Apple Introduces Revolutionary New Laptop

I showed my friend this, who just bought a macbook for Christmas. He asked me if it would be a good idea to sell his new macbook, and get this one.

I said . . . "it's worth a try."

I told him hours later it was a joke . . .
$9,960 for the 40gb
$2,599 for the 8gb
Yup thats a MAC product all right

I really want that Humming bird battery though. 19 minutes! That plenty of time to look at porn.
Wow, I really think Apple is off base on this one!

No way is the wheel faster than this keyboard and I am a sucky typist!
Wow, I really think Apple is off base on this one!

No way is the wheel faster than this keyboard and I am a sucky typist!

This is what I love. There is so much truth to the video, that people mistake it as fact. :p
Love that video and it was damn similar to a actual Apple hype up of their products. The people at The Onion are geniuses at times.
Did anybody pay attention to the battery life? Suppose to be a good new battery technology which only last 19 min. I mean WTF is that. Under my opinion i state apple is just running out of ideas and probably paid a hobo for what he thought and went with that idea XD!
Saw it on Monday, this just about killed me:


The aardvark asked for a dagger.

The abortion went well.

OMFG hilarious
i dont see where i can order on apples site
and can i get a student discount on the 40gb model?
link anyone
That was an awesome video.

Really well done and they went all out with the interface and the funny sentences.
I love The Onion. "Police are still wondering whether the Sudoku Killer will kill 1, 4, or 9 victims next."
"Everything is just a few hundred click away..."

Classic... I almost spewed my coffee on my monitor after hearing that little tid bit. Where can I buy 3?
Did anybody pay attention to the battery life? Suppose to be a good new battery technology which only last 19 min. I mean WTF is that. Under my opinion i state apple is just running out of ideas and probably paid a hobo for what he thought and went with that idea XD!

i dont see where i can order on apples site
and can i get a student discount on the 40gb model?
link anyone

Does this... honestly... cast any more doubt on the opinion that Apple not only has a Cult but that they'll buy anything no matter how big of a POS it is???
Does this... honestly... cast any more doubt on the opinion that Apple not only has a Cult but that they'll buy anything no matter how big of a POS it is???

I'm pretty sure they're just joking around =P

Might be believable on Slashdot though, but not here.
I'm pretty sure they're just joking around =P

Might be believable on Slashdot though, but not here.

When 90% of the people that make single comments like that... They only read the heading lol...

I've seen a TON of people think this is fact. I've been LMAO every time I show this to a Cult member...
Does this... honestly... cast any more doubt on the opinion that Apple not only has a Cult but that they'll buy anything no matter how big of a POS it is???

haha i was kidding and im sure the other guy was too
honestly one of the funniest parady's iv seen in a while :D
I heard about this via Slashdot. (Somehow, it was front-page news.) There was an embedded video, so I did not immediately realize it was from The Onion. I thought it was weird that Jobs was giving a keynote in light of his health reports, but that was not enough for me to go, "Oh, this is BS." In fact, when I saw the ticker display "Hot Atlanta couple are preparing to have sex," I actually asked myself what the hell is wrong with the news media today. That's right, even that wasn't sufficient for the light bulb to go off.

Great parody.
What shocked me is it hit Digg's front page... biggest group of Mac fanboys you can find.
Shot beer out my nose when watching. I'll wait for the 3G version, "no screen, no hard-drive and no wheel"... that's funny stuff. Great production quality!
What shocked me is it hit Digg's front page... biggest group of Mac fanboys you can find.

Most people have a pretty good sense of humor. Everyone I know that's been passing it around are Mac users.

Funny is funny, and The Onion never fails.
I admit it, they got me. I thought it was real until I came here to see if anyone else thought that this new notebook was the stupidest thing that Apple could have done. I'm glad to see that it's just a joke. But damn, what a joke.
Love the mindless Apple zombie/fanboy in the video "I will bay anything thats shiny and a made by apple" .... love also "Sent by a Mac book wheel, so people know you have one". LOL.