Anyone have pics of Westinghouse 37" LCD??

Quick question to the experts...

I recently bought the Westy and so far I'm pleased with the computer-usage aspect of it. The TV has been ok, not bad I suppose for what it is. I am a huge BF2 fan, but I cannot deal with the low resolution (1280x1024) on this size of a monitor. I have tried everything to change the resolution to 1920x1024, but I just can't get it to work. I have everything set up correctly (wires/cords/ports). I have tried modifying all the video.con files in everyway. However, the same thing keeps happening, I get booted to the desktop when logging into my profile. For those of you who have gotten 1920x1080 in BF2, is there some secret I'm missing? Help would be much appreciated... first time poster here :D

PS: I've read lots of forums and tried the suggestions, but nothing seems to work
Damn EA to hell. It should "just work" shouldn't it? :(

To bad it isn't just EA dropping the ball with widescreen support. And it's hard to see an excuse for it considering a game as old as FarCry supports widescreen just fine and in the proper aspect ratio.

FarCry was ahead of it's time - in more ways than one.
Funny that you mention FarCry... I was just thinking about installing that again to test the 37 inch gaming machine. I'm downloading the drivers as I type this :)
That game looks excellent on this display. In fact of the games I've tried it looks the best so far. I'm sure you'll be impressed, if anything by the fact that it "just works" without having to hassle.
I just got the 1920x1080 res to work in DOD/S (easily). I wish all games were like that. I will give FarCry a try in a few mins.
Pacer5000 said:
Quick question to the experts...

I recently bought the Westy and so far I'm pleased with the computer-usage aspect of it. The TV has been ok, not bad I suppose for what it is. I am a huge BF2 fan, but I cannot deal with the low resolution (1280x1024) on this size of a monitor. I have tried everything to change the resolution to 1920x1024, but I just can't get it to work. I have everything set up correctly (wires/cords/ports). I have tried modifying all the video.con files in everyway. However, the same thing keeps happening, I get booted to the desktop when logging into my profile. For those of you who have gotten 1920x1080 in BF2, is there some secret I'm missing? Help would be much appreciated... first time poster here :D

PS: I've read lots of forums and tried the suggestions, but nothing seems to work

easy.. Right click your BF2 desktop icon >> properties >>traget.. and modify the target to this ""C:\Program Files\EA GAMES\Battlefield 2\BF2.exe" +menu1 +szx 1920 +szy 1080">>apply

you can fill in whatever resolution you want.. Works for me :)
Hmm... I tried that, but it didn't work. It kicks me to the desktop. Is that the only step you took? Did you also change the video.con file on top of that? And do you run the xpansion, or just the OG BF2?

Thanks for the help by the way :)
you have to remove the old video.con files or the video settings in them..

I just tried it and was able to get the res @ 1920x1080..

one odd finding i did come accross is it seems any resolution you put @ 1080 and this monitor will automatically scale it to 1920x1080..


for BF2 i wanted a 1440x1080 resolution as the FOV does not increase when you change to a widescreen setting, things like the map go Oval..

but even @ 1440x1080 it stretched the screen to a 16:9 resolution and in the system info it said 1920x1080 as the signal it was receiving..

going to work on it a bit to see if i can indeed get it to go 1440x1080 without the stretching.
Remove the old video.con file as in delete it in my profile? Or just delete the resolution section of it?
Ok here is some more (for those who still care) long post with large res pictures (400k+ / picture) so get a soda and settle in.

here are some different looks at some different setups using the different inputs etc..

I wanted to look at the scaling of the different resolution inputs and consoles/DVDs

first up is the Xbox going through the component cables using the HD Xbox box..

Remember these are all with Flash off

This is true crimes for the Xbox that supports 720p (the resolution reported by the TV is 1280x720)
(the light glare by the tree is from my room light)

Zoomed in

the scaling was very good, although you can clearly see the aliasing there was very little if any blurring going on.. 720p Xbox games i give an A-

Next is a 480p Xbox game called Armed and Dangerous (Great game if you need to kill 4hours to complete it from start to finish).. the monitor read 720x480 as the resolution..

Zoomed in

@ 480p the blurring was clearly starting to take effect, notice the black bars too around the image, the TV on standard res will not scale it to the full picture but you do have the option for a "Fill" aspect that will stretch it. I'd give it a B- for the 480p scaling

Next up is a standard/non-HD game Hitman2, the resolution read on the TV is 720x240, this is still using the component inputs and it was a bit odd to see 720x240 instead of 320x240 but such it is

Zoomed in

The blurring in this mode was very apparant, it felt like i was looking through fogged glasses, it was definately playable but downright putrid looking (i love that word).. I would score this resolution as D- or F+.

