Anything I should know about before buying an X-Box???

Oct 23, 2002
Hey there...I have been watching Halo 2 movies and I was like OMFG!!! I think this is the kind of response Microsoft wanted...I want to get me an X-Box just for this game...Is there anything I need to know before buying one??? Like different versions...tweaks, different controllers, mods, etc...whatever that'll make my gaming experience a better one??? THANX
C'YA :cool:
You'll want to try and get anything older than v1.6. If you decide to mod it later, the 1.6 versions are more difficult and limited in which hacked BIOSes they can use. There's only 1 that works on 'em right now I think...
any you buy in the stores will be v1.6, best bet is a refurb from EB or something
xboxs are nothing more than tuned downed pcs with a bunch of morons making money off clueless gamers.
thenerd said:
xboxs are nothing more than tuned downed pcs with a bunch of morons making money off clueless gamers.

That's the most uninformed statement I've ever heard.
Why is there always someone who feels the need to come into a console gaming thread to crap all over it? Get an education before you get an opinion, and if you don't want to do that, just skip over the thread.
Just ignore him.

Chances are, most of the new ones in stores are 1.6. But, some stores could still have older ones. I second the EB refurb idea. They are only $119. I don't know what kind of warrenty you get with that, but the regular Microsoft one isn't that great anyway...
Maximus825 said:
Just ignore him.

Chances are, most of the new ones in stores are 1.6. But, some stores could still have older ones. I second the EB refurb idea. They are only $119. I don't know what kind of warrenty you get with that, but the regular Microsoft one isn't that great anyway...

The only reason a person should get the older versions is for the ease of modding, which will void the warranty anyway, so why bother? :p
heatsinker said:
The only reason a person should get the older versions is for the ease of modding, which will void the warranty anyway, so why bother? :p

That's why I told him to get an older version... :-D I love my Xenium modchip
thenerd said:
xboxs are nothing more than tuned downed pcs with a bunch of morons making money off clueless gamers.
2 words...actually 1 word and 1 number: Halo 2!!! Damn them for not making it for PC tho :mad:

So what is THE mod chip to own??? How do I work them and how do I install them??? What are other things to get???
Metallica_Band said:
2 words...actually 1 word and 1 number: Halo 2!!! Damn them for not making it for PC tho :mad:

So what is THE mod chip to own??? How do I work them and how do I install them??? What are other things to get???

Xenium ICE is the best one on the market right now. will tell you everything you need to know. Go into the forums and check out the Team Xodus one...
I can see that you can get that mod chip as a there any difference between that one and one that has to be soldered??? It says it's compatible with why tell me get less than that??? Any reason or can I get v1.6???

And what about other accessories??? Anything worth getting???
Metallica_Band said:
I can see that you can get that mod chip as a there any difference between that one and one that has to be soldered???

And what about other accessories??? Anything worth getting???

I do not recommend going with the solderless solution. Just bumping your Xbox could knock it out of alignment. I did quicksolder myself as it's easy and I'm not planning not removing the chip at all.

If you buy the kit from Bmmods, you get the USB port device, and the external LEDs. What other accessories are you lookin' at?
Just got an Xecuter 3 mod chip, it was very easy to install even though I had never soldered before. There's tons of mods coming out for it as well, such as enhanced front switches, an LCD screen, and even a whole replacement front panel. Check out Team Xecuter's website for more info.

As far as solder vs solderless, you have more of a chance of the chip coming loose with a solderless version. I was thinking of going that way but for the price of the solderless adapter I would need, I just decided to get a soldering iron and learn a new skill. It's really quit easy with a little practice (I maybe made 10 joints on a spare NIC before attempting a wire install on the xbox).
Yeah Metallica I am toying with the idea of finally getting one also. That and playing XBOX in the dorms here at school is kind of tempting. :D
IcedEmotion said:
Just got an Xecuter 3 mod chip, it was very easy to install even though I had never soldered before. There's tons of mods coming out for it as well, such as enhanced front switches, an LCD screen, and even a whole replacement front panel. Check out Team Xecuter's website for more info.

As far as solder vs solderless, you have more of a chance of the chip coming loose with a solderless version. I was thinking of going that way but for the price of the solderless adapter I would need, I just decided to get a soldering iron and learn a new skill. It's really quit easy with a little practice (I maybe made 10 joints on a spare NIC before attempting a wire install on the xbox).

Hehe, there ya go, two different suggestions from two different people. But, we both agree that solderless = bad... :)
you should know that if you want to play online you have to pay for it i believe 50, and besides halo 2 there's probably only a few more games you might want to play....this is probably obvious
There are also 3 different drives that come in xboxes. The thompson, phillips, and samsung. You'll want to get a samsung. I'm not sure if they use the thompson drive anymore. Here is the only way I know how to tell the difference...

The thompson has a long U shape cutout in the middle of the CD tray.

The Phillips has a lightbulp shaped cutout in the middle of the tray.

The samsung has a tappered U shapped cutout and two small circle cutouts on each side of the tappered U.

