Anyone else tried Centrino Hardware Control and fah?


[H]F Junkie
Mar 22, 2001
I finally got around to installing CHC on my laptop, and undervolted my Pentium M 1.86GHz proc from 1.308v to 1.276v(and still working on going lower). This is beautiful, my temps have dropped 15-20C just by this little bit of voltage change, and I can run the laptop fan at a slower speed, rather than full speed which is loud and annoying. It's also not hot as hell on my lap anymore either while folding full time.

I wanted to see if anyone else was using it on their laptop. If not, I highly recommend it to drop your voltage and make things more peaceful while folding at 100% on your laptop.

On a Pentium M 705, I can fold in peace at the full 1.5ghz at 1.324 volts rather than the stock 1.484v. The system is stable at 1.308 according to 16 hrs of Prime, but I decided that 1.324v is just as good. I haven't heard a fan in many weeks.

On my Thinkpad, this ended up dropping roughly 10*C on Gromacs and >20*C on Ambers. CHC is a great, great program.