Apple Fires Employee after Daughter’s iPhone X Video Goes Viral


Aug 20, 2006
Apple has reportedly fired an engineer who worked on iPhone X after his daughter, Brooke Amelia Peterson, posted a hands-on video of the device to YouTube, breaking the company's non-disclosure agreement policies. Apple subsequently called for its removal, a request with which Peterson complied, but not before the footage went viral.

In a post to her YouTube channel on Saturday, Peterson claims Apple was forced to fire her father over the incident. Company rules strictly prohibit the documenting of unreleased hardware, whether it be photos, video or descriptions of device features. Unauthorized filming on Apple property is also verboten. "Apple let him go," Peterson said. "At the end of the day, when you work for Apple, it doesn't matter how good of a person you are, if you break a rule they just have no tolerance."
He should have known better. Unless she done it without his knowledge but that would have been the first thing I told my kid.


We aren't even allowed to use the name Apple where I work.

The local High School has a sponsorship with Coca-Cola. Funded the cafeteria and football field or some bs. The kids are not allowed to even wear Pepsi shirts, they're told to turn them inside out if they're caught wearing them.
If the dad was talented enough to work at Apple, than I feel that his future employment prospects will be great. There are other companies out there that treat their employees like real humans and not automatons. Also, he needs to cash in on the kids 15 min of fame, perhaps do a gofundme or youtube series and find other "ways" of sabotaging dear ol dad.

(Just the way I see it, and i have 3 daughters)
If the dad was talented enough to work at Apple, than I feel that his future employment prospects will be great. There are other companies out there that treat their employees like real humans and not automatons. Also, he needs to cash in on the kids 15 min of fame, perhaps do a gofundme or youtube series and find other "ways" of sabotaging dear ol dad.

(Just the way I see it, and i have 3 daughters)

He broke an NDA not many companies would look at you if you were incapable of not following one.
So do you just call it "Voldemort" or something? I bet you work for Samsung. ;)

Apple is a fabless company. They can't actually produce any of the electronic components inside their products. But they WILL generously compensate Americans in America working for American companies to do that job for them.
Apple is a fabless company. They can't actually produce any of the electronic components inside their products. But they WILL generously compensate Americans in America working for American companies to do that job for them.

I laughed pretty hard at that. The factory at the corner of Xiu Yan and Shen Jiang road is in 'Merica"....
She seems like a complete idiot. Her dad allowing her to film also shows a lack of understanding of basic company rules. So of course he would allow her to do something stupid like film a piece of secret hardware.

As for her excuse that she makes videos for private purposes only then maybe she shouldn’t upload them to YouTube and make them public. Just a little thought.

And why the heck is she apologizing for her dad..... wait I already know that answer.
He should have known better. Unless she done it without his knowledge but that would have been the first thing I told my kid.

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The local High School has a sponsorship with Coca-Cola. Funded the cafeteria and football field or some bs. The kids are not allowed to even wear Pepsi shirts, they're told to turn them inside out if they're caught wearing them.
I’m not sure how a local high school can get away with that, unless it’s private.
hah is all I have to say... dumb dad, and even dumber kid.

No sympathy - he was probably pulling in awesome money, and now that it's public knowledge he doesn't follow NDA protocol, or the rules in general he will have a hard time finding a job in the same sector.

Rules exist for a reason - if you can't follow them because you think you are special, fuck you.
"At the end of the day, when you work for Apple, it doesn't matter how good of a person you are, if you break a rule they just have no tolerance."
Well duh. Apple wasn't his friend, they were his employer. I seriously doubt Apple would have let him walk out the door without making it very clear he was under an NDA, and it doesn't take a rocket surgeon to understand what breaking an NDA with an employer generally means.
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She spends a bit bragging about her video going viral, following by a good long segment talking about how great her dad is. Next its he screwed up, and Apple let him do it right in their cafeteria. Blame for Apple, blame for her dad, but none for her! No consequences yay!

"Please don't hate on my father." I don't hate him at all, you're the dummy you childish brat. You broke the rule and got your dad fired, and you don't even realize it.
This video is pushing over 1mil views since yesterday. So this one will go viral too
no comments? Damn stupid bitch. 'I just wanted to make a video, I love making videos' OK dumbass, you made the video, doesn't mean you had to post it. You love being the center of attention. That video is all, me me, I, I, me.

And dad deserves to be fired. There are certain jobs that grant you certain access where there are rules against this type of thing. What I do find surprising is that no one in the cafeteria confronted them for filming. That and the fact that apple allows uncontrolled cameras on their campus. There should be more then one person fired for this f up.

I couldn't watch the whole thing so I skipped to the end...

So many crocodile tears. And how many takes did it take to look this phony? That video has a ton of cuts.
I thought the phone was already out lol. I also didn't think people really cared about phone releases anymore since they are all the same. Apparently I'm just old now :(
The dad was stupid for letting his daughter have access to the device at all. He knew the rules.
I've been to Apple HQ before as a guest. The security is tight when you are inside. At all times we were escorted around, were given instructions not to speak to anyone, if we saw a higher up - don't make contact, etc. I know a lot of places have some of these rules, but Apple was stricter than others I've been to.
There were restrooms right outside the conference room we were in. Apple employees had to stand outside when we went. My colleague had some, stomach issues and had the escort outside for like 15-20 minutes on multiple occasions. What a shitty job.
We were even debriefed before leaving about not discussing the meeting we had. We were there to work on an app for the upcoming Apple Watch - we were given an earlier build of watchOS (at the time). Nothing major, but they were very tight lipped. Other companies were also at this gathering - we were all not allowed to talk about what we were working on (even though we were in the same room for 5 days straight). GoPro, Sphero, Nike, and a few others were in the room. We could see the hardware they had so it was obvious who they were :) Had any of us broken the rules, we would have been escorted from their campus and never invited back again. That would likely result in us getting fired from where I work.
I’m not sure how a local high school can get away with that, unless it’s private.
It's not private. Complete bs IMO.

My co-worker sons plays football at a public school and he says their sports team is "Under Armor only". They aren't allowed to wear anything else except Under Armor when doing sports things. I also thought it was fucked up.....for high school at least.
"On tuesday I woke up and my iphone 10 video was going viral, I was on the trending page - I was like OMG IS THAT ME. I had several very intense attention-orgasms, back to back to back. It felt godlike, like I could rule every living. Air felt clean again. I've never felt anything like it. Immediately I knew I needed more.

As a result of Apple's super lame decision I am now dedicating myself fulltime to my youtube channel, where I'll make more videos to get attention. Come say hi and click subscribe!"

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