Apple Claims 'Huge' Loss Over iPhone Leak

At worst, doesn't this just DELAY thier sales, not lose them?

I'm always skeptical of inflated loss figures by companies like this (and the RIAA and MPAA and Congress) because they use simple arithmetic that doesn't take into account additional factors. [/IMG][/URL]

Pretty much what I was going to say.

The sales are not the least bit lost. Mearly delayed.

My belief is that Apple, in its role as big brother, is trying to either get insurance money or is trying to lay down fear and intimidation in order to try and inhibit anyone else from ever daring to expose an apple product early again.

I expect they will pressure local authorities into "throwing the book" at anyone and everyone, I'd be surprised if they dont try and take action against the bar in which the phone was "lost."

I expect Apple legal is going over every law ever written, local, state and federal, trying to come up with ways to make anyone and everyone involved sorry they even dared look at the phone much less show pictures and print a story.

I guess Apple isnt the underdog company anymore. When did Jobs sell his soul anyways? Was that how he saved Apple? By agreeing to channel (or become) Lucifer?

Perhaps I am being a bit sarcastic and over the top? I do think Apple is going to try and destroy everyone involved though.
I think it was actually quite stupid to come out and complain about what was lost by the unvieling of this phone. They are basically saying, we know theres a newer, better product that is on the horizon, but we'd rather not tell you about it and have you enter into a 2 year contract with what will soon be an inferior product. That's pretty much a big FU to the consumer. At least thats how I interpret their statement.
and for the record, I think this entire story from beginning to end is ridiculous and unimportant. I don't think Apple is benefitting at all from this type of publicity.
Its BS, b/c it also deterred people from possibly buying all of the new HTC phones that are just now being release or are about to be released.
Verizon HTC Incredible (already out)
Sprint HTC Evo (will be out soon)

Those phones are all going to be out before Apple's iphone, so it would actually be good for Apple.
Im sure apple wouldnt have a leg to stand on in the UK with that argument, I think (Not sure) but it could be against some sort of consumer law as its not really in the best intrest for consumers.

Apple really seem to be money grabbing cowboys.
Or: (Put's on tinfoil hat),
Conspiracy theory #1: Steve Jobs intentionally let the new phone leak knowing it would put apple in the limelight and hopefully drum up interest in the new model.
(Gee Tim, Let's go get wasted at the bar and make sure you don't forget to bring the super-top secret, Iphone prototype!)
Wouldn't put it past apple to make this all one big secret publicity stunt.

(Takes off tinfoil hat and goes back down into my room in my mom's basement...:p)
Apple says that the loss of that prototype iPhone was "immensely damaging" and represented "a huge loss." Normally I would be making fun of Apple right about now but I think there might be some truth to that line of thought. It makes sense that people that were planning on buying an iPhone will now simply hold out for the new model. On the other hand, leaks like this drum up a lot of interest for the next version of the iPhone too. What do you think, was the leak good or bad for Apple?

Lets face it. The kind of people that buy their products usually aren't all that sharp. It's not as if there has ever NOT been a minor revision in the works for any of Apple's products. They'll still buy the current model and they'll still bitch when a new one comes out; before buying it.
and for the record, I think this entire story from beginning to end is ridiculous and unimportant. I don't think Apple is benefitting at all from this type of publicity.

There is no such thing as bad press. Ever.
Can you imagine what it would be like if the PC world worried about things like this? Thanks god the PC manufacturers see the value in previewing future hardware.
My belief is that Apple, in its role as big brother, is trying to either get insurance money or is trying to lay down fear and intimidation in order to try and inhibit anyone else from ever daring to expose an apple product early again.
Apple's trying to placate its stockholders by making it seem as if they're strongly protecting the company's interests. I don't think it accounts for much more than that, but I do think your second theory certainly holds some water. This is scare tactics-level stuff here.
This wreaks of "we have to find some way to get back at Engadget for embarrassing us"

Your average person wouldn't even know about the lead. Enthusiasts who read about the leak are the same people who knew the refresh was coming. Enough said..
The reality is Apple is making excuses, while that reason may be partly to blame a lot of people can't afford multiple Apple products thus have bought an iPad then ditched there plans to buy something like the iPhone.
For that are saying that it will only delay the profits, I'd put on my accountant hat and say that $300 today is worth more than $300 a year from now. But really, that comes down to itty bitty numbers and percentages so who's to say if it'd have a real impact.

Taking that hat off though, I agree, this is just stupid. Sounds like they're trying to drum up sympathy for whatever evil thing they're about to do.
It's gone up because of the iPad release, not the iPhone leak...

The iPad was released April 12th, the stock was steadily going up since March 19th.

The point that Apple wasn't directly hurt by the leak is still completely valid. if anything there bitching, weight throwing, and forceful business practices are what is going to hurt them.
All the "oh it's going to hurt us" talk is only valid if people had brains. As such, that's not the case so, as expected, when the iPhone 4G does land, it'll sell like... well, every other iPhone has, and Jobs will take the stage next year and say the same thing again as the previous three years "The iPhone 4G sold blah blah blah, we gained blah blah blah market share, our products are now in blah blah blah..."

It gets rather old seeing them rehash the same thing.

And the ultimate insult? Jobs will be wearing the same damned black turtleneck, the same damned jeans, the same damned glasses, the same damned tennis shoes, on the same damned stage, probably in the same damned facility spewing the same damned stuff.

Man they sure are innovative, ain't they?
Delayed sales.. to a certain percentage, yes, this will happen.. but for apple.. They need to realize.. any publicity is good publicity.. Their sheep will do anything to get their hands on a new device.. Its only a matter of time, especially when they can force the idea of positive results..

"OMG, lets catch up to the rest of technology... o wait, it cant to *insert fail here*.. well, ill buy this and wait for the next thing to come out.."

As far as im concerned... The Evo will still blow this POS out of the water..
The droves of brainless Apple-heads will still stand in 24hr lines to get whatever crap this self-loathing company will pump out.
The rest of the people with at least half-a-brain left, would wait until a few legit reviews show up, and then make thier buying decision....
To Apple baw-wow is pure "we're not the bad guys" PR horse crap!!!!!
Massive FAIL Apple.... FU!!!

Apple is worried about losing money this quarter, because people will postpone buying their iPhone until the new model is out.