Good luck.
Yeah, the Thompson owners got hosed...especially with morrowind and the dirty disk errors :( I had a Thompson and traded it in for a samsung. My Philips version is still doing good, but the Samsung is more quiet :)
Well first off check for some good bundels. I know they do bubdels alot so you might be able to get a new Xbox with 2 decent/good games for under 200$. If you're a online games then I would defenley buy Xbox Live.
I've been very lucky, haven't had a single problem with my Thompson. But, it doesn't like some CDRs, CDRWs, DVDRs...
My thompson gave me trouble with NFL 2k4. Dirty disc errors on a spotless disc. It only happened a few times though and has been perfect since. I haven't tried it with backups yet, and I plan on going the HD-swap route to avoid any hastles with media compatabilities.
all consoles cept for maybe the gameboy advance, are futile waste of your [H]ard earned money. i mean look at the price of the games! they are like 70dollars and games with no multiplyer supply unless you pay even more money. not to mention console games have no mods/fixes/downloadable material UNLESS youa re willing to dish out even more Hard earned money. PC gaming is the way to go. with superior graphix, essentially free multiplayer since you gota pay money for broadband for other important internet uses anyways. not to mention millions of mods, just look at half life, which can keep you entertained for life. Sure console games have 4 player support, but lan/pc online go up to 64 players. dude ! thats like 10 times the people!
thenerd said:
all consoles cept for maybe the gameboy advance, are futile waste of your [H]ard earned money. i mean look at the price of the games! they are like 70dollars and games with no multiplyer supply unless you pay even more money. not to mention console games have no mods/fixes/downloadable material UNLESS youa re willing to dish out even more Hard earned money. PC gaming is the way to go. with superior graphix, essentially free multiplayer since you gota pay money for broadband for other important internet uses anyways. not to mention millions of mods, just look at half life, which can keep you entertained for life. Sure console games have 4 player support, but lan/pc online go up to 64 players. dude ! thats like 10 times the people!

No one asked for your opinion here about which is better. Please stop hijacking this thread. Start your own if you want to continue to beat a dead horse...
thenerd said:
all consoles cept for maybe the gameboy advance, are futile waste of your [H]ard earned money. i mean look at the price of the games! they are like 70dollars and games with no multiplyer supply unless you pay even more money. not to mention console games have no mods/fixes/downloadable material UNLESS youa re willing to dish out even more Hard earned money. PC gaming is the way to go. with superior graphix, essentially free multiplayer since you gota pay money for broadband for other important internet uses anyways. not to mention millions of mods, just look at half life, which can keep you entertained for life. Sure console games have 4 player support, but lan/pc online go up to 64 players. dude ! thats like 10 times the people!

Why limit yourself to one or the other, when you can have both?
IcedEmotion said:
Why limit yourself to one or the other, when you can have both?


I like chocolate and I like ice cream, so I eat both and I sleep happy. :)
IcedEmotion said:
Why limit yourself to one or the other, when you can have both?

cause i'm not like all the other spoiled kids who buy 3 consoles with 20 games for each which gets boring after 2 days. i'm a frugal pc gamer who values [H]ard earned money and try to get the most out of my money.
You're an idiot, seriously.

If you wanted to play the number games, an xbox console = $150 with games @ $50. A PC could run you $1200+ with games at what $30-$40? And what if you're not using broadband? there goes your multiplayer option. :rolleyes:

back to the original post at hand here, my girlfriend got me one for my birthday, I had a friend throw in a chip and a hard drive, and I haven't looked back at my PS2 since.

xbox + hdd + chip + blockbuster pass = hours more in front of that xbox than at this pc
barefootbilly said:
You're an idiot, seriously.

If you wanted to play the number games, an xbox console = $150 with games @ $50. A PC could run you $1200+ with games at what $30-$40? And what if you're not using broadband? there goes your multiplayer option. :rolleyes:

back to the original post at hand here, my girlfriend got me one for my birthday, I had a friend throw in a chip and a hard drive, and I haven't looked back at my PS2 since.

xbox + hdd + chip + blockbuster pass = hours more in front of that xbox than at this pc
i love it how you admit you have illegal copies of games....its fantastic.
thenerd said:
cause i'm not like all the other spoiled kids who buy 3 consoles with 20 games for each which gets boring after 2 days. i'm a frugal pc gamer who values [H]ard earned money and try to get the most out of my money.

This thread is not about whether or not YOU like consoles. The OP asked if there is anything special he should know before buying an XBOX. So with the assumption that he has already decided to buy one, everyone has given constructive input. So if you have nothing helpful to contribute then leave.

To the OP... The drive will hopefully be the Samsung. Two of my friends have had the other drives and they crapped out on them.
barefootbilly said:
You're an idiot, seriously.

If you wanted to play the number games, an xbox console = $150 with games @ $50. A PC could run you $1200+ with games at what $30-$40? And what if you're not using broadband? there goes your multiplayer option. :rolleyes:

back to the original post at hand here, my girlfriend got me one for my birthday, I had a friend throw in a chip and a hard drive, and I haven't looked back at my PS2 since.

xbox + hdd + chip + blockbuster pass = hours more in front of that xbox than at this pc

I also have the thompson drive...its given me dirty disc errors once or twice, but not much. Did they stop using this drive? I'd like to get the samsung but I am going to wait to break my seal until the warrantee is up
hefley said:
I also have the thompson drive...its given me dirty disc errors once or twice, but not much. Did they stop using this drive? I'd like to get the samsung but I am going to wait to break my seal until the warrantee is up

Yeah, I'm pretty sure they stopped with the Thompsons..
Will Microsoft switch drives if our crappy thompsons go out? I would hope so if they stopped using a drive that was faulty most of the time :confused:
I should let you know that you need the remote to play DVDs on the XBox. Then again, I'm sure their is some underground way to get around that problem...
A Consol cost 150$ and it last you at least 4 years. With a COmputer you have to update it at least once a year which can cost you easily 500$.