Apple Facing First Profit Drop in Decade?

Apples stock price de jour is pretty much disconnected from the actual health of the company.

The stock market is half irrational and half manipulated by large hedge funds/investment houses.
Yeah that's why zero called it a momentum stock; I definitely agree with what both you guys said because as seen by the last 4 months the stock's been hammered day in and out over rumors and some manipulation like the expiring options last Friday(it's why the stock closed at exactly $500.00). Momentum is what's driving AAPL and not the company's metrics.
I found this article interesting. Teens think Apple isn't "cool," because of it's popularity with people their parents' age.

Yea a drop is a drop but the 80's and 90's where just awful for Apple. I hate to say it but if they can survive those decades , they can survive what's ahead.

Agreed. As long as they maintain their innovation without Steve Jobs and keep a close eye on Samsung.
Yea a drop is a drop but the 80's and 90's where just awful for Apple. I hate to say it but if they can survive those decades , they can survive what's ahead.

Except they didn't survive those decades, they got bailed out.
Apple has like 100 billion in the bank, they can survive a VERY long time now. They will fall down the question is this time will they be smart enough to fall down in an organized way and get to a sustainable point? Or will they crash and burn trying to fight it and then sell out to clones again etc....
I cano relate. That's why I don't use Windows.

Kids are dumb, and only go the other way from their parents just to do it. No good reason other than angst. Which in turn will cause other kids witnessing said kids doing (X), then themselves will do the opposite cuz angst yo, im an individual! Its all a big retarded wash at the end of the day.

Apple is done for. Even if jobs was alive. The phones are more or less as good as they are going to get. Smartphones are now toasters, they work next... The tablet market is going to die a deserving firery death when ppl realize tablets are useless and only ad stress as its one more piece of crap electronics to keep up with. Oh, and my phone does all that..

And no windows? I just bought the new DIRT Deus EX and some other shooter for 6$ on ebay via steam keys. Why waste money just to prove a point? I pay nothing for games.
Apple is done for. Even if jobs was alive. The phones are more or less as good as they are going to get. Smartphones are now toasters, they work next... The tablet market is going to die a deserving firery death when ppl realize tablets are useless and only ad stress as its one more piece of crap electronics to keep up with. Oh, and my phone does all that..

And no windows? I just bought the new DIRT Deus EX and some other shooter for 6$ on ebay via steam keys. Why waste money just to prove a point? I pay nothing for games.

I love my W8 tablet. The pen and touch support are amazing. The productivity I get out of it is nothing short of amazing as well. Its also just as face as my last Laptop while being thinner and more versatile and the battery life is better than my last one and even better with the extended battery. Anyways I think tablets are going to grow, when microsoft figures out Modern UI (which I never use atm) and Intel releases even more power efficient chips W8 tablets the Non-RT will be amazing. I mean I replaced my iPad and my laptop with my W8 tablet and have been able to do more than both of them combined. The smartphone market might get saturated soon specifically since no on is really doing anything huge, but the tablet market will probably explode for a while.
I guess for people who use laptops as consumption devices a tablet will do.
I use my laptop for programming and testing code in multiple VM environments and occasionally picture editing(a desktop replacement). No tablet would be able to keep up with my needs. A windows pro tablet has 4 gigs and that's barely enough.

The hardware is picking up though and maybe in the next few year it would be at the point where it could replace my laptop(thought I would still have to lug a keyboard around).

I can't see myself using Windows on my laptop though, that's for my desktop. I am all Apple where it comes to my laptop and all Android where my phones are concerned. I like to mix and match :)
Apple is done for. Even if jobs was alive. The phones are more or less as good as they are going to get. Smartphones are now toasters, they work next... The tablet market is going to die a deserving firery death when ppl realize tablets are useless and only ad stress as its one more piece of crap electronics to keep up with. Oh, and my phone does all that..
Apple: the company in the world making $160 billion in revenue a year and pulling in $54 billion last quarter that's done for. Please, bless us lowly peasants with your infinite financial knowledge.
What? They had record sales of both iPads and iPhones.

Sorry, should have clarified: meant that they missed the prediction of sales, which is a target they always seemed to hit or exceed in the past. Despite record sales...