Aopen G352 Case


Limp Gawd
Nov 2, 2005
Has anyone seen anything more about this case? I think it could be a rather fun build, and yet, it doesn't seem to have been released yet or any news of the sort stated.
Over on SFFtech a member emailed them, and they said they will still working on it and that it will be released in spring. Probably will see it agian at cebit. Wait for the end of the week for more info.
Looks pretty damn ugly to me, why couldn't they just go with a clean look, like Shuttles and the SilverStone Sugo.
THATS HOT :cool: ..... I would so buy that case...I like how the psu is outside the case..diffently a way of keeping it cool
The PSU hold doesn't lend itself well to modular PSUs. I personally think the qpack has the best, most efficient, interior design....they should probably work on the looks of it though.
Well, actually, if the PSU delivers the ampage it says, then it might actually be pretty good, despite it's looks. 3 +12v lines with pretty good ampage, it would be pretty good for a high end setup.
in my opinion AOpen is probably the greatest at innovating small case design, this case furthers my point, it's another alternative and I like that.
Man, that is so ugly :( I agree that cleaner looks is the way to go tbh.