Anyone recommend a laptop mount for the car?

Jan 24, 2002
I have been searching and searching... I need a laptop mount for my car for GPS... I drive an STI... so I would prefer something *lighter*... Been searching ebay and found 1 or 2 but they are either 80+lbs or bulky as hell.... anyone have any ideas on how one might make one or anything like that? I also do NOT want to drill it into my floor.

Thanks for the help! :)

your just gonna use it for gps? y not use the lap for engine readings etc
As of right now my car is mostly stock... Until I go back up to my home town most of the aftermarket stuff I have will is just chilling in my I would most likely use it as a data logger as well, but for the time being I just want to be able to have a mount for my laptop so that I can use my street's 2k5 with my little gps receiever... I tried putting the laptop on the passenger seat and it doesn't stay put, and when i hit a bump or speedbump there goes the laptop falling off the seat...

have you thought of replacing your cd deck with an LCD deck and wiring it so that you only have to say plug your laptop in?
I have thought about that but the only problems I would face would be that I lose a 6 dash in-cd player, and that I would have to stare at a 6-7 inch screen... I have THE WORST sense of direction... I've tried the little GPS systems out there Garmin touch screen etc... I can't do it because they are slow and tiny...

-Nigel has a good selection. I've ordered 6 of them for my employer and they work great. We go the model that requires no drilling, you just remove the front passanger seat bolt, slide a bracket in, and rescrew it down. then, when not needed, you just remove the post and all that's noticeable is a relatively small bracket on the floor.