Anyone still use 3DFX cards?


Extremely [H]
Oct 29, 2000
This weekend I was upgrading my ESXi / Linux server.

My new motherboard didn't have integrated graphics like my old one, so I needed a video card just for 2D BIOS/installation type stuff (in all other respects the server is managed remotely via the network).

My plan had been to pick up an old PCI SVGA card from the early 90s for a couple of bucks and just use that, but I forgot, and didn't notice until mid build, when my old server had been taken offline.

Great. Now I'm never finishing this project this weekend, I thought.

On the off chance I had some old VGA card kicking around, I decided to check my boxes in the basement, but I wasn't hopeful, as my parents had made me throw out my box of old computer stuff from my 286, 486 and pentium days when I left for college.

To my surprise I found these:


Both PCI, Both seemingly the same. One labeled STB, the other labeled 3DFX but otherwise light on details.

After much research, I found that they were 3DFX Voodoo 3 2000 cards.

Really strange, as I never owned a 3DFX card after I replaced my Voodoo 1, so I have no idea how I got them.

Anyway, project saved, popped one of them into the lone PCI slot on my new server mobo and it still worked :)

Probably going to have to replace it at some point, as even at idle, it wastes more power than I want it to, but for now 3DFX lives on in my 2012 virtualization server! :p

Does anyone else still use 3DFX products for anything?
I still have my Voodoo 1 card laying around as memory of my very first 3D experience.

Quake2 was never the same after using it! (and openGL quake)
Voodoo 3 2000 still going strong in my grandmas computer. Best $99 I ever spent. OpenGL, son!
MEH, I got a PAIR of Monster 3D cards and a Monster 3D II card. Along with a Diamond Stealth card to go with them, ... What do I use them for... They look nice on their stands on my desk.
I still have my Voodoo2s running on an old Win98se box for nostalgia sake. Every now and then I'll run GLQuake or Quake II on it, as well as the original (Glide only) Unreal. Brings me back to my young, semi-carefree bachelor days before marriage, work, and other commitments took over my life.


Creative 12mb Voodoo2 SLI (Scan Line Interleave). My girlfriend (now wife) bought them pre-paid and brand new on Feb 20, 1998 for $299.95 each from Electronic Boutique before they were bought out by Gamestop. Good thing too as production took forever to catch up to demand back then. This setup was powerful enough to last me almost 4 years and even up to the time I picked up my 32mb Creative TNT2 Ultra (another great nostalgic card).

This was sort of a deal between me and the wife at the time. She got me the biggest video card upgrade available at the time and I got her an engagement ring (Well, it seemed like a good deal back then. ).
I still have my Voodoo2s running on an old Win98se box for nostalgia sake. Every now and then I'll run GLQuake or Quake II on it, as well as the original (Glide only) Unreal. Brings me back to my young, semi-carefree bachelor days before marriage, work, and other commitments took over my life.


Creative 12mb Voodoo2 SLI (Scan Line Interleave). My girlfriend (now wife) bought them pre-paid and brand new on Feb 20, 1998 for $299.95 each from Electronic Boutique before they were bought out by Gamestop. Good thing too as production took forever to catch up to demand back then. This setup was powerful enough to last me almost 4 years and even up to the time I picked up my 32mb Creative TNT2 Ultra (another great nostalgic card).

This was sort of a deal between me and the wife at the time. She got me the biggest video card upgrade available at the time and I got her an engagement ring (Well, it seemed like a good deal back then. ).


Love it!

I was a young'un with not much in the way of income back then, so I never played with those toys.

My 150Mhz (pre-mmx) Pentium with a 6mb Voodoo 1 (Miro Highscore 3d, essentially a rebranded Canopus Pure 3d) lasted me until my Sophomore year in college in 2000 when I was able to afford a Duron 650Mhz (overclocked to 950) and a Geforce 2 GTS
I still got my Voodoo 3 but I can't bring myself to throw it away.
I still have 2 Voodoo 3 3000 cards. One AGP and the other PCI. I'm actually going to build a rig for the old games.
Yeah. Canopus had the best Voodoo1. Was a bit disappointed when they went with a straight reference design with the Voodoo2.

I think my favorite geek toy ever was my Abit BH6 with a Celeron 300a (o/c'd to 450mhz), and 128mb of Micron PC100. The V2 SLI was installed with a Diamond SpeedStar A50 (SiS 6326) to handle the 2d. Sound was a handled by the original SBLIVE and before cable service was the norm, my USRobotics 56k hardware modem was about as good as it got.
Still have 2 voodoo ll's and one 3dfx 5500 agp. Sold my first 4 mb voodoo 1 card to get one of the voodoo 2 cards back in the day. Wish I still had it. Going to put a retro 98 machine together to play my old games on.
I have a bunch of 3dfx stuff laying around. 2 12MB voodoo2s, 2 voodoo3 3000s, and a V5 5500. None of it is my original 3dfx stuff (Parents threw that stuff out when I moved out 10 years ago. They figured since it was hidden away in a closet that I didn't want it. Makes me cringe to this day...) . I bought it all recently for nostalgic purposes.
I recently fixed up an old system for retro gaming (Win98, AMD K6-2 500, 192MB, Voodoo3 3000). It runs Quake II and other old games great.
Back during my sophomore year of college ('97) my roommate was a big PC gamer and I remember the day he came into our room ecstatic because his new Canopus Voodoo card (the only 6MB card, all others only had 4MB) showed up with QuakeII. He had a Pentium 166 with a 19" CRT and Quake 2 looked like nothing I had seen before.

I just moped on my Cyrix 175 with a 13" Packard Bell monitor playing Jedi Knight II.
Had an Orchid Righteous 3D Voodoo 1 card back in the day. Still have a 12mb Monster Voodoo 2 card kicking around somewhere.
Still got my Voodoo 3 2000 stashed, not sure if it works anymore though, no agp system to test with. It was a great card back in the day when I had a 466 Mhz Celeron. Glide ftw!
I've got a Quantum3D Obsidian2 SBi running in a retro rig I built for oldskool gaming.

Also, P3 Xeons. :D


I remember a friend of mine had a voodoo card. I don't know which one, but it was in his Gateway computer. I went over to his house, said hi, and played carmageddon 2. Then I got a Geforce2 MX400 and played Unreal Tournament non stop... oh the good ol days!