Anyone else start FFXI recently?


Mar 21, 2006
I've been playing for a little over a week now, gotta say I am enjoying it. My first character was a Tartaru blm that I got to lvl 13 before restarting as a Hume rdm, which is now lvl 12. I was just wondering if anyone else here is close in level so we can party sometime. I am in Windurst and my characters name is Vivix, look me up. :)
Have you been playing a lot? 25 levels in a week is pretty impressive, I think, from what I remember from my old roommate playing. Don't let it suck you in like it did him.
Just started this week! I havent got to much into it yet but I love it so far. More details to follow
phoderpants said:
Have you been playing a lot? 25 levels in a week is pretty impressive, I think, from what I remember from my old roommate playing. Don't let it suck you in like it did him.

Well, I've put over 40 hours into it. It's okay though It's summer so I am out of school and I don't let it interfere with work and my girlfriend plays with me so I don't see any harm :p

Forgot to mention I am on the Bahamut server
Your girlfriend "plays with you" while you're playing Final Fantasy? Cool. Mine scowls at me.
There is a welcome message when you first get on, it is in dark blue and should be the first thing in the chat window. Mine just says Welcome to Bahamut.

Also, I used a worldpass so me and my girlfriend would be on the same server. I could get one for anyone that wants it, but it means restarting.
I played on Bahamut about a year ago. I was a 64 rng/nin when I finally quit. The new expansion looks pretty interesting but I don't think I could ever back into it again.
yeah i used to play way back like last summer then i said screw it...i can't waste all my time on that crap.......not anymore at least
I played it from about November 2004 - April 2005 when I got WoW. FFXI is fun, but the constant grouping gets old, and you basically just go from one zone to the next in small parties pulling trash mobs to level. Add in the fact that the economy is way out of control and the game just goes to hell fast. If you have a reliable bunch of people that you group with consistently, it would be be better, but if you have to rely on pick-up groups, watch out :p
start getting to know the ppl you party with, party with them more consistently and find out more info as to what LS they are in etc...joining a good LS is a key aspect to making the game more enjoyable for yourself in the long run... try to enjoy the lvling... find ppl u like and form a static or something... =)

i played with my gf as well, its much nicer that way, and its just awesome that you are just starting out, so u have 2 whole expansions ahead of you to fully explore... take advantage of the ENMs and BCNMs when you hit 30... itll bring in enough cash for you to enjoy urself without having to spend too much time reaping in gil... =)
I've been playing the game since it came out in 2003, it's fun but can get repetitive at times when leveling your first job to 75.

Just remember at 75 the game actually starts.
Out of curiosity, how much can you do in this game by yourself? Can you accomplish a lot of stuff by yourself, or will you need to team up with other people for a majority of the stuff?
junehhan said:
Out of curiosity, how much can you do in this game by yourself? Can you accomplish a lot of stuff by yourself, or will you need to team up with other people for a majority of the stuff?
You can't really do anything by yourself. Everything requires a party.
when it comes to experience points, only a select few jobs are capable of xping on their own... however, there are quite a few things you can do with a few people, 2 or 3 i would say, most of my time spent in game was in a party of 3 and we did everything... so u dont need a lot of people, but a few good friends will go a long way, many of the NMs that drop rarex items and whatnot can be duo'd or trio'd =)
Well I'm lvl 14 now and I've been mostly soloing the whole time. I know its still early but I haven't encountered anything I couldn't handle on my own yet. I even just killed my first wild Dahmel solo (the big giraffe looking things lol)
I got this game for pc back when it came out... I've been playing guild wars... I loved FFXI, but I don't love paying monthly when I don't have much time to play my game. :-( Months went by with only playing for a couple hours a month isn't worth it. I wish they had like rollover minutes.
Xrave said:
I've been playing the game since it came out in 2003, it's fun but can get repetitive at times when leveling your first job to 75.

Just remember at 75 the game actually starts.

