Anyone have the logitech mk700?


Jan 9, 2010
My girlfriend gave me this for christmas since ive never had a wireless keyboard before and needed a new mouse anyway. Trouble is in some games the keyboard input will all of the sudden become delayed 5 or 10 seconds. After about a minute of this it will return to normal for 10-15 minutes. The mouse input works fine the whole time. It is only in certain games like Farcry2 and GTAIV that ive found so far. I can play COD all day without a hiccup though.

I have the newest setpoint and drivers, all windows 7 updates, blah blah. Any suggestions? I usually turn the keyboard off for a second then turn it back on and that cures it in the mean time, but in those games it will screw up at some point.

Overall I like the keyboard and mouse, just wish it was more consistent.
I solved it by moving it away from my wireless network adapater. adapter is on the back of the computer, keyboard/mouse thing is on the top of the case, completely fixed the studdering problem.