AOL the worst kind of spyware


Limp Gawd
Nov 26, 2005
Aol is a bunch of crooks, i never used them because i have cable internet, but my daughter got a laptop (an old one) it didnt have a wireless card or anything so i got aol just for her to play around on the internet through the phone line. i FORGOT MY SCREEN NAME and everything and the laptop died and so i figured i would cancell AOL but they gave me a hard time so screw them i decided i would just cancel my debit card (report it lost/stolen) and get a new one.well guess what they somehow have the ability to charge you anyway. I looked on my account and there was a 40 something dollar charge , called the bank and they said it was AOL and you can't put stop payment on a debit
so called AOL Again and they say that i can cancel but there is a 50 penalty for cancelling THEY Advertise spyware scanners and pop-up blockers but their software is all spyware and ad-ware the junk tries to take your computer over and is nearly impossible to cancell and they try to force it on everyone with the cd's NO CREDIT CARD NEEDED BULL ,preloaded on most new computers, and being bundled with software, A reputable company should try to attract customers to thier product not to try and force it down thier throats. They suck and I hate them
i have aol on all my computers. Its a super-bloated software with bad spyware protection, but i'm not asking it to do that, just let me check my mail and look at NFL clips and i'm fine. It's alright, it used to be much worse with crappy buggy software.

As for the cancellation its the same with cell-phone companies, they'll charge you for anything.
i hate AOL too,.
my sister uses AOL messenger.

every few months we get those cd's in the mail.i use those cd's as coasters,working on a collection so they can be used downstairs for company. i usually take a old key to the back of them so they are un-useable then sit a nice glass of mik on it.

i find it funny,my neighbors next door use AOL and it protects nothing. i found spyware,a dialer and a trojan virus.
if you locked yourself in a contract they can charge you, as far as canceling the card it was being paid with that does not releive you of the responsiblity of the account its still yours. Be glad they havn't sent you to collections
probably shouldn't have used a debit card.
i love the fact that the bank doesn't care because it's YOUR money that was taken from the card vs. THEIR money w/ credit cards.
I've done a charge back with my debit card before. The bank(suntrust) didn't care.
Actually there is no disconnect charge for AOheLL, unless they just started it. What you tell them is you will report them to the Federal Trade Commission and, the FCC for fraudulent practices. AOheLL doesnt like this as, they had to either pay out or, give free time before. This was for knocking people off line constantly and, not providing service. Threatening them usually does the trick. And also what bank you with that they wont stop AOheLL payments? Sounds like you need a new bank, they are supposed to serve you, not AOheLL. I would talk to the local manager. Or e-mail the corporate offices telling them you are thinking of switching to a bank with more customer service.