Anyone still play Halo 2 on live???


Limp Gawd
Jul 7, 2004
Anyone still playing Halo 2 on live???
I still play alittle bit but the lag issue totally kills me (literally). I will join a game and get worked by some 10 year old because he is hosting the game... why o why don't they have dedicated servers for xbox live???? grrrrr :mad:

anyways my gametag is HurtMeP1nty
hit me up if you still play
Lag issue? If it is a decent host, wich they are 95% of the time, they only have a small advantage with the BR, shotty, and grenades. Maybe its your connection? My GT is diehardmacfan , im a 30 in TS. Most of the new Maps are great, especially Terminal.
my brother still plays, look for PUNISHERDAVE, hes in a clan and he is pretty dam good, also, what lag are you talking about? i have never seen any lag in halo 2
i did for awhile until it just got dumb in terms of cheating and 12 year olds .... I see people cheating constantly ... using speed hacks ..wall hacks .. and shield hacks for god mode .. its mega frustrating . All the frigin 12 years don't help either ..screaming into the mic most of the time with the most BS babble you will ever hear in a xbox live game and then there are clans of these kids who most of the time don't play the game but instead TK each other and screw around when others are trying to improve there skills and or rank. I gave up on halo 2 months ago and don't intend to go back .. not even for new maps.
I play from time to time whenever I get the itch for it. I played it hardcore online a while back but then settings keep getting tweaked, little kids running around screaming, or even worse, players who have their radio on maximum ear drum explosion level so I can hear whatever retarded rave music they like over the mic...

Chaos Theory and NFL 2K5 get much more use on my Xbox.
Have not played it a whole lot in the last two months. And when I do, it is usually a custom game.