Anyone Getting Resistance 2 ?


Supreme [H]ardness
Nov 13, 2005
I have not seen any Resistance 2 threads ?
The game is out now and I was wondering if anyone has it yet ?
I got $20 in gift cards to bestbuy so i will be picking up later today !
Mostly getting it for 2 player campaign mode
This should be a poll maybe.
I didn't even realize it was out today. I'll probably get it, though I have too much to play as it is, and more coming out!
I am going to but I dont think any stores around me have it..They all say pre orders ship the 4th so probably wont have it in stores till tomorrow like the last 3games I tried to buy on the day they where supposed to be released
this is a big title for the ps3
i put it right up there with MGS4
bestbuy showed it in stock this morning !
I will be picking it up when the game drops in price or I can pick it up used for half the price. I tried the beta and the multiplayer just didnt do it for me. I am sure the single player is solid but the multiplayer felt like a bad quake 3 mod with WWII skins. I will be picking up GOW2 first and once I get burned out on it I might get R2 for a change.
No. PS3 + FPS = fail.

People who keep spewing this back up..You are complete idiots. Just cause a console has a FPS doesnt mean its bad..the first resistance was GOOD and wasnt hard to play. Lets say then PC+Crysis = FAIL that game was pure hype. So when i got a game that comes out that is PC and PS3 i usually go for the PS3 since i dont wanna be in a chair sitting infront of a small monitor. Just cause some suck with a controller doesnt make it bad.
People who keep spewing this back up..You are complete idiots. Just cause a console has a FPS doesnt mean its bad..the first resistance was GOOD and wasnt hard to play. Lets say then PC+Crysis = FAIL that game was pure hype. So when i got a game that comes out that is PC and PS3 i usually go for the PS3 since i dont wanna be in a chair sitting infront of a small monitor. Just cause some suck with a controller doesnt make it bad.

I am great with a controller. But seriously, do we not have enough decent FPS games to play on PC without a gimped input scheme? Resistance 2 is just another tired old FPS game with a new facade over it. Same with Gears 2. The same shit we've been seeing for years. Boooooring. Let's have some actually innovative games (like Fallout 3). BTW I have every current generation console and a high end PC. I have no brand loyalties and I call it like I see it. Plus, I am not an idiot.
LOL tired out..Well couldnt we say that about EVERY FPS..I mean really they are all the same concept. Just cause you like PC doesnt mean its the best thing out there. It sucks balls just as bad as any bad console game. Stop trying to make it sound like if its for PC its the best ever
LOL tired out..Well couldnt we say that about EVERY FPS..I mean really they are all the same concept. Just cause you like PC doesnt mean its the best thing out there. It sucks balls just as bad as any bad console game. Stop trying to make it sound like if its for PC its the best ever

when did I say the PC is the best ever? try actually reading what i posted.

i'm just not interested in another game that takes the same mechanics we've used in games for the past 10 years, slaps a crappy story, some gimmicky guns and some new scenarios on top of it and expects me to shell out $60 when there are a lot of other things i could spend my cash on. it's kind of the same reason i don't go to movies anymore. i'm tired of paying for the same old crap entertainment i've been consuming since i was a kid. every now and then a game like fallout 3, mass effect or bioshock comes along that really does it right, but for the most part, the video gaming industry is stagnant. it's kind of sad actually.
oh i thought this comes out friday (since gears was coming out friday)

I liked the first one alot. Just so many games coming out. Seriously considering it! :D
I'm only interested in the single player campaign so I'll probably just rent. Unless it really blows me away.
Shooters on consoles=abominations.

Will I be playing Resistance 2? Hell yeah. Game looks awesome. As much as I love my mouse and keyboard, I will fumble with my gamepad to play this promising looking title.
I am great with a controller. But seriously, do we not have enough decent FPS games to play on PC without a gimped input scheme? Resistance 2 is just another tired old FPS game with a new facade over it. Same with Gears 2. The same shit we've been seeing for years. Boooooring. Let's have some actually innovative games (like Fallout 3). BTW I have every current generation console and a high end PC. I have no brand loyalties and I call it like I see it. Plus, I am not an idiot.

ROFL you think Fallout 3 is innovative? So taking Oblivion and skinning the game with guns is innovative? Like FPS/RPG has not been done before Deuce Ex 1 and 2 comes to mind along with Mass Effect all the same thing with a little bit different story.... Also could you explain how GOW is line with other FPS? The cover system seems new to me and I cant really think of any other games that have done that before.
Just picked mine up from asstop, picked up the Socom headset aswell. I really hope the multiplayer is good cuz I'm really burned out on CoD4 and the WaW beta sucked in my opinion so.

Can anyone chime in and let me know if the Socom headset was worth 25 bucks I paid.
Just picked mine up from asstop, picked up the Socom headset aswell. I really hope the multiplayer is good cuz I'm really burned out on CoD4 and the WaW beta sucked in my opinion so.

Can anyone chime in and let me know if the Socom headset was worth 25 bucks I paid.

