Anyone getting crashes in Windows 7...

28 noobs later

Limp Gawd
Mar 19, 2009
I've been running Windows 7 for a while now, and I still get the F'ing lock up and crash to desktop with my gtx260.

I've tried the latest drivers, tried stock Win 7 drivers, tried using Precision to run the fan higher for temps (even though temps never go above 50c during TF2).

Sometimes it'll freeze mid game, I hit control, alt, delete, start task manager, and then just close task manager and everything is fine. Sometimes I have to force close the entire game.

Sometimes I'll start TF2, it'll crash after 2 minutes, and then play fine for hours. Sometimes it'll crash every half and hour.

The only other game I'm playing right now is FO3, and wow, what a piece of shit. Don't get me wrong, I think the game is awesome, which is why I put up with the crashing, but I had it on Vista, and it wouldn't even load, when I started the game and clicked continue, after I had already gotten through most of the game. I wanted to beat it, and explore more, so I reinstalled it on Windows 7 (steam), and I played until getting out of the vault and disarming the Megaton bomb, but it still crashes. Not nearly as much, but WTF.

It's the same damn thing as Vista I suspect, only now I don't that that little notification that a driver has crashed and fixed itself.

Also, I have a different motherboard, and since I don't have SLI I've tried both video cards and gotten the same result.

Overall I'm please with Nvidia, and it might be something I'm doing, but different hardware, different games, and a multitude of complaints on different sites makes me thing Nvidia has a serious problem with drivers, Vista, and Win 7.

I hear people says ATI's drivers suck, but could they really be worse? To tell you the truth, I'm thinking of switching when next gen comes out....
Yeah, I saw that thread. That happened to me too. That is when I ripped out the nvidia drivers and just used the Win 7 drivers. Since then, I haven't had that problem, but I still get the intermittent crashing.
Yeah, I saw that thread. That happened to me too. That is when I ripped out the nvidia drivers and just used the Win 7 drivers. Since then, I haven't had that problem, but I still get the intermittent crashing.

i tried that though, and still happens
No crashes here. I just upgraded to the latest build of Windows 7 this last weekend. Working fine so far.
No crashes here. I just upgraded to the latest build of Windows 7 this last weekend. Working fine so far.

Maybe I should user the latest. I'm on the one right before the official public beta.

I purposely haven't installed really any other software just to make sure it wasn't something else that was directly, or indirectly causing the issue.

It's frustrating. I don't want to sit here and talk bad about nvidia. I haven't really have any problems in the past, and I know that I million different pc users have a million different configurations and it's impossible to develop for all of them.

Bah, Just wish the crashing would stop. I had my fingers crossed for Win 7.
Thats your problem. Clean install the RC (build 7100) and don't look back.

No use complaining about a beta, even more so an out-dated beta.
From what I've read, yes tomorrow is when it will be posted for public download.
I've only had issues with two 260's bluescreening two separate machines when trying to rip blu-rays (that I own) into media center. I had to toss in 4870's to get them working. Gaming on either machine worked fine though. The blu-ray issue had me bamboozled for hours this weekend.
windows 7 rc1 7106 (x86) :
------------- dell optiplex 4600c - p4 2.8| 2x512mb pc3200| geforce 6200 half height agp| 40gb sata

Machine is in my entertainment center. Just installed it and it hasnt crashed yet and runs great. Vista ran fine on it... yeah a tad slow but not bad... but this thing is flying now!!!!!!!
------------- HP Pavilion (not installed yet) - p4 Celeron D 2.9ghz | 2x512mb pc3200| onboard video| 100 gb ide
Kitchen PC for wife to do college work and watch the 2yr old rug rat.. while the 9yr old is at school!!!! going to install this weekend as the results of all other machines is great

Windows 7 7100 (says evaluation on it so dont think it is rc) (x86)
------------- Antec P180 Case | Antec True Power 430v PS | P4 3.0HT | 2GB ram | Geforce 7950GT 512mb | hauppauge PVR 500 dual tuner
Installed at 1:30am and it runs great... tv functionality is impressive in media center... however it still blows compared to beyond tv.... but that is my opinion... it is better than the vista media center... but no way close to beyond tv....

------------- Sun Virtual Box 2.2.2 (settings per this vm) on HP Professional workstation 8200 | dual xeon 3.2ht | 2gb ram | 20gb sata
This will be interesting... I currently have my home automation in Server 2003.....
but will be win 7
homeseer home automation software
USB 433mhz receiver
serial z-wave rf receiver
serial 410mhz receiver
serial concord 4 alarm panel to superbus 2000 module
text to speach
microphone home control
speak weather, sump pump status, house status, alarm status through alarm speaker

Windows 7 7100 (says evaluation on it so dont think it is rc) (x64)

------------- Antec 900 | XFX 780i MoBo | Q6600 | Thermaltake Bigwater SE | Corsair 620W | ocz reaper 8gb ddr2-800 | 2 x XFX 9600GT XXX | 500gb sata drive | asus sata burner

Mainly have been playing Left4Dead without a hitch... loving it... runs great and fast.... no problems for me....

my main useage right now is on the q6600.... I game, burn dvd, browse web, etc on it....
I havent had one bluescreen, burp or random reboot. I am really impressed with it...

stuff I have noticed that are nice features..
1. backup - totally revamped and really nice and supports network drives - google it and see how much better than the vista backup it is
2. calculator - stupid as it sounds...but when you type you actually see it now.. like 2+2=4 will show up on the top...cant tell you when i was adding things and got distracted by the kids... where i left off...
3. general feel... love it
4. sli was a sinch

that is it for now I guess......