Next i move onto the PS2 / God of War using the standard Video output (Composite), i don't have the PS2 HD pack if there is indeed one available but as with the Xbox, anything in 480p or above is going to look decent.

Zoomed in

Yes the zoomed in was that blurry, again playable but the same as the Xbox nonHD game, this one is very blurred and graded @ an D-/F+ (an F would probably be a blank screen). the standard composite signal just looks horrible and shouldn't be used under any circumstances (at least for your PS2)..

I then moved onto DVD quality..

this is using my kenwood 5disc DVD player in progressive scan mode, this isn't any fancy HD-DVD player or anything, just a standard DVDplayer using component inputs.

This image is with the Fill aspect ratio as it seems with any 480p signal it likes to put black bars and centers it in the screen.

Zoomed in

Grade wise i'd give it a B, when compared to my Viewsonic PJ551 projector (which is not that great but produces an A+ DVD Picture) that has a native res of 1024x768. I'm hoping this is just my DVDplayer as i am going to try my panasonic next (its not easy to get in and out of my setup in the theatre room)..

Its definately watchable and quite enjoyable, but don't expect to be blown away by your DVDs picture quality wise (get a DLP projector TV for that)..

and lastly, to compliment the BF2 threads above here are some BF2 shots, i was finally able to get it to run @ 1440x1080 to maintain the 4x3 FOV.. It was actually very easy to get into that resolution, just go into your Nvidia control panel and add the custom resolution of 1440x1080@60hz, Since it is a 4x3 res it will show up in the BF2 video selection box when you start it up. I also had to set the Nvidia control panel to Fixed Aspect to keep the screen from thinking it was a 1920x1080 signal and stretching it..

This is with no AA/AF

Zoom 1

Zoom 2

Score A++, crisp resolution.. absolutely a sight to behold.. If i were buying this for my PS2 it'd be back at Bestbuy tonight, but the PC is why i bought it and it doesn't disappoint .. My reference is coming from a 2005FPW so it might not be as great as i make it sound, but for me it is stellar.

And for a bonus here

are some PIP shots

BF2 + PIP in Corner

PBP (By Picture)

Conclusion after 3 days of use,
PC monitor: A+
Xbox 720p: A-
Xbox 480p: B-
Xbox nonHD: F+
PS2 nonHD: F+
480p DVD: A-
Remote: D (its more useful to use the side buttons on the TV sometimes)
Speakers: N/A
Inputs: A , having 2 Component + 2 DVI + 1 VGA is nice, the composite/Svideo are there because they have to be but i don't recommend using them..
Options: B+, there are lots of options but i would have liked to see more along the lines of aspect ratio. The ability to actually switch between 4x3 and 16x9 would be nice. Also the ability to choose Fixed Ratio via the monitor would also be nice to maybe reduce some of the scaling problems that are going on.

Not Tested: VGA input/Svideo Input.
Pacer5000 said:
Quick question to the experts...

I recently bought the Westy and so far I'm pleased with the computer-usage aspect of it. The TV has been ok, not bad I suppose for what it is. I am a huge BF2 fan, but I cannot deal with the low resolution (1280x1024) on this size of a monitor. I have tried everything to change the resolution to 1920x1024, but I just can't get it to work. I have everything set up correctly (wires/cords/ports). I have tried modifying all the video.con files in everyway. However, the same thing keeps happening, I get booted to the desktop when logging into my profile. For those of you who have gotten 1920x1080 in BF2, is there some secret I'm missing? Help would be much appreciated... first time poster here :D

PS: I've read lots of forums and tried the suggestions, but nothing seems to work

EA absolutely SUCKS GOAT NUTS. No widescreen support?? IDIOTS.


I absolutely hate EA games.
i dunno... When i mod the target it works fine for me... no trouble @ all... BF2 @ 1920x1080 = sweetness
Well, I tried everything last night. I switched every Video.con file that I could in every combination. I also tried every combo in the shortcut properties, but nothing worked. If you have 1920x1080 working, consider yourself lucky :) By the way, for those who have it working, do you run the expansion pack (spec ops)? Maybe it doesn't work with the expansion...

On to Farcry for now :D
Pacer5000 said:
Well, I tried everything last night. I switched every Video.con file that I could in every combination. I also tried every combo in the shortcut properties, but nothing worked. If you have 1920x1080 working, consider yourself lucky :) By the way, for those who have it working, do you run the expansion pack (spec ops)? Maybe it doesn't work with the expansion...

