Anyone played Resonance?


Aug 15, 2005
Heard it is similar to those old classic adventure games.

Here is the website of the game:


I am thinking of playing this but than I might not be into those old adventure games anymore.
Yeah, I've been playing it. It is pretty good. Wadjet also has a Blackwell series of adventure games that aren't bad either. Some of the voice acting isn't the greatest, but for the price you really can't go wrong.
I got the demo but haven't fired it up yet. These guys did Gemini Rue, and I really enjoyed it.
so far i am impressed, the game isnt quite like the old adventure games where you end up going back and forth so many scenes to find something. maybe later on there will be but what I played mostly is narrowed into one scene per objective. Still quite a challenge and interesting way of gui to make people do stuff.
I finished the game the other day. It really is a clever and atmospheric adventure. Lasted me about 10 hours, so it's pretty long too.

The two things that really stood out to me were

a) you can control upto 4 characters simultaneously. Each one of them has their own unique skill set and can perform a certain task while your other characters do something else. As an example, there's a puzzle where you need to get something from a police station. The girl distracts the guy at the front desk, the detective distracts another police officer sitting on the first floor and the reporter goes to hack the second policeman's computer to get the information. Multi person puzzles opens a new layer of complexity in the game as you have to figure out how you could pull these things off.

b) most adventure games have a standard formula of find item A and B, then combine them in your inventory to make item C which you use in a puzzle. And while Resonance has it's share of those puzzles, typical adventure gameplay only constitute about half of the game. The other half is proper puzzle solving which requires many different types of skills... pattern recognition, mathematics, cryptography, social engineering, geometry and what not. There are many different kinds of puzzles in the game, some of which will definitely stump anyone. And none of the puzzles ever feel like they're thrown into the game for the heck of it. It never feels like you're doing anything just because you're playing an adventure game... all the puzzles seem logical to the narrative, which is actually pretty decent too.

At 10$, I would easily recommend this game to anyone who is a fan of oldschool point and click adventures, and especially those who are familar with Wadjeteye's previous work. The game is available DRM free on, and the Steam release is scheduled for a month from now. But if you buy the game directly from the developers, you will get a Steam key which you can register immediately and start playing through Steam (which is what I did).
It's sad that (a) can stand out, because it was of course a part of all of the original greats; Maniac Mansion, Z:MK and to a lesser degree DOTT.