Apple allows Windows XP to be run on intel macs - Wall Street Journal

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ToastMaster said:
As excited as I am about this announcement, and it does confirm that I will soon be switching to a Mac for good, one issue remains that keeps me from rushing out to buy a MacBookPro:

Merom. I'm hoping that as soon as Merom is officially released, that Apple will switch over to using Merom for the Pros. The downside is, that could be as early as June, or much, much later. And waiting that long really does suck. :/

ooh, forgot about that.

Let's hope it gets two buttons as well. That's sort of a .. big deal, to me anyways.

/wants sexy looking Apple hardware.
Sounds pretty good to me, though I wonder why it took them so long. Get me a Mac laptop with a 1920x1200 display, decent nvidia graphics, and two mouse buttons, and I'm sold. I'll be spending most of my time in Linux, with XP for games and OS X for... well, I'll find something to do with it. :D
well, it took long enough.

finally, apple is just another pc.

i mean really, what are they, boutique PC's?
Now the real question is how long until I can dual boot OSX with my athlon 64 gaming rig. I would love to use OSX for everything except gaming.

im pretty sure you can now. just buy a copy and follow the guides that are out there. they shouldnt be able to tell you which processor you have to use.
playrh8r said:
Now the real question is how long until I can dual boot OSX with my athlon 64 gaming rig. I would love to use OSX for everything except gaming.


With Conroe coming out soon, you won't have to worry about that.


Sorry, I had to. I'm even an AMD fan (though i'm mainly platform agnostic) :)
Menelmarar said:
If Mac's are so superior...why do you have the system that is in your sig?

OS X destroys Windoze in every way. I have the rig in my sig because I (unfortunatly) still need Windoze to play major games. I do everything important on my Macs (PowerBook G4 and iMac CoreDuo), including all work related items, all music and media handeling, etc.

I can't wait for the day that I never have to use another Microsloth product. Sadly, I don't think it will come anytime soon.
For an average user i see zero benefit. Apple does things very well, so does XP, if one doesn't game what is the benefit?
Here is something interesting: someone has supposedly been able to run Vista on a mac. this was on digg if you must know.
Somone call the devil, I think hell may have frozen over.

I saw this on engadget and my jaw dropped.

Hopefully this means less crashing on XP too, since Apple can make the drivers specifically for their hardware.
I never thought about the single mouse button before. I could not live without right click. That is one thing that made me just not want to buy a MacBook Pro though I could always use an external mouse.
mmm this was fun until the clean XP instal started to BSOD after the second string of updates (Windows SP2 clean install, sophos antivirus). looks like i'll be getting rid of the xp partition, yay for windows, runs sooo well on that crazy intel architecture. PS BSOD on the mac, not a pleasant sight :rolleyes: looks like all is not as well as I had hoped, it was quick though. Noticeably faster then my previous 2.4 ghz p4 with 1gb of ram

esr2 said:
mmm this was fun until the clean XP instal started to BSOD after the second string of updates (Windows SP2 clean install, sophos antivirus). looks like i'll be getting rid of the xp partition, yay for windows, runs sooo well on that crazy intel architecture. PS BSOD on the mac, not a pleasant sight :rolleyes: looks like all is not as well as I had hoped, it was quick though. Noticeably faster then my previous 2.4 ghz p4 with 1gb of ram


Disable your antivirus program before performing any OS updates/upgrades.
dualblade said:
i wonder if this will end up hurting osx. if anyone with a mac can use xp, then almost 100% of the market can and developers may not bother to code apps for osx. to develop for a second platform that has such a small market share when that platform has access to the largest marketshare os may not make smart financial sense. since the mac is now a pc in apple clothing (nothing wrong with that), there won't be hardware issues either - it'll just be another x86 machine running windows xp from the point of view of the developers.

That's a good question and I'd love to know what Steve Jobs true intentions are with this development. Then again doesn't Bill Gates (e.g. Microsoft) own the controlling majority in Apple's contributed capital anyway? :confused:

jarman said:
That's a good question and I'd love to know what Steve Jobs true intentions are with this development. Then again doesn't Bill Gates (e.g. Microsoft) own the controlling majority in Apple's contributed capital anyway? :confused:

Microsoft no longer own shares of Apple stock.

