Anyone know a good, free C++ IDE?

Jul 21, 2002
Anyone know a good, free C++ IDE? I haven't used one in years and I can't seem to remember what I used to use. Thanks in advance.
Originally posted by STL
MinGW, Metapad, and make. All you need.

Heh. If you're looking for something a little bit more IDE-ish, then Dev-C++ might work... It's the only decent free IDE I know of.
Originally posted by deuce868
does eclipse do C++ as well as java? Check it out. It might work for you.

i need to check that out. i must say, eclipse is amazing for java, it would be awsome if it did as good a job for c++ (and maybe php) as it does for java.
Originally posted by tim

i need to check that out. i must say, eclipse is amazing for java, it would be awsome if it did as good a job for c++ (and maybe php) as it does for java.

Thanks for the link to Eclipse! This one is a winner and was exactly what I was looking for. Much better than Dev-C++ (at least so far)!