Anyone else...


Fully [H]
Jun 10, 2005
Bummed out by the names Apple has been using for their products lately? I mean, I think we can all agree that the "MacBook Pro" is enough to make even the burliest of nomenclature enthusiasts shudder in horror... but what really gets me down is "Leopard." Did the naming guy go on vacation or something? As the OS matures, names should get bigger, badder and more powerful! Jaguar, Panther, Tiger, what an awesome progression! I think apple really needs to step up the the plate and choose something totally boss, like "Sabretooth" or "pengurangacat" (google image that). It's the 5th revision to the best OS ever! It deserves a better name to commemorate it...
pengurangacat?? :confused: I think "Cheetah" would work better (but maybe they are saving that for 10.6)
What's in a name?

Personally, i like "Macbook" far better than iBook.

iAnything / eAnything is just so.... Y2k.

Also, who cares about the cat names? As long as the OS gets better, I couldn't care less.
They could call it "Domestic Short Hair" for all I care.
"Leapord" is just to throw us off when 10.6 or 10.7 comes along, with its "Lion" code name. It will also be the last version of Mac OS X, and the end of the cat names.

You read it here first, people! ;)
I don't think Leopard is that bad of a name.

I just hope they don't rename the PowerMacs to MacPros.
It should be Puma since they're putting all those pretty effects in.
Off topic, Arcygenical, what is this 25º temp lowering mod? Unless you're talking about the hard drive one...
