Anyone have Corsair TWINX2048-3200C2 overclocked?


Limp Gawd
Feb 8, 2005
I have a set of this stuff in my machine (specs below) and I'm wondering what other people have been able to push it to do and what their settings are.

The SPD of the stuff, which we all know is conservative, is 3,3,3,8, 2T @ 2.6v. I currently have it running at 2.5, 2, 3, 6, 1T @ 2.75v. RAM Guy (Corsair) says 2.5, 3, 3, 7, 1T @ 2.75v is the norm for AMD platforms.

Anyknow know what it can handle? Voltagewise, speedwise and timing wise? I obviously want the best out of it and would like to know where to aim for.

Thanks peeps
I'm guessing that's a no!

I'm on my own then. *gets scared*

You'll know by the screams if I toast the stuff.
Voltage wise Corsair recommends 2.7x. In other words don't go above 2.8v.
No need to thank me. Nice rig btw. I have one similar to yours.;)
I don't own any corsair memory (plan to on my next rig though), but I have read plenty of reviews on them, and form what I hear they dont' need that much voltage to get good timings and clock speeds. Of course I think this was the XL (2-2-2-5) memory not the C2 stuff so it may be a difference case entirely.