Anyone ever play Doom64???


Limp Gawd
Sep 24, 2005
Way back when, I used to have a N64 console. My absolute favorite game of all was Doom64.

I don't know why, but I think this might have actually been the best "Doom" game ever. True, the games' graphics pale in comparison to the PC-based Doom 3, but still, for some reason, I think I actually liked Doom64 better.

For instance, Doom64 featured A LOT of "outdoor" type levels and wide-open spaces, which was really cool...whereas Doom 3 is almost exclusively comprised of cramped, indoor corridors.

Another thing about Doom64 I remember is the music. It was comprised mostly of very eerie sounds (one level using a crying baby), and just generally gave the game a more eerie feeling. Doom 3 on the other hand, features almost no music at all.

Oh, and why no double shotgun in Doom 3??? That was my favorite weapon!!!

Yep, part of me wishes I never sold my N64, simply because of that game.

Anyone else have any comments about this game?
I think Doom64 had levels from Doom 1 and 2.

I played Doom on PS1 and it was excellent.
Yep, I loved it too. That lazer gun at the end was really cool :)
I LOVED Doom64. I remember when I was little I used cheats to get to the last level the second time through, and I came to find out the cheats didn't work at the end and I got slaughtered. Good times....
Doom 64 was really highly rated when it came out. It was a completly new game, not a port of any kind. I loved it.
Never plaed Doom on the 64, but I played plenty of Quake II. That provided some entertainment for a little bit... but it always led back to 007!
EvilGenesys said:
Never plaed Doom on the 64, but I played plenty of Quake II. That provided some entertainment for a little bit... but it always led back to 007!

Is there anyone who didn't own goldeneye?

I played that until ocarana of time came out :), then PSX came out and all I ever played was ridge racer, FF7-9, parasite eve, and Mechwarrior 2. :)

gave up on consoles after that.
AdamNesvick said:
Is there anyone who didn't own goldeneye?

I owned goldeneye, but i never bought it. I checked it out from a rental place and it went out of business and closed its doors while I had it. Got a few free games like that actually.
Oh man, I loooooved Doom 64. You're right about the music, it did an excellent job of catching that creepy, desolate, isolated feeling that the Doom series gives. That game was loads of fun, and I remember learning how to circle strafe for the first time in that game. :D

Ahh, memories. I hope they release it on the VC for the Wii, but I doubt it... :(
I think I rented Doom 64 once. Maybe when I was like in 3rd grade. This is really hurting my head.
Still own Doom 64. I like the intro before the main menu pops up with all the fighting. I also remember the exclusive enemy that was a suped up Imp. Moved faster, the fireballs it threw were faster, it did more damage, and was near invisible.
We played a lot of Quake 1 for N64, when not playing Goldeneye. No experience with doom, though.
I still own doom 64 too. Although my favorite was doom for the snes. That awsome looking red cartridge. Maybe it is because I never got to enjoy doom on the PC and I was very young when i got it.
Doom64 was a great game for the 64. Quite a different style than the ever-mentioned Goldeneye (loved it too, of course). What I found interesting was the additions of traps. Things like walls that shot out nails or spikes. Doors slamming shut and then you being besieged by masses of enemies. Doom64 was one of the few games that I actually played through almost completely to the end without using cheats or anything. (Back then I was younger and used cheats frequently to see the entire game) Unfortunately it was rental, so when I got wasted by a cyberdemon near the end (I think there were multiples of those bad boys) I had to stop playing and take it back... sigh.
Yea, it was a good game. All original levels, great atmospheric feel to it too. Good stuff.
FoolOnTheHill said:
Oh man, I loooooved Doom 64. You're right about the music, it did an excellent job of catching that creepy, desolate, isolated feeling that the Doom series gives. That game was loads of fun, and I remember learning how to circle strafe for the first time in that game. :D

Ahh, memories. I hope they release it on the VC for the Wii, but I doubt it... :(
play it on the PC it's pretty close to 100% port.

You need Doom 2 but that can be bought for < $10 in the collectors edition
Oh, nice! Thanks for the linky, I'll have to check it out after work. I think I have a copy of Doom 2 somewhere...

arr4ws said:
never played it...

but here is a review

quote :'' and look , no pixelation''
What an awful review.

...and have any of you guys ever played the original Doom?
As far as I know, Doom 64 was pretty much a port of the original Doom, no?

Regardless, I didn't like it because it was outdated, especially since it released after the multiplayer FPS revolution known as Goldeneye.
The18thLetter said:
What an awful review.

...and have any of you guys ever played the original Doom?
As far as I know, Doom 64 was pretty much a port of the original Doom, no?

Yeah, that review sucked balls.

And no, Doom 64 was not a port of any kind. It was a completely different game. If you haven't played it before, you should play the PC port that roz1281 linked. You haven't played the entire Doom series without D64.