On to Farcry for now :D

That's messed up!!!!

Did you try ?
Yea... there seems to be no official fix. The video.con file change or shortcut/properties change seems to work for some people and not others. I guess i'm one of those others. I think we will have to wait until the next patch in BF2 for an official fix... whenever that will be.
Pacer5000 said:
Yea... there seems to be no official fix. The video.con file change or shortcut/properties change seems to work for some people and not others. I guess i'm one of those others. I think we will have to wait until the next patch in BF2 for an official fix... whenever that will be.

what resolution are you trying?

and just to double check is that resolution available as a resolution you can set your desktop too?

after messing around with BF2 i found i couldn't get any command line interface stuff to work unless i also added it as a custom resolution..


i couldn't get it to do 1680x1050 at first because it wasn't a standard resolution available in the control panel. once i added the custom resolution it worked from the command line.
I am trying to get 1920x1080 and I do run that on my desktop. Although I haven't tried setting that as a custom resolution first. How do you go about doing that?
Nevermind, I figured out what you meant... under control panel. My video card (7800gtx) already recognized my 1920x1080 res for the desktop. I thought you were talking about an ingame custom video.con file or something. :)
All you fuggers should roast in hell !!!!!!!! Im like |..| this close to buying this LCD. :D
D4hPr0 said:
All you fuggers should roast in hell !!!!!!!! Im like |..| this close to buying this LCD. :D

The dark side of the LCD has many features many consider... unnatural ;)
A little teaser from my upcoming WoW screen capture review using the 37" Westy.

This is our guild on Warsong, BWL about to take down Razorgore. Hope my Untamed Blade drops :)

Wish us luck ( update: lame drops ) Bloodfang Bracers, The Black Book and Stormrage Bracers

SixFootDuo said:
A little teaser from my upcoming WoW screen capture review using the 37" Westy.

This is our guild on Warsong, BWL about to take down Razorgore. Hope my Untamed Blade drops :)

Wish us luck ( update: lame drops ) Bloodfang Bracers, The Black Book and Stormrage Bracers


Fuckin amazing, all i play now is WoW and thats just awesome lookin.
Another sample of the 37" in action. World of Warcraft MMO pictured. Picture what you are seeing, 10x more sharp. The picture really does not capture how great a picture the Westinghouse really has.

RevitXman said:
Man I think tomorrow night I'll have to hook my 360 upto it

OMFG i cant wait !

OMFG that WOW Shots are freakin AMAZING ! OMFG I WANT A W37 now ! :(
FarCry looks great. CSS looks good. X3 Reunion looks so-so. X3 looked better on my 2405FPW. But part of that is due to the fact that egosoft doesn't support widescreen properly and I have to run it in 1280x1024. And in that low a res, even w/AA, it looks pretty underwhelming.

On the bright side that's the only game that I've noticed a loss in IQ on. FarCry really is something to see on this monitor. :)
Tanquen said:
A dual-link DVI cable will have an extra group of pins in the middle that a non dual-link cable won’t have. They are both part of the same DVI standard. If a device needs more bandwidth the product manufacture can get it buy stepping up to dual-link DVI. If you look at the DVI connection on the display it will or should have all the pin holes for both and the blade if the display uses dual-link or not. Most cables that are around thus far will only have the single-link set of pins with the blade. You can use a dual-link cable on a display that is not dual-link capable but the extra pins are just ignored.

^^^^^^^^Is that how the 360 games look on this lcd in person? If so, I just really got turned off on this monitor. Looks real grainy. Doesnt even look like 360 games anymore. More like xbox.

Are you using the component hd cables?
the second shot (kameo) and the last shot (NFS:MS) look the best, maybe you could stand back a bit and take a couple more pics, cause i really doubt anybody would really be only 1-2 feet away from this thing, i know i would be at leat 4 feet away when on the computer, and even futher when on a console or whatching a movie.
It's pretty tough to take accurate pictures of a display like this. Especially with a flash. And without it you tend to get motion blur. Very tricky.
SixFootDuo said:
Another sample of the 37" in action. World of Warcraft MMO pictured. Picture what you are seeing, 10x more sharp. The picture really does not capture how great a picture the Westinghouse really has.


Hey Duo if you dont stop posting these freakin(BUY ME...BUY ME....) pictures you are gonna be 6 feet under. :p

Damn that looks shweet.
Is that a PC fighting game? The one w/ the woman in white and the guy w/ the score 73 - 73?