Yes it is well worth the money IMO and one of the best headsets i have used.
Just picked mine up from asstop, picked up the Socom headset aswell. I really hope the multiplayer is good cuz I'm really burned out on CoD4 and the WaW beta sucked in my opinion so.

Can anyone chime in and let me know if the Socom headset was worth 25 bucks I paid.

Pretty sure people say it's the best headset out there for Ps3. It's that new one right?

I am thinking of going to pick up Resistance 2. Loved the co-op multi-player. Tons of fun
ROFL you think Fallout 3 is innovative? So taking Oblivion and skinning the game with guns is innovative? Like FPS/RPG has not been done before Deuce Ex 1 and 2 comes to mind along with Mass Effect all the same thing with a little bit different story.... Also could you explain how GOW is line with other FPS? The cover system seems new to me and I cant really think of any other games that have done that before.
Fallout 3 != taking Oblivion and skinning the game with guns. If you think otherwise, that only reinforces my point about all new games using old boring game mechanics and not innovating enough.

I never played Deuce Ex 1 or 2, so perhaps you're right about Mass Effect. I plead ignorance on that one.

Gears 2 is NOT in line with a FPS. It is a third person shooter. However, it is just the same thing Gears 1 was all over again. I got sick of Gears of War the fourth time I played it through. I'm not saying Gears 2 is a bad game. I'm saying it doesn't interest me because it is simply a new coat of paint on something old.

Why can't anyone come up with new gameplay concepts and mechanics and make it work? LittleBigPlanet seems like a great step in that direction, but there just aren't enough cool, innovative games these days. I'm tired of paying for the same old crap. I want new ideas. You can split hairs about my taste in games all you want, but my point stands.
Not for awhile for me. game overload here

Same here plus I know approximately... 0 people that'll play co-op with me. If this were on Xbox 360 then it would be a different story... but alas.
Fallout 3 != taking Oblivion and skinning the game with guns. If you think otherwise, that only reinforces my point about all new games using old boring game mechanics and not innovating enough.

I never played Deuce Ex 1 or 2, so perhaps you're right about Mass Effect. I plead ignorance on that one.

Gears 2 is NOT in line with a FPS. It is a third person shooter. However, it is just the same thing Gears 1 was all over again. I got sick of Gears of War the fourth time I played it through. I'm not saying Gears 2 is a bad game. I'm saying it doesn't interest me because it is simply a new coat of paint on something old.

Why can't anyone come up with new gameplay concepts and mechanics and make it work? LittleBigPlanet seems like a great step in that direction, but there just aren't enough cool, innovative games these days. I'm tired of paying for the same old crap. I want new ideas. You can split hairs about my taste in games all you want, but my point stands.
so basically you are just an unhappy individual who thinks nothing is good enough
can you play offline 2 player co-op ?
and can you play online 2 player same console co-op ?
i got it....actually my wife bought the first copy sold at the Target in my town. (not that that matters, i'm just saying. :p )
Anyone know if you can do the online 8player coop without 8 players? Like 2-3? Or will you have to find other players to fill the remaining spots?
You can do the coop without 8 of course.

How are the levels in the co-op? gtta be a ton more than the beta!
i don't know if i am getting this game
people are saying you can't play 2 player split screen
like wtf !
I'm probably going to end up buying a PS3 just for Resistance 2 and LBP, I played Resistance: Fall of Man beginning to end in one sitting with a friend and really enjoyed it, can't wait to see what they've added in 2.
I don't know, the first one was so boring I actually fell asleep while playing it. Unless this one is a 100% turnaround from the yawnfest that was the first one I don't see myself even renting it. It'd be great if it wasn't crap because I do need more games for my ps3. :p
I'm debating with myself whether or not its worth it.. Although, I have somewhat been looking forward to this and Killzone 2. 60 player multiplayer sessions seems interesting though along with co-op.
I'm probably going to end up buying a PS3 just for Resistance 2 and LBP, I played Resistance: Fall of Man beginning to end in one sitting with a friend and really enjoyed it, can't wait to see what they've added in 2.

Don't forget MGS4 and uncharted
Not really excited for it because I thought the first one was rather bland. I might pick it up down the road though.
picked it up at lunch today got the limited edition, haven't played yet watching the the election results. i also preordered Gears 2 which is out Friday. Resistance 1 was the first shooter i played on a console and i loved it.
I am great with a controller. But seriously, do we not have enough decent FPS games to play on PC without a gimped input scheme? Resistance 2 is just another tired old FPS game with a new facade over it. Same with Gears 2. The same shit we've been seeing for years. Boooooring. Let's have some actually innovative games (like Fallout 3). BTW I have every current generation console and a high end PC. I have no brand loyalties and I call it like I see it. Plus, I am not an idiot.

Fallout 3 = Oblivion with guns.

See, any game can be sifted into slander. Most games are derivitive. The. End. Lets hold off the flaming, trolling, and bullshit and instead have nice conversations about this new great game.

I am very much looking forward to this. The first had a very solid single player made better by Co-op and it literally defined PS3 multiplayer for a decent while. I won't be getting it right away because there are some other games out that I'm more interested in, but no doubt this game will be moving a lot of discs in the coming days.