The stocks were non-voting shares anyway.
Rocketpig said:
And I couldn't care less... I hate to admit it but DirectX is better than OpenGL.
That has precisely nothing to do with anything at all. Gaming on the Mac doesn't suck because D3D is better than OpenGL. It sucks because it's a hassle to port from Windows to Mac.

i wonder if this will end up hurting osx. if anyone with a mac can use xp, then almost 100% of the market can and developers may not bother to code apps for osx. to develop for a second platform that has such a small market share when that platform has access to the largest marketshare os may not make smart financial sense. since the mac is now a pc in apple clothing (nothing wrong with that), there won't be hardware issues either - it'll just be another x86 machine running windows xp from the point of view of the developers
While that does worry me as well, you'll have to consider the fact that most of the companies who think like that, are the companies that do not have Mac versions anyway. Mac OS X won't get a smaller market share just because you can reboot into Windows.

AppaYipYip said:
Why would you install what is clearly an inferior Operating system on a Mac?! I'll never understand the appeal to doing so.

Jason711 said:
well, it took long enough.

finally, apple is just another pc.

i mean really, what are they, boutique PC's?
You need to be hit with a branch from the logic tree. If we by "PC" mean "personal computer," Macs have always been PCs. If we by "PC" mean "IBM-PC compatible," this is not really a big deal at all. You can run Linux on a PPC-Mac. You can run Linux on an x86-PC. You can probably run that Windows NT version for PowerPC on an equally ancient Mac. The computer isn't suddenly less of a Mac just because it can boot Windows. As long as the market considers Apple special in some way, they ARE special.
I haven't seen this brought up yet in the thread, so here you go:


Link to site

I would have to say, that when people set up dual-boot machines, they still spend a vast majority of their time in one of the OS's and the other sits unused. It's fine that they have the capability, but installing both from the factory would be a waste. People trying to switch from Windows to Mac would likely find themselves hanging out in their old familiar Windows OS instead of learning to use MAC like they wanted.
Also, if a person wanted a Windows machine to begin with, they could have gotten better performance for less money someplace other than Apple. MACs are nice, but they are very pricy, usually even when compared with systems of similar specs.
The nicest scenario would be if Apple started offering a version of MAC OS for non-MAC computers, but that is unlikely because they make their MAC profits from hardware instead of software.
Of course, with such a huge amount of Windows games being diverted over to X-box, who really needs a Windows computer at home anyways. A person wouldn't need to keep up with the Windows hardware arms race anymore; they could just use Linux.

Something that will never happen, but is a fun fantasy, is for Microsoft to suddenly start basing Windows on Linux or BSD. Or better yet, if they made their own real Microsoft version of WINE or DARWINE. "The OS that ran everything, without the need for emulation". Folks would pay money for that. Windows Explorer could then be one of the shell options. It will never happen, but is fun to ponder upon.
Qwertyman said:
For an average user i see zero benefit. Apple does things very well, so does XP, if one doesn't game what is the benefit?
Four letters. HTPC.

Unfortunately, the apple DVD software is simply not designed for what most HTPC users are looking for in DVD playback software, and Apple doesn't seem interested (so far, at least) in rectifying the situation. Couple that with third party software that is only a marginal improvement, and you've just shown one glaring, albeit rather niche, weakness of the platform. Now, one can take the aforementioned mini, install XP using bootcamp, and have the best of both worlds. Boot into OSX for Raphsody and iTunes, then boot into XP and use a quality DVD software package, like TheaterTek, for driving movies. And all in a nice, sleek, compact platform.
Four letters. HTPC.

Unfortunately, the apple DVD software is simply not designed for what most HTPC users are looking for in DVD playback software, and Apple doesn't seem interested (so far, at least) in rectifying the situation.

REALLY?! :eek:

Why haven't they? It seems obvious to me that the Mini, with its size and quiet-ness is a great candidate for an HTPC, so you think Apple would encourage that portion of the market (admitedly, it's a tiny piece of the market but every bit helps!).

As far as Boot Camp is concerned, I think it's a good thing. I don't have a Mac here with me so I can't test it for myself. How "polished" is it? I've read two articles on it and it sounds pretty spiffy which leads me to wonder how long Apple's had this thing (or something very much like it) up their sleeve.

Now if Apple would pull there head out of there a@@es and use an AMD dual core, I buy right now. Come on who can support Intel, NOT ME!! :confused:
MACs are nice, but they are very pricy, usually even when compared with systems of similar specs.
Bullshit. The quad Power Mac is pretty cheap, even when compared to a home-built system. I priced out an Athlon64 X2 tower with a 20" widescreen TFT, and it was only $50 or so cheaper than the similarly speced iMac. The 12" iBook is dirt cheap. The Mac mini is supposedly quite a bit cheaper than the competition (I haven't checked prices myself). The expensive Macs are the PowerBooks, but they're being phased out, and the low-end Power Macs. So the majority of the Macs are actually not very expensive at all.

I'm sorry for the OTness of this post, but this "omg zeh MACKs are expensive" FUD is starting to get to me.

