the game. I know this is an old issue, clearly it hasnt been fixed and never will be. Is the only solution to go back to 2 year old drivers?
I had it working on 13.5 drivers. Not newest, but not 2 years old either. Sorry I can't elaborate more, the gaming computer is out of state for the time being.
I've had plenty of Stalker crashes - but have not had any problems with the latest driver set with my 6950s in Xfire.

Can easily get in and play for a bit before it crashes. :D
I have two reference sapphire 6970's running in crossfire and I'm also using 13.5 drivers, and S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Call of Pripyat is running just fine with those, modded and vanilla. Just checked...
My sig should have all my updated system info. It's probably relatively similar to yours. I'm thinkin it might not be a driver specific issue at this point, because we have the same 13.5 driver release. Is anything else happening that might be indicative of a driver issue?
No, no other problems. I play tons of different games on this PC, along with all the normal web, email and media usage. No issues whatsoever.

I cant play Clear Sky or SoC. Both crash immediately. I havent tried SoC, suppose I should.