apparently me and RTX is not meant to be...


Jan 20, 2019
first try, bought a 2080 back in March. Metro Exodus looks really really nice to me with DXR. Kept the card for two months, realized I spent way too much, panicked, sold it, bought a used Vega 64.

second try, last month, got lucky and somehow snagged a 2060 Super at Best Buy because apparently I'm obsessed. Metro still looks great with RT. 2060S not really faster than the Vega otherwise but uses a lot less power, and hey, I can't stop thinking about them RT cores.

fast forward to this week, within the span of a few days the card has gone from ripping along happy as a clam (if a bit hot, like 80*) to crashing intermittently, to crashing constantly, to artifacting and then crashing.

le sigh

at least it's still within the return period at the 'Buy. I think I'm gonna try and pick up a second Vega 64 instead for less coin than I paid for this shiny NV brick because Crossfire in 2019 seems just dumb enough for me to try it, and it'll give me extra incentive to get more into DC and maybe mine a coin when the weather gets cold. RTX is just gonna have to wait is what I'm getting from all this lol

tl;dr, woman can't stop thinking about thos ar-tee corez but keeps getting shot down
Opens curtain, a free ray of warm sunshine lights Kates face creating the best shadow detail she has ever seen!

Hang on for the next gen, the RT performance will be much higher and its possible prices wont be quite as high.
But it will take quite a bit longer for the cheap deals to emerge.
If you start saving today, you can get a good 'un ...
Try metro exodus without raytracing. It looks nearly Identical

I wouldn’t fret if someone took my RT cores away right now

I own a 2080.
Just get a 2080 super and be happy. SLI/CF are dead in 2019. Not worth the hassel.
Its not dead. I still run SLI and have no complainants. This big thing is most people don't know how to work around the few games that do not like SLI. Its not rocket science
Just get a 2080 super and be happy. SLI/CF are dead in 2019. Not worth the hassel.

2080 is not at all worth the price to me. I'm gonna wait awhile till there are more DXR games and better deals on used RTX cards. I was half joking about getting another Vega but if I do, it'll be for compute stuff more than gaming. Mine a lil coin distribute a lil compute... cold weather's coming and I find the practice of GPU-assisted space heating amusing and want to do more of it.
Try metro exodus without raytracing. It looks nearly Identical

I wouldn’t fret if someone took my RT cores away right now

I own a 2080.

i did full playthroughs both ways, I definitely noticed a difference but I have a pretty extraordinary eye for subtlety in lighting from years of photo/cine work. That's not to say I think Metro looks "worse" with RTX off- I thought Extreme + 200% shading rate sans RT looked freaking amazing, just different to me in the way of "hey that thing should be darker/lighter/different color".
Well if it makes ya feel better I've been on a 2080Ti for almost a year and only used ray tracing once, for about 5 minutes in Quake. Didn't even bother with it in Metro. I agree it's a waste to buy into this gen if you want to actually use RTX.

That raster performance tho... can't argue with all these FPS! :hungry:
2070S is very close to a 2080 and $500. It’s cheaper than 2x Vega64?

I get the mining, I have about 2kW I dump into my house for “free” heat in the winter.
Well if it makes ya feel better I've been on a 2080Ti for almost a year and only used ray tracing once, for about 5 minutes in Quake. Didn't even bother with it in Metro. I agree it's a waste to buy into this gen if you want to actually use RTX.

That raster performance tho... can't argue with all these FPS! :hungry:

I dunno about that so much... maybe it's because I just got a 2080Ti myself, but I'm using RT in everything right now and enjoying the details. Yeah, you take an FPS hit, but still very playable at 1080p or 2K on single player games. The only MP game I have with RT is BFV and it's well over 80FPS with RT fully set. I guess if u game at 4K tho, that's another story! :)
I wouldn't bother with Crossfire, especially not with Vega 64.

And I ran Vega 64 x 2 for 2 years, it wasn't until I got a Radeon VII that I realized it was choppy/stuttering the whole time (even with a higher fps, it was bogus).

If you want to stick with AMD, sell the Vega and get a 5700 XT, it will be a worthwhile upgrade.
double sigh. looks like I'm sticking with the 2060S after all

guess who naively did not know that Best Buy has a fourteen day return period instead of 30 like everywhere else, what the f**k. Today is 23 days.

politely pled my case to a manager and he ended up allowing a swap where they'll have a replacement card shipped to my home since the FE is rarely available in-store. Beats having to ship the thing back to NV at least but I was looking forward to having that money back in my pocket. oh well. here's to hoping I don't get one with bad VRAM again <fingerscrossed>
Is Kate your real name? Just go with Nvidia lol

Or don't...

I don’t think she has a choice at this point unless she wants to sell it at a loss which I think would be silly.

It sounds like she really likes RT and puts tons of hours into it so IMO she should have just kept the 2080. But I suppose the 2060S is more financially prudent.

Considering the amount of hours most of us game this is a super cheap hobby, even if you buy top end.
2060S is a decent card, but probably will struggle with ray tracing.

I have the normal 2060 on one rig, it's good for 1080p at least, but I tried the Star Wars reflections demo and it was a slide show (I think around 12 fps).

Haven't tried any other RT games on it, since I'm mostly playing with the 2080 Ti on my main rig (and even then RT is no joke).
I don't regret selling the 2080. the difference between the 2060S and 2080 with RT on as far as I've experienced and heard is like 40fps vs 60fps at 1080P and the price difference is big. But y'all are right, keeping the 2060S is a good idea. Clearly real-time RT is something I want access to and 40-50fps with DXR is fine for me (I have Freesync monitor w/LFC) and the card is still good for like 100-120fps normally or 60-80 with a whole crapton of Reshade fx.
well Best Buy got the replacement to me fast, I'll give them that. better luck this time?


