Anyone have the LeadTek 6600GT AGP?


Limp Gawd
Oct 24, 2004
I just ordered the Leadtek 6600GT AGP from Newegg for $216, I read the article in Anandtech and they rated it pretty good saying that it was quiet and overclocked well. And the HSF was a good design, that plus being the least expensive 6600GT AGP I could find it should be a huge upgrade over my 256meg FX5500. I mainly play games like W.O.W.(alot), a little bit of Doom3(very little), Farcry every now and again. I have found out that I am not a big FPS game person :) . My computer is a Compaq with XP3200+, 1Gig of ram. Just curious how others like their Leadteks. I almost ordered the 6800NU but I don't need the extra performance, it's backordered, plus it's $35 more.
Oh also, how is the bundled software? I think it's Price of persia and Splinter Cell.
I was just about to ask a similar question - I'm probably going to order it within the next few days.

Is there much of a difference between the various brands of the 6600GT AGP out there? I'm probably going to get the LeadTek one here at 216 as well - it's the cheapest one and has a nice selection of games. They also have the XFX for 3 dollars more, and several other brands at 230. I've been reading conflicting things about the XFX version to, some people saying it's one of the best versions of this card, and others saying it's the worst. CompUSA also has the PNY Verto version in stock now at a reasonable price (~220 after rebates & tax).

Splinter Cell should be a good game, dunno about Prince of Persia though. I've been wanting to try Splinter Cell anyway, so this package of games looks the most interesting to me.

For a few dollars though, I'm more concerned with which card would have the best performance / least likelihood of breaking down though. I have no plans of overclocking.

Prince of persia is pretty good.
And BTW if i were you i would have gone with the XFX (leadtek is fine too) Anandtech gave em second place compared to all the other brand 6600 GTs, awarded the silver medal thing.
i've read about it a lot, since i'll be buying it in a few weeks, and it seems like one of the best 6600GT's out there. it has a quality HSF and overclocks really well.
Well, the only respectible thing to do sohcugy is the report back once you get your card and let us know how it works out. Seems you aren't the only person looking at these cards with this question...and I generally like LeadTek...I had a GF3 of theirs which was really nice, overclocked like nuts. Their 6800 series cards I diddn't like so much...they ran warmer temps in exchange for quieter cooling, but I prefer performance/cooling over my ears needs to hear silence. Hell, that's why we have speakers! ;)
I'll get back with the forum as soon as I have a chance to check it out. The review said the Leadtek was one of the coolest ones, so the 6800 series must have a different setup HSF. Splinter Cell does look pretty interesting,
it's nice to get descent software when you spend so much money. The BFG 6800series had FarCry which I already had, so that was another negative(for me anyway). I'll let ya'll know how it runs, of course it'll be a little slower on my XP than your 64s! :eek:
And BTW if i were you i would have gone with the XFX (leadtek is fine too) Anandtech gave em second place compared to all the other brand 6600 GTs, awarded the silver medal thing.
I just notice this too so don't feel bad, but the Leadtek got the Gold Editors Choice Award in the same article! heh :D
oh, LOL i guess i didnt notice or i forget. Well in that case i guess go with ledtek :) . But XFX is still good too :)