Apple iMac Turns 10

Terry Olaes

I Used to be the [H] News Guy
Nov 27, 2006
8/15 marked the tenth anniversary of the date the iMac first shipped. Who could have predicted the fruity-colored all-in-one computer would herald Apple’s return to consumer relevance and spawn countless copies of Jonathan Ive’s designs? Check out the launch video.
ugh, I had to use those all through middle school, lol. They reminded me of something made by Fisher Price.
We had a lot of these on my graphic design school, which was one of the many reasons I kept using my PC. I never fell in love with Apple products, as many of my friends did, and while the buggy iMacs slowly became obsolete, I just upgraded my PC for much less money.

But just looking at the fruity machines brings back a lot of memories, though.
So Apples propaganda hasn't changed in 10 years and the fanboys have only gotten crazier.
So Apples propaganda hasn't changed in 10 years and the fanboys have only gotten crazier.


What's worse is that I work at what is essentially the tech support center at my university, and last spring the university decided to splurge and buy about 400 professors new imacs.

Yeah. You can guess what kind of fuckup that was.
I work in a mix environment and at best i can say its ok. 90% of the computers are windows and the macs are for design. I really can't say the mac are better, just different. Most of the problems are with getting the macs to play nice with the network printers and the missing features from the Micorsoft office suites. Why is there no auto archive for entourage? I know its more a Microsoft thing but totally annoying. As for CS3 it runs better on the windows machines, sorry mac. I can only imagine what would happen if we tried to switch a bunch of people to macs... most people are use to windows at work even thinking about vista gives me a headache.
I find it funny that Apple started the color crazy for non-modders, giving every day people some individuality with there computer. Braking away from the conformist "beige box" and starting there "non-comformist" attitude of the mac fanboys. Yet, now, all of there computers friggen look the same, and have no color choice at all. It seems the non-conformist's have conformed. How sad.
My worst call ever when I was at Mindspring (remember them?) doing tech support... was asking someone what kind of computer they had (brand > model > high chance of getting the modem make right and giving them an init string that would work best given at the time was when 56k just came out and Winmodems were making it worse for everyone)...

The person responded "Tangerine."


You can probably guess how it went from there.
Sounds like that crowd drank the cool-aid. "Awww what a great keyboard, what a great mouse".

Back in '99 I was using a 19" monitor and most of my friends had the same or at least a 17". None of this 13"-14" crap.
What a difference ten years makes. From a computer (a toy, really) that I wouldn't touch with a ten foot pole when it first came out to IMO one of the best desktops currently on the market, that's pretty frigging great. The current 24" iMacs are awesome. One of the best H-IPS LCD panels on the market, small footprint, silent, and combined with a Core 2 Duo, those things are just built for Final Cut Studio. I literally saved over $1000 when it was time to replace my old Powermac G4 Final Cut rig. Instead of buying a Mac Pro (two quad-core Xeons are nice but are way overkill for what I need), I just got a loaded 24" iMac with two external drives and I was set. The thing is blazing fast and it runs Final Cut Studio like a dream.

Just two years ago I'd never have guessed that I'd get a frigging iMac for my pro apps, but here we are. About the only positive thing I can say about the original iMacs is that they were 100% USB and Firewire (I still wish my PC didn't have those useless parallel and serial connectors), otherwise, meh.