AOC CQ27G1 - VA Gaming Monitor 144hz with Low-Motion Blur Mode


[H]F Junkie
Aug 18, 2006
Thought I'd drop some thoughts / post a review of this display:

If you don't read anything beyond this, I'll just say this. For the asking price, you can't do better.


The good:

+ Good contrast from the VA panel
+ Good PPI (108)
+ Decent color (once calibrated)
+ You can adjust the brightness when using Low Motion Blur (yay!!)

The not-so-good:
- Gamma shift from the VA panel
- Smearing pixels, particularly blue for some reason
- Strange menu and adjustments*

Seriously. If you want a good monitor and don't want to spend a lot of money, this is the monitor to get. If you don't like VA panels, then this won't convince you to jump ship. My CFG-73 (24 inch) Samsung has faster pixel transitions.

*Calibration on the monitor, for white balance was pretty easy, but getting the primaries (Red, Green, Blue) and secondaries (Yellow, Cyan, Magenta) correct was a chore. Basically, the "Game Color" setting is what changes up the entire color response of the monitor (which is quite annoying). Other than this quirk, I was able to reign in the primaries and secondaries to delta E < 4. Red, out of the box, was the biggest offender (which surprised me - usually Green is).
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