Anyone have a Spyder callibration tool (or similar) I can rent for a week? I'll pay!

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Dec 21, 2003
Got 2 2408WFP's and a 2407WFP that need calibration. I've tried my best with the on-panel buttons to make them all look the same, but I can't do it. I'll pay a reasonable fee if someone will ship me their Spyder3Pro (or something equivalent) so that I can calibrate my monitors. After I have them calibrated and am satisfied, I will ship it back.

I have 73-0-0 heat.

Send me offers. Looking to spend like $15 tops here.
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$15+ shipping seemed like a reasonable offer to borrow a $130 tool... Good luck though!
Did you ever find one?

I use a X-Rite EODIS2 Eye-One Display 2

I'm done with it for now so throw me a $20 and I'll ship it out to you and let you use it for a week. LMK.

My heat is under jl123
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Sorry to threat crap (hopefully its ok since the OP got what he wanted), but does anyone know how to recovery the product key for a spyder3 pro? I lost mine, so my spyder3 pro has been useless (software requires you to input a key :( )
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