Apple denies company of putting an app in the store

Doesn't seem very spam-like. Seems like a legit issue. I love my iPhone, but let's face facts here: Apple is run by a bunch of inconsistent, control-freak assholes.
You've got it all wrong. You need to post this on reddit, then it'll be on digg's front page the following day.
Yes because someone who has been a member here for 3 years and never once posted in the apple section wants "his" app reinstated. It's an app that I find nice, unlike photoswap which is nothing but horndogs, this app actually lets you exchange photography and see who else likes it.

Seems like someone trying to generate a fake groundswell to get his app reinstated.
Seems like someone trying to generate a fake groundswell to get his app reinstated.

Did you actually read the link in the OP?

Makes me just a little bit sad when I could say that your post "seems like someone trying to generate extra posts to increase his post count" and there would be more truth present than in the statement you've made.
Seems like someone trying to generate a fake groundswell to get his app reinstated.

If you read the article at the link, and saw the accompanying evidence, you wouldn't say that.

Bottom line is that whatever else is true about Apple-and there is a lot of good to be said about them-they are also wildly inconsistent in their policies, they are epic level control freaks, they overcharge for *everything* they do, and all this adds up, if not in fact, in appearance, to them playing favorites or-perhaps worse-their left hand not knowing what their right hand is doing.

Apple makes some nice products. Their App Store software policies are not one of them.
I don't think there's anything wrong with the subject, but the whole
please register at digg if you aren't already and lets get this on the front page.
is pretty lame.
Doesn't seem very spam-like. Seems like a legit issue. I love my iPhone, but let's face facts here: Apple is run by a bunch of inconsistent, control-freak assholes.

Was his name-O.

Most people don't know Apple approached Verizon before they ever talked to ATT... And Verizon wanted nothing to do with them for the very reason I quoted.
Yes because someone who has been a member here for 3 years and never once posted in the apple section wants "his" app reinstated.

Where did I say that I think you're the app creator?

The App Store approval process is unpredictable, to put it mildly. Yes, the specified reason for the app being rejected is completely ridiculous. But Digging about an app rejection--when the App Store already allows unlimited resubmissions--is more about creating faux outrage than filing an appeal.
Was his name-O.

Most people don't know Apple approached Verizon before they ever talked to ATT... And Verizon wanted nothing to do with them for the very reason I quoted.

This statement isn't necessarily true. Yes, Verizon turned them down, but there were a few factors, and it had to do with money. Verizon execs have made comments on how they messed this one up. It is the most popular phone in America. Who wouldn't want that?
This statement isn't necessarily true. Yes, Verizon turned them down, but there were a few factors, and it had to do with money. Verizon execs have made comments on how they messed this one up. It is the most popular phone in America. Who wouldn't want that?

Among other things, Apple wanted a percentage of the monthly cellphone fees, say over how and where iPhones could be sold and control of the relationship with iPhone customers, said Jim Gerace, a Verizon Wireless vice president. "We said no. We have nothing bad to say about the Apple iPhone. We just couldn't reach a deal that was mutually beneficial."

IE, they want to run their company THEIR WAY, not Apple's way.
Yup, meaning they wanted to put Verizon's shitty cookie-cutter interface on it, clock it slower and run awful V-whatever.

Doesn't really matter what Verizon wants to do, it's understandable Verizon didn't want to do it.
And all you iPhone users are just pissed you're stuck with ATT is all.
Yup, meaning they wanted to put Verizon's shitty cookie-cutter interface on it, clock it slower and run awful V-whatever.

This is a very valid statement. Verizon was at fault as well, since they wanted to try to sell people music through their piece of ish V-whatever interface.

Doesn't really matter what Verizon wants to do, it's understandable Verizon didn't want to do it.
And all you iPhone users are just pissed you're stuck with ATT is all

You're missing the point. You can't deny how the iPhone has change the industry. Do you realize that your Verizon was still trying to pass the Motorola Razr off as a "phone" when the iPhone came out?

If anything, Big Red failed to realize the potential this phone had. And, no, that's not a good thing. Verizon has changed their whole marketing scheme due to the iPhone. They now advertise about having "open" phones.

If both Verizon and Apple were able to reach an agreement on the iPhone, it would have changed everything. Verizon would have added the millions of users AT&T was able to gain from the phone. That would have put AT&T and Sprint at a huge loss.
Doesn't really matter what Verizon wants to do, it's understandable Verizon didn't want to do it.
And all you iPhone users are just pissed you're stuck with ATT is all.

Uh, no.

The little "T-Mobile" icon in my iPhone's top-left corner says otherwise.
If anything, Big Red failed to realize the potential this phone had. And, no, that's not a good thing. Verizon has changed their whole marketing scheme due to the iPhone. They now advertise about having "open" phones.
Due to the suckiness of ATT.
A great number of iPhone users are butt hurt over the fact it's only on ATT.

Uh, no.

The little "T-Mobile" icon in my iPhone's top-left corner says otherwise.
On a "supported" network, you know what I mean.
Will you buy the iPhone when Verizon eventually releases it?

Hell no.
Not for business use anyway.

The iPhone was perfectly fine for personal use, I would've probably used it. But with the Droid coming out now, it'd be a tough choice between the two for personal use.

