Apple/PC Video Cards


Limp Gawd
Jun 28, 2004
Is there a difference between video cards that go into apple or pc computers? Are these cards interchangeable?
Yes there is a difference, especially if we are talking pre-Intel Macs. Macs have specific BIOS settings and firmware related to their video cards and motherboards, so you would have to get a regular card flashed for Mac use, or just get a Macintosh approved video card (more expensive and harder to find)

However I am not sure if you boot into Windows via the Intel Macs whether this matters or not. I myself am still running on a G4, so my Intel Mac experience is limited.
I'm not sure about current hardware, but as of a couple of years ago at least the main difference was the video BIOS -- some cards had an Apple compatible VBIOS, some had a PC compatible VBIOS. This meant they were not interchangable, though in theory (I have never done this and know no one who has, so am not certain it would work) if you could get the VBIOS for the exact model (down to memory timings, etc) for the PC if you had the Apple version, or the Apple if you had the PC version, and flash the card, it would then work just fine.

Apple compatible cards tend to cost more, but I think this is a supply and demand kind of issue, not that they actually cost any more to produce or are physically different, merely programmed differently.
A PC video card in MacOS X will do the following:

If it only have a PC BIOS it won't show the booting process.
If drivers are available for that specific card, it would work once the OS is loaded but most likely you will have a hard time finding drivers unless you use a 7300 or a 1950.

If you use a PC video card in Bootcamp it won't show the booting process. Once Windows is loaded the card will work if you install the PC drivers for that card.

So let's say you want to play games on your Mac Pro with Boot Camp and the rest of the time you want to work on the Mac. You can order it with the 7300 if that enough for you in MacOS X and add in a 8800GTX if you want. When you boot in windows you will have 2 cards the 7300 and the 8800 and in mac only the 7300 will work.

I don't expect better cards for the Mac unless Nvidia start to release Mac drivers for their whole line OR untill Apple release the next gen Mac Pro's.
hmm, cause I have a 7800GT that was pulled from a mac and wanted to know if I can use it for a PC.

I guess I can't?
Not without getting the PC bios (they're around -- check the nvflash site, if I remember correctly) and flashing the card. You may have to try several before you find one that works with the exact model you have. You'll need a spare PCI (not PCIe) graphics card in order to do the flashing, though.
hmmm, I don't have a spare PCI card.

How much do these go for anyway? I couldn't really find any retailer that sells these cards specifically for macs. I figure i'd sell this and buy a 7900gs, which is just a tad bit better for around $100.
You may be able to get a good bit for it. Look at MacWarehouse (only one I know off the top of my head) or something to get an idea of what they sell for, or check the Apple section of Ebay. I'd imagine you would be able to get $75-100+ easily assuming it's in working condition.