Now if Apple would pull there head out of there a@@es and use an AMD dual core, I buy right now. Come on who can support Intel, NOT ME!!
I would just like to point out that they're using Core Duos, and not Pentium 4s. AMDs offerings are not better for Apple's current lineup.
IMO, the only way this takes off with the masses is if they preinstall windows. Unless there's a work around that allows you to use your upgrade copy of windows/the copy on your old PC, this makes the Mac even more expensive than it already is. When one considers how many non-corporate users buy on the cheap side, adding $200.00 to the price will probably be a deal breaker.

At the very least, Apple should sell OEM copies of windows for 99/199 (home/pro).

Regardless, this isn't for me, since I like to build my own, but if they opt to preinstall windows and manage to keep prices competitive, I think there's major upside for apple. An attractive Mac can only help getting the Wife on board and maybe she'll support an upgrade or 2 :)

Personally, I'd be inclined to pay $100.00 to try OSX on my PC if apple offered it, but that's not gonna happen in my life time :(
Jason711 said:
well, it took long enough.

finally, apple is just another pc.

i mean really, what are they, boutique PC's?


I still don't see the appeal of Macs. I'm sitting at work in front of a G5 dual 2.5 ghz, 4gb RAM and do video editing/animation on it. The new Dell Precision we just got has dual 2.8 Xeons a Quadro and cost literally half the price of this G5 and is damn faster.

And OSX blows. Windows sucks too, I just don't have the pateince to learn Linux, especially when everything is on Windows.

I really want to see the benchmarks now of dual booting Macs running apps and games 2x or 4x (or whatever Apple advertises) that their PC's run compared to everyone else.
On the financial side of things, I find it very funny that Apples stock has risen about 13 points since this annoucement, but Microsoft has done nothing ( It's actually down for the day.) Isn't this new advent going to sell more copies of XP or Vista? I'm sure apple didn't hasn't realized any profits due to boot camp yet. I also highly doubt that people are going to storm their local store just to purchase a new apple when Vista is just around the corner and the system specs aren't even finalized yet.

That HTPC thing is probably the neatest thing I've heard so far, only reason I would get it.

I just don't get why everyone is so high on this feature though, sure its cool, but i'm not switching back and forth just to use expose.
Personally, I'd be inclined to pay $100.00 to try OSX on my PC if apple offered it, but that's not gonna happen in my life time

i would be willing to pay it as well

someone made the comment that it'd be a bad idea for Apple to release it's OS for use on any 'ol x86, but i think that is farthest from the truth.

If apple can release its upgrade to 'X' for any x86 PC right before Microsoft gets Vista out, i have a feeling they can pull quite a bit of marketshare...

so many things will need to be changed to support Vista, why not switch to OSX?

there needs to be a real world competition for Windows, and right now, there isn't, i don't care what the linux guys say, they JUST AREN'T VIABLE yet, SuSE is coming close, but...

a OSX release for nonApple hardware would be AWESOME for the operating system market, they would make some money... microsoft would LOSE some money... and everybody is happy....

AND people will still buy apple hardware because its sexy, because frankly, there is no other reason now
got 2781 with nothing turned on. Can anyone compare to a pc with T2400 CPU and X1600 card?
See, my theory is this:

Apple is giving it's market the "option" of running windows.


What's the number one reason against switching to Macintosh?
"My Application is for Windows Only."

Historically you've had a few options to remedy this.
1) An extra machine
2) Virtual machines

Apple's adding to the mix now the option to dual-boot, giving the user the ability to run an application natively in windows. (I'm sure everyone here knows the pains of trying to run high-end apps on a VM)

Granted, dual-booting won't work for all users (some of us need constant access to windows/os x at all times during our workflow) but for "one-off" tasks, gaming, or highly specific tasks this is a great feature.

Going this route, users that WANT the OS X interface / Macintosh feature set, can have it, and still maintain a very viable Windows platform for their "hold-out" applications.
In this case, it even gives that user a chance to find if their is a Mac-based alternative to their applications, without completely abandoning them.

I don't see this as a real way to attract users to the Mac market that DON'T want OS X. Just a way to please those that are interested in the platform but don't want to dive in straight-away.
Man I keep switching back and forth to owning a Windows and Mac machine.. this isn't helping it >.<
Black Morty Rackham said:
Sometimes I don't know why I even bother...
Hey, everyone has their opinions, and you should respect them. I myself love Mac OS X. I like it hell of a lot more than I like Windows. I, for one, can see why Macs are priced higher. Apple builds everything from the ground up with them. It's art. It's beauty. It all depends on what you want.
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