That said, I am on ATT, and once Verizon would bring native service to the area I'd hop in a heartbeat. ATT's network sucks.
ATT might suck, but so does Verizon. They charge about $2000 per year for the Droid on an Unlimited plan. That's just fucking nuts.
ATT might suck, but so does Verizon. They charge about $2000 per year for the Droid on an Unlimited plan. That's just fucking nuts.

It's $14 more a month than ATT is. IE, only $168 more a month than the iPhone.
By that deduction, all you iPhone people are fucking nuts for paying that much as well.

$14 more a month, to some people, might be worth a carrier switch that has a stable network.
Hell no.
Not for business use anyway.

The iPhone was perfectly fine for personal use, I would've probably used it. But with the Droid coming out now, it'd be a tough choice between the two for personal use.

That said, I am on ATT, and once Verizon would bring native service to the area I'd hop in a heartbeat. ATT's network sucks.

TechieSooner. We get it. You hate AT&T and the iPhone. We're happy that this makes you feel better about yourself.
By that deduction, all you iPhone people are fucking nuts for paying that much as well.

Of course, but the truth is the iPhone is an iPhone, and the Droid is just an anti-iPhone right now. They even market it as such, with their "Droid Does" commercials, which plays right into the minds of the crowd they're after.
When you're able to multitask when can talk. Or tether. Let's just thank God Apple finally gave you the must mundane of tasks, cut/copy/paste that I've been using for 20 years. And that they've finally given you something this year that I've had for 5: MMS.

(And BTW, the thing that makes the Droid awesome is not the fact it's a touchscreen... It's the Android OS).

Again- I'd consider the iPhone for personal use, but hailing this as the best device is just assinine. There's other totally legitimate devices that outdo the iPhone easily. Android is probably the best due to the fact it's the only one with a decent third-party application library.
One thing, which someone has already commented on, was that the iPhone revamped the industry. I will agree to that, it got everyone else off their butt to put some RD into new devices and software.
You've been using cut/copy/paste on your phone for 20 years?
On my computer. I'm saying I've been using it 20 years. I even remember cheap ass non-web capable phones having it many years ago.

This is the most obvious attempt at trolling I've seen in months.
It's factual. However I do think I need to clarify... It's the best at third part application in the NON-IPHONE group.
Man, it's so lame to argue iPhone sucks vs. iPhone rules. Let the marketplace be the judge of which handset/platform/experience is superior. Any iPhone fan that doesn't want the Android platform to be a good competitor is living in a fantasy bubble - anything that can push Apple to make a better product is great in my book. Just a shame that every acclaimed "iPhone Killer" over the past few years has been a complete flop. The Droid is too new for us to know if it'll be a flop or not, but I suspect it will not succeed in "killing" the iPhone. It may make the iPhone a better product but it won't kill it.

Still, though, it's amusing to watch fanboys and fangirls go on about how Apple making a horrible product and how they omitted copy/paste for a year and how they didn't expose their API for a year (forcing people to jailbreak or use crappy web apps).

I can't wait to see what Apple does next.
On my computer.
You carry your computer around and make calls on it? What's the setup like? Do you use one of those infant carriers and just have it sitting in front of you, or is it something more complex?

Does it look like this, sorta? (Forgive the crudity of this example image)


I'm saying I've been using it 20 years.
One would think you would have developed some serious lower back problems carrying around a computer in your infant carrier/computer holster.
Due to the suckiness of ATT.
A great number of iPhone users are butt hurt over the fact it's only on ATT.

On a "supported" network, you know what I mean.

Yaa, cause taking it up the ass on Verizon would be sooooo much better. :rolleyes:
You carry your computer around and make calls on it? What's the setup like? Do you use one of those infant carriers and just have it sitting in front of you, or is it something more complex?

One would think you would have developed some serious lower back problems carrying around a computer in your infant carrier/computer holster.
You're missing the point. Cut/Copy/Paste has been a freaking basic operation for years. 18 YEARS ago we were using it in Windows 3.1

Gmail Mobile doesn't have Cut/Copy/Paste either- I hold back no criticism for them, either.

A basic task that's been around for so long, that's insanely helpful: there is ZERO EXCUSE for not having it. Period. I don't care who it is.

As I've said before (which apparently I need to re-iterate for those that ignore it) I remember having a basic POS phone by today's standards (Probably a Moto or Nokia or something) years ago that had the feature it on for text and general phone uses.

My point? Apple, and the iPhone, is not this magical perfect device. Stop being so blind, the thing has, and has had, shortfalls.

Yaa, cause taking it up the ass on Verizon would be sooooo much better. :rolleyes:
At least their network is stable and works worth a darn.
Stop being so blind here. Microsoft sucks at stuff. Google sucks at stuff. One thing that drives me crazy is people that blindly hail Apple's products as the best ever, even when ATT has been consistently ranked as the worst Wireless provider for many years now. Wake up and smell the coffee: ATT sucks.
Will you just STFU about copy/paste? We get it, you're a troll. In case you hadn't noticed, the iPhone has had copy/paste for a while now. Find a new chink in it's armor, ferchrissakes.

WinMo user here.
Should've been there from day 1.
So should've Exchange, MMS, Tethering, and all the other functions folks in the normal world have enjoyed for years. How's those for chinks?