I never got passed 41... when did they raise the cap to 75? I too got it when it was released.
too bad they don't send us free upgrade dvd copies...
CodeX said:
Well I'm lvl 14 now and I've been mostly soloing the whole time. I know its still early but I haven't encountered anything I couldn't handle on my own yet. I even just killed my first wild Dahmel solo (the big giraffe looking things lol)
Believe me, you would probably be getting better XP by heading to valkurm dunes and leveling there. It can be tough to find a decent party since you are new and all but it is a good learning experience.
obs said:
Believe me, you would probably be getting better XP by heading to valkurm dunes and leveling there. It can be tough to find a decent party since you are new and all but it is a good learning experience.

I actually just did this last night with a group of 6 people, all of us where level 15's, the exp was ok, but not significantly more than I get on my own, and I died twice in the process. We were getting snippers exclusively.
wow ffxi, i've been playing since i imported it and then in the US beta and now since it was released in the US officially.

Ampidire was my first character, Tarutaru Windurstian, rank 8, got him to 75SMN 69BLM 40WHM 28NIN 25BST 15WAR etc.. blah blah, had mules by the name of Chi and Hairypotsmoker.

Now I got into a huge "I play too much to get my school work done efficiently and I can't manage my own play time, so I have to get rid of him" mode, and I sold him with his 76mil in bought gear and lots of other priceless items, SMN AF2 etc..

But now that school is out I've started again for the summer and plan to go Corsair on the same type of taru on the same server with the same linkshell^^ My HNM shell Enfini of the Midgardsormr server, great guys, love 'em to death, make the game as fun as it can possibly be. So now I'm Ampinista which is a combo name between my old name and my best friends old name Sindinista, who quit at the same time I did, we had a pact that if one quit, so did the other, but he plays other games and I kind of don't, so when I came back he didn't feel the same way.

So as a tribute to our former selves I made my name what it is, I'm 18WHM 6BLM, Windurstian Taru Male 2A (Short), same as before, and I've got tons of gil from friends who are happy to see me back hehe, one of my friends Moggy gave me 500k, 75 BST, what a guy!

Well, it's great to see this game still has new people joining everyday, I love this game, always have, and I want to introduce you guys to a few tools that lots of guys use to make it even more fun!

1) You know how FFXI doesn't allow you to use other functions of your operating system unless you close it? Well, how about you use the FFXI Windower application written by Azaril, it can be found at It is updated frequently and includes support for plug ins, including the main one that makes it so popular, TParty, which shows TP MP and HP of all your party members in the normal party box, you'll never play without it again. Some argue some of the functions available in the Windower are cheating, but none of the information the windower gives the user is something the game doesn't already have on the client side, so technically it's not cheating. The windower is cool because you can either a) run ffxi in a window, b) run it full screen but have the ability to use alt+tab and move out of it, or c) not include the windowing functionality but have plug-ins, or lastly d) not use plug-ins but use the windowing functionality, so use it as you choose! It has the ability to add in special lighting as well using the F10 key, and has a console to which you can assign a key on your keyboard to in the Windower.ini file.
Azaril is on version 3.22 now with 3.3 on the way, and lots of good plug-ins, check it out, it'll make FFXI about 10x better than it is now!

2) TheRegMage program, it changes the texture resolution of FFXI higher than what you can set it as in-game, I run with 2048x2048 textures, and level 3 mip-mapping, everything uncompressed and at 1280x1024 res. The link for the program can be found at:
Once downloaded, run it and enter the texture resolution you would like to use, it makes everything a lot better!

That's the cream of the crop, you might like to check out the "Other Programs" section of the forums and see what else is available, they have some amazing macro editing programs, and with the windowers infinite macro ability, you can do some amazing stuff.

If you have any questions about FFXI in general, end-game, gear reccomendations, I'm a good guy to ask around here!

