Anyone get a Wii this morning? 12-31


Limp Gawd
Jun 14, 2005
Anyone have any luck? I went to Target this morning and there was a small line outside. Waited around for about 10 mins until store opened. When the manager came to unlock the door he said "No Wiis" so no luck there. Best Buy advertised that there were handing out tickets for the PS3 but no Wii in the ad.
same here.. I was told during the week that Target would have the Wii's for today...however, tha is not the case. I give up. 3 weeks in a row trying to find a WII. Target, BB, Walmart, CC, Compusa, NO BODY HAS THEM! DAMN you Nintendo!
toys r us got shipments in two days ago... i just walked in todays ago.. and got very lucky.. they had 3 left.. i picked one up. and some dude picked up another...
haha, the other day i called gamestop to check to see if they had any copies of T.P. for gamecube....just to hassle the guy i asked when they were getting any wii's in. he told me they actually had 3. i hauled ass to gamestop and scored. i got the last one. by the time i got there one had sold, a guy was in front of me getting one and i got the last one. suuuhweeeeeeet.
erf said:
haha, the other day i called gamestop to check to see if they had any copies of T.P. for gamecube....just to hassle the guy i asked when they were getting any wii's in. he told me they actually had 3. i hauled ass to gamestop and scored. i got the last one. by the time i got there one had sold, a guy was in front of me getting one and i got the last one. suuuhweeeeeeet.

Hearing stories like this always give me hope.

But it's always hope in vain.

I wish I could just close my eyes for a month... open them... then go out to a toys 'r us and see 100 wii's on the shelf.
I've had mine for a while but I know a few friends are still looking for them. Right now I'm just waiting on a few more games. The wait for mario party 8, smash brothers, etc is going to suck.
I am waiting on a guy to sell mine too....I just am not pleased with the Wii at all. What should I resort to?
mokkapoop said:
I am waiting on a guy to sell mine too....I just am not pleased with the Wii at all. What should I resort to?

I mean I'm happy with mine I just now want some of the bigger games to come out. If you want to sell yours just sell it in the forums or ebay. It will move.
resort to a 360....Gears of War, and a lot of PS3 exclusives are being rumored to head over to the 360 *DMC4,Tekken6,Virtua Fighter,etc...* :)
What about wiimotes? Are they still hard to find? I have a $30 gift card to best buy, but I can't think of a damn thing I want from there. Maybe another wiimote.
Devnull said:
What about wiimotes? Are they still hard to find? I have a $30 gift card to best buy, but I can't think of a damn thing I want from there. Maybe another wiimote.

s-video cable!
Devnull said:
What about wiimotes? Are they still hard to find? I have a $30 gift card to best buy, but I can't think of a damn thing I want from there. Maybe another wiimote.

Getting a little better but I've still had a hard time finding them. Target seems to be one of the best bets for them in my area.
Went to my local BB this morning to see if they had any. Butt-load of PS3s (at least 40 with about 15 people in a line to get them) were stached to the roof so I ambled up to the info counter and asked if they had any Wiis. "Nope, but take your pick of these things."
Eh, I bought my Wii off eBay a while ago. Too bad I left it at school over break. Definitely should have brought it home. Trying to hunt down a DS Lite now, but the damned things are impossible to find.
funny, three stores here have 1-3 PS3s each just sitting there, for the last week.... no wiis in site though.
jfnirvana292 said:
funny, three stores here have 1-3 PS3s each just sitting there, for the last week.... no wiis in site though.

It becomes even funnier when you factor in that Ninny shipped 3-4 times as many Wii's, LOL. Can we say "PS3 for 3rd"? :)
For those who want a Wii or PS3, don't overlook Amazon as an option. Since Christmas they've had retail sales for the Wii and both PS3's on two different occasions. I got my PS3 that way, and Wii's were on sale for about 10 minutes before they sold out on Friday.
Do a search for the system and usually a day before they're going to retail them they'll have a message giving what day they'll be on sale and the hours to check back. I just refreshed my browser every 5-10 minutes and saw both on sale.
It's not perfect, but it's an alternative.
I have been looking all over where i live since 12/28 around where i live *NE OHIO* and have not found 1 the closest i have even been is hearing of a shipment the Sunday in the past week since then NONE have been around. I really want to get my hands on this console but no one has the thing. My next resort is ebay but i don't feel like spending that much cash =(
DragonMasterAlex said:
It becomes even funnier when you factor in that Ninny shipped 3-4 times as many Wii's, LOL. Can we say "PS3 for 3rd"? :)

today there was 25 ps3s in best buy here... nobody even looking at them.
jfnirvana292 said:
today there was 25 ps3s in best buy here... nobody even looking at them.

Yea after i got back from picking up my raptor drives they had at least 30 60gb ps3s sitting there and i think the only one to look at them was a young kid bugging his dad to get one.
I have been using a Sony for a couple of days now and also own a wii. The wii is great for entertaining as evidences at my home in my rec room during my sons birthday party yesterday. The Sony is in a class all its own. If you have a true 1080p Large screen , run do not walk to BB and get one of these. It is worth it for GTHD alone.
jacuzz1 said:
I have been using a Sony for a couple of days now and also own a wii. The wii is great for entertaining as evidences at my home in my rec room during my sons birthday party yesterday. The Sony is in a class all its own. If you have a true 1080p Large screen , run do not walk to BB and get one of these. It is worth it for GTHD alone.

I already own a ps3 as well as a 720 and 1080p tv and from just a gameplay value i enjoy my 360 more, why? Because the games that are currently out for a ps3 don't interest alot of people. Will this change when final fantasy or mgs4 comes out? Yes but until then unless you have a dire need to play GTHD or whatever i dont think its worth it.
jacuzz1 said:
It is worth it for GTHD alone.
The PS3 is indeed a good looking system, but if you're willing to put down $600 to play a 1 track, 10 car tech demo there is something fairly seriously wrong with you. :eek:
Yeah, this weekend the PS3's were pretty easy to get. That picture over on Kotaku is actually from my local Best Buy (Lone Tree, CO). They had nearly as many PS3's as 360's.
I got one on Amazon last week with no tax and free shipping, so at I saved myself $50.
I still have confidence there will always be some Sony exclusives (even Tekken DR was enough to win me over), so I just got all 3 systems. I think the 360 will likely win the war over here in the US, but that doesn't mean the PS3 won't have some kick ass games, too.
seems like Sony is getting PS3's out...the games need to start comin too. example: Lair, wow that game looks like fun