Anyone using What's Up Gold?


Apr 5, 2001
I installed it on a 2003 SP1 Server here at work to play with, and the software itself works like a champ, but for whatever reason it just refuses to show the web version. I've made sure ASP is enabled, but I still can;t load any of the pages. I'm sure it's just a stupid security setting in 2003, but the Ipswitch forums are no help. Has anyone installed this on a 2003 server and gooten the web interface to work properly?
We used to use WUG but have upgraded to What's Up Pro. The WUG web service for use worked fine but we rarely use it. Same thing with WUP. What's the error you're getting?
I think the tiral I downloaded is WU Pro.

Error is good old HTTP 500 -Internal Server Error

I set it up on port 80, disconnected the default website, and set the home document as default.asp.

I should only have to type in the server name to get this page since it's the only thing running in IIS on it... Grrrr... :mad:

Looks like God doesn't want me to ditch Big Brother :p
Took off friendly http messages, and this is what I get

Microsoft VBScript compilation error '800a0408'

Invalid character

/Default.asp, line 21


So help me if the eval version doesn't do the web side... Grrrr... :mad:
make sure if its looking for default.asp that its not Default.asp or vice versa. Just a shot in the dark...
typhoon43 said:
Looks like God doesn't want me to ditch Big Brother :p

Oddly enough we just went the other way at work. Company of 700 servers. Shitcanned WUG and now use BigBrother. Not my department though I do have to touch the interface occasionally when monitoring calls about one of our servers. Big Brother that is. From what I understand What's up was crap. So far so good with Big Brother. The client is damn sure small enough.
fade2black said:
I have used What's Up for years and it is hardly crap.

My last job was for a company with over 15,000 employees and over 1,000 servers. They used WUG, and that was back in 2001. They've been around forever, and are a proven company. The WMI implementation is just gravy on top IMO.

btw, installed What's Up Pro and it's running like a champ. So far I'm impressed.
Just passing on what I have heard. Our proactive monitoring used it for quite some time. WUG that is. 30,000 workstations and over 700 servers though What's up was only on the servers. I don't think I ever heard anyone in monitoring praise or endorse it. On the contrary, all I ever heard was complaints however it may be the best thing since sliced bread. Not my area. I get the calls when the alerts go off from monitoring so I am at the end of that chain not in the middle. Glad your happy with it. FWIW.