Anyone heading to Quakecon this year?


Limp Gawd
Mar 11, 2007
Curious if theres any [H] members who are going to be there. I'm planning on going, but I doubt I'll be in the BYOC.
I am most definitely going. And I'm bringing my girlfriend and 2 of my brothers.

So, yes. :D
I am going to try, depends on work situation. I live 100 miles from Dallas, So its a short trip for me.
Nifty. :)

This is actually my first one. I'm only in Oklahoma, but strangely enough I've never heard of Quakecon. Never was too huge into the FPS/Lan crowd to know much about such things.
I believe I am going to, which will also make it my first one =]
I will be going to quakecon this year, it's my 10th event. I've missed only the very first QuakeCon (didn't know it existed - heard about it during a game of net quake in '96)
Going to my third...see you guys there :). We should put little [H] tags by our names so we can identify one another!