Anyone using a Plasma for Pc monitor and Consoles?


Nov 10, 2004
I read that recently burn in isnt a issue and that the new LCD's 120hz and 240hz are mild compared to Plasmas 400+hz, any truth?


Thanks in advance for any responses.
Plasma response time is comparable to CRT.
Burn in is not an issue, unless you leave it at a menu for an entire weekend or something similarly crazy.

I use a Pioneer 5090H with a Mac Mini as a HTPC, and at the desktop I get a bit of flicker, but anything else is fine (movies, anime, PS3, dvd player, etc.) (NOTE: Back in the day, I was unable to use CRT monitors at below 75Hz due to the flicker. This is the exact same issue, except of course I can't adjust the refresh rate.)

Cons? Power use. However, remember that the listed max power draw is when displaying a white screen. Unlike LCDs, Plasmas use more power the brighter the screen.

Pros? Best picture quality, period. Provided you get a good one of course. Response time, colour reproduction, black level, etc. all outclass LCD (although LCD is getting closer and closer.)
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I use mine as a secondary monitor (tv tuner allows me to watch .1 HD OTA channels in windows media center)

only downside is the temporary image retention i get but i haven't had any permanent burn in or anything

make sure you run your games in game mode if the TV has that option as it will kill any kind of input lag which sucks in a game
I use my Kuro with an Xbox 360 and my pc for gamepad-friendly games and hulu. I love it. Like a previous poster said, plasma response time is almost crt fast, just make sure it has a low latency game or pc mode to avoid input lag.