Anyone Else Running SAS??


Limp Gawd
Jun 14, 2005
Just built my new PC this morning. Using an ASUS Crosshair mb. Installed a new LSI 8408E PCI-e SAS raid card into one of the available PCI-e x 16 slots and I can not seem to get this thing to post. I'm also running Vista, but i would think that this should be OS indepentant. Any ideas?
Is there onboard video or are you using an offboard card? If it's onboard, make sure "Display init first" is set to onboard in BIOS; if it's offboard try swapping cards. If you have the option of changing from onboard to offboard, try that too.

I'm not using PCI express, but those are the things that spring to mind.

No onboard video. The board has two PCI-e x16 slots. I'm using the top one for video and the bottom for the raid controller (which is a x8 card)
whole system post just fine and boots into windows vista. system just doesn't even seem to see the LSI card. I know the can works because I tried it on another board.
Just to be sure..... Does it not POST or does not it boot into Windows? If not into Windows you will need to set your boot order in BIOS to boot from the drive Windows is installed on. If it does not even POST with the card installed I'd have to try swapping cards about or making some adjustments in BIOS to maybe free up resources.
Yes ... I'm using SAS ... :)

According to the ASUS site the "Crosshair" has ... 2 x PCI Express x16 slot with NVIDIA® SLI™ technology support, at full x16, x16 speed and 1 x PCI Express x4 ... perhaps check the SLI config on the second x16 slot?
not sure about the exact pin/slot keying but does the LSI card fit in the PCIe x4 slot? That may be sufficient in terms of bandwidth (~1 GB/s direction?).
I switched the GPU and the LSI card and now it boots fine. Had setup a raid 5 with (3) Fujitsu 36GB SAS drives and already had a drive failure. Also, they were only showing up as 16 GB drives for some reason???? (MAV2036RC) Anyway. I also have a ST3750640AS which I may end up just using as my boot drive instead. Would this be a noticable drop in speed? I think the 750s benchmark fairly high.