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Gonna wait Ampere.

Ampere my friends. Hopefully cheaper too.

Eh, that's what I was telling myself after I sold the 2080 but tbh I'm not convinced. I mean, we'll see... but Nvidia is already sky-high with transistor counts and clocks with Turing, and 7nm from what we've seen so far doesn't magically offer higher clocks or more transistors/$ like past process shrinks- if anything, both seem to have stagnated. The only way I can imagine Ampere being alarmingly superior to Turing is if NV pulls a major architectural coup where they summon more performance out of thin air like they did with Maxwell. Moderate generational improvements to perf/$, sure- instantly obsoleting 2000-series cards to the point that they're not even worth buying now when Ampere is still 6-12mos out? Yah I don't believe that.
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Rule of thumb I use for myself; as of course this is a hobby I enjoy, once I can't game with max settings anymore at an acceptable performance level, I buy the best card I can afford at the time that will do this job. If for some reason I can't afford it yet, I wait until I can buy what I want/need. As everyone here knows, there is ALWAYS something around the corner. If we all waited until the "next big thing", none of us would have decent PCs! :) Enjoy your new card and good luck! Personally, I have really been enjoying Ray Tracing in the few games that have it. Control by far has been a great showcase (in my mind) of how all of those little details add up to a great graphical experience. I will be playing Metro 2033 next :)
You get what you pay for.

AMD will answer RTX, but not till next year. So till then, this is it, the bleeding edge and it'll hold value well into AMD's 'answer'. Not to mention Intel, both of which nvidia is ahead of the game, right now.
What stopped me from getting the 2080 Ti - which was the only remotely possible upgrade in performance was:
  • Limited performance increase ~30%
  • With almost double the price for a good solid card
  • Severe hardware failures and reports for a long period of time
  • Every instance of RTX to me was a degradation in quality while having some benefits it hurt more then it helped so to speak
    • Reflections are unrealistic mirror like, too bright, too much . . .
    • Performance hit degraded smoothness for very little difference at times for image quality, erratic performance as in like BFV which was the sole game for awhile initially
    • RTX making one degrade resolution and frame rates which degrades image quality more than it adds from everything I looked at
      • I would prefer over 60+ fps consistently, HDR, flawless FreeSync 2 support with at least 1440p with best IQ (does not mean max settings, some settings degrade IQ in my opinion including RTX from what I've seen). Then again I am not going to pay over $1000 for a 1440p card.
I hope Intel and AMD has a better DXR implementation, not so limiting and more useful as well as Nvidia next card.
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You get what you pay for.

AMD will answer RTX, but not till next year. So till then, this is it, the bleeding edge and it'll hold value well into AMD's 'answer'. Not to mention Intel, both of which nvidia is ahead of the game, right now.
With all respect, NV has been ahead AMD at least for 10 years now and counting. Always is better the competition, the closer the better, and AMD may be reaching, but I guess not now not even next year.
oh noooo let's not turn this into an NV vs AMD thread lol. ask ten different people and you'll get like eight different answers as to who had the "best" card when with every one convinced the statistics will bear them out. I've owned all in equal measure and they're all fine everything's fine. Just a hobby to me
replacement card off to a fine start, played some games had some fun. Did fine @ stock with a 5-hour Heaven Extreme loop so I set it up for an overnight loop with the core at +160 (OC scanner scored 167), memory at +500, and 100% power limit and the lil beast was still rendering away happy as can be when I checked it 9 hours later. Core clock stabilized at 1980 (1830 steady-state stock) and it stayed at abt 78* Not bad.

I can't shake some fear of pushing the memory after the last card though... that card also handled hours of looping with the memory OCd during initial testing, only to fail at stock speeds a couple weeks later. Should be fine though right? I've overclocked many a GPU and never had a problem before but there's still that part that's saying "you killed it with a mild overclock you f*cker!"
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If the card died with a mild overclock, it was probably not all there to begin with.

From what I understand, the GPUs have fail-safes to protect the hardware, and just upping the clock or memory should not kill a card like that.
Just keep an eye on the memory temps (assuming ur card has sensors for the banks). Mine were just under 80C at 8000Mhz, which is still well below the DDR6 maximum temperature specification, so ur probably more than fine! You actually gain a good amount of FPS with a memory overclock on these 20xx cards.
replacement card off to a fine start, played some games had some fun. Did fine @ stock with a 5-hour Heaven Extreme loop so I set it up for an overnight loop with the core at +160 (OC scanner scored 167), memory at +500, and 100% power limit and the lil beast was still rendering away happy as can be when I checked it 9 hours later. Core clock stabilized at 1980 (1830 steady-state stock) and it stayed at abt 78* Not bad.

I can't shake some fear of pushing the memory after the last card though... that card also handled hours of looping with the memory OCd during initial testing, only to fail at stock speeds a couple weeks later. Should be fine though right? I've overclocked many a GPU and never had a problem before but there's still that part that's saying "you killed it with a mild overclock you f*cker!"

Nah, it was a bad factory unit which happened to limp along for a while. I'd be willing to bet a dollar it would have still failed if you'd never done anything outside stock settings.
Was going to buy a used 2080ti and just before I was going to buy it video card was artifacting. Gonna sit this round out and hope ampere is better.
Was going to buy a used 2080ti and just before I was going to buy it video card was artifacting. Gonna sit this round out and hope ampere is better.

yeah, something is... not quite right with Turing failure rates. I really hope my 2060S continues to be "super" and doesn't crap out like the first one. At least I still have the Vega 64 so I'm not totally out of luck if this one decides to act up.