Anyone try LinuxMCE ?


Aug 26, 2002
I've been looking at hardware to put together a new server / HTPC for just about a week now and looking at the software options is getting as crazy as looking for what hardware I should use. Since I refuse to go with Windows for the operating system, that rules out WinMCE. MythTV and SageTV come up as options, but they're a bit more "involved". I recently stumbled across LinuxMCE. Anyone used this before? For my setup, it would also require having an actual HTPC client (as opposed to a MediaMVP, etc), but looks to have much more functionality behind it. Since it can boot off the network, I'm thinking I could get away with a rather small, cheap system for that though.

I've been looking at hardware to put together a new server / HTPC for just about a week now and looking at the software options is getting as crazy as looking for what hardware I should use. Since I refuse to go with Windows for the operating system, that rules out WinMCE. MythTV and SageTV come up as options, but they're a bit more "involved". I recently stumbled across LinuxMCE. Anyone used this before? For my setup, it would also require having an actual HTPC client (as opposed to a MediaMVP, etc), but looks to have much more functionality behind it. Since it can boot off the network, I'm thinking I could get away with a rather small, cheap system for that though.


I have been using it for a month now. It was a rough start because I tried a shitload of things to get it to work with my ati card but then I just gave up and bought a nvidia 7600 and it runs great on my amd64 3500. I have mine setup as hybrid right now. So that I can use it for basic computing still. I am waiting on the money so I can setup a big ole media server to store all my dvd's on. I havent' messed with some of the automation aspects of it yet but its great when you get it working. If you have any questions let me know I might be able to help pm me or whatever.