If anyone else is on Midgardsormr, lemme know!

just started about 3 weeks ago, i was 60, almost 75 now. dont get to play as much as i'd like, im writin this from work :(

game is mostly party based, bst/puppermaster (new class) can level solo easily, after 37, so can ninja
todlerix said:
just started about 3 weeks ago, i was 60, almost 75 now.

BS! How many hours?

It's taken me over a week to get to 15

Thanks for those links Optional, I was looking for something that allowed me to tab out of the game, will come in handy when I need to look something up on :p
todlerix said:
just started about 3 weeks ago, i was 60, almost 75 now. dont get to play as much as i'd like, im writin this from work :(

game is mostly party based, bst/puppermaster (new class) can level solo easily, after 37, so can ninja

from 60->75 in three weeks? I don't see how that's possible. It took me a year and half to get to 64 (taking my time of course) and 60-75 is almost that same amount of xp over again.

Seriously, 3 weeks nonstop maybe without any breaks and being 100% focused on leveling and not looking for parties, etc....
hmm, well its true
im still at work btw, and i work 40hrs a week give or take a few hours

i was in a party last night making 12k per hour without exp ring. it takes about 40k per level to level at 70~75 i'm about to unlock decimation as well, it took me about 4days after i hit 70 to kill maat, so that has set me back some. I have a good pool of money (or did rofl) so that definitely let me level fast, i got like 2mil left now and my money source has gone boom, i was buying and selling hakutaku eyes, maybe u guys can try that. i had someone selling them to me for 1-1.1m then i sold for 1.7m sold about 7-8 before the source stopped selling them to me.

so i gotta find a new way to make money ^_^

After i hit 20k imperial standing i can start selling the currency for about 200-300k per 20k exp or 2000 imperial standing

10 exp = 1 imp standing
20000 exp = 2000 imp standing
1000 imp standing = 1 gold imperial currency
2 gold imperial currency = 200k-300k

so 20k exp = 200-300k , and you level at the same time (use increase meal duration and you can

the reason i need 20k imperial standing, aka 200,000 experince points is i can trade 20k imperial standing for walahara turban

main thing to remember is, it doesnt matter how good you are if your party sux ^_^

build your party proper, and you got some bank exp!
noobtech said:
Seriously, 3 weeks nonstop maybe without any breaks and being 100% focused on leveling and not looking for parties, etc....
Bards can level with insane speed. They never have to look for parties, and can EXP at their leisure. I met someone who, like me, was levelling monk. They got to L60 in a year. They switched to Bard, and ran Bard from 1-75 in under two months. Red mages have it pretty easy as well. Of people with multiple L75 jobs, it's rare that one of those jobs isn't Bard, Red Mage, Black Mage or Ninja. My three L75 jobs are Monk, Warrior and Dark Knight, and people think I'm nuts.

The new jobs.. I think there was some kind of race for the japanese.. The expansion went online on April 20th, and before June 1st there were some L75's in the new jobs. Five weeks to go from 1-75.
Well, I haven't had NEAR the luck of the rest of you.

I started with the Xbox 360 demo. Then I got it for the PC so I could play at night while working on the road. Finally, I got the new versions for PC and Xbox 360. BUT...

I went to play with a friend and her brother. She has been hard core since the original US release. Level 75, has a major group she plays with, etc. Her brother was a newbie like me, but has more time to play, and he started slower but quickly overtook me.

Somehow I was in the wrong town to meet their characters, so I got directions to go through like 8 "worlds" or continents (whatever), and off I went. I made it like 3/4's of the way there, then suddenly I didn't have maps for the new area I was in, and now I have NO IDEA where anything is.

I last played before the Xbox 360 retail came out, and though I've upgraded my 360 and PC versions, I haven't really played with a character since. :(

I've been thinking about cancelling, since I'm not making the time to play, and I don't have a group. I'm on the Ass-kiss or whatever server that is.
Yeah, I had to restart several times before I figured out how to get on the same server and in the same town as my girlfriend. Walking to another city as a low level character is not easy, you would be best to pay someone to escort you where you need to go...