Apple Readies Fix for iPhone X That Becomes Unresponsive in the Cold


Aug 20, 2006
Following reports that the screen on the company's $1,000 and up new iPhone X may become unresponsive when temperatures go south, Apple says it's readying a software fix. "We are aware of instances where the iPhone X screen will become temporarily unresponsive to touch after a rapid change to a cold environment. After several seconds the screen will become fully responsive again," Apple said in a statement to USA TODAY Friday.

Apple surely hopes the problem is not widespread, especially as the weather is just starting to get cold in large parts of the country. As for the problem with the cold, Apple’s website recommends that you should use iOS devices where the ambient temperature is between 32 and 95-degree Fahrenheit. Apple even cautions folks that using the device in very cold conditions could shorten battery life and cause the device to turn off.
Lol. Everything I read about this phone just seems to be problems.

Maybe it's because I'm an S8 owner but there's nothing impressive about this phone.

Quite frankly, I'm sick of reading/hearing about it. It's goddamn everywhere and, as always, Android has already done it.
so basically, apple is saying you shouldn't use the phone outside if u live in canada or northern US? I wonder how they will spin this into a "feature"
So in cold temperature, iPhone X probably will run its own heater to keep it warm :). That maybe why the battery will run out fast ...

Apple surely hopes the problem is not widespread, especially as the weather is just starting to get cold in large parts of the country. As for the problem with the cold, Apple’s website recommends that you should use iOS devices where the ambient temperature is between 32 and 95-degree Fahrenheit. Apple even cautions folks that using the device in very cold conditions could shorten battery life and cause the device to turn off.
Lol. Everything I read about this phone just seems to be problems.

Maybe it's because I'm an S8 owner but there's nothing impressive about this phone.

Quite frankly, I'm sick of reading/hearing about it. It's goddamn everywhere and, as always, Android has already done it.
Most are "features" of course if you are an Apple fan.
I don't see how this is a software issue that could be fixed. Seems the screen just doesn't like being cold and becomes unresponsive under freezing temperatures.
Gee, the home button never seemed to have that issue. Heck, I never had an issue with the Lumia 950 I used to have when used in the cold. Oh well, I guess this is what $1k gets you nowadays.
Coming soon.... the iCondom. Put the iPhone into an iCondom and place it in your ass for 3-5 minutes. Your phone will be warm and toasty and fully operational* (the assy smell is a feature, not a bug).

3 pack of iCondoms can be yours for only $29.99! Feel the courage!
apple users don't care about problems. They put up with it.

It's like the review I just watched from the Verge (I know, I know) about the iPhone X. Some highlights (paraphrased):

"I know we say every year the the latest iPhone is the greatest iPhone, but this year we mean it."

About the notch, after stating that it's not necessarily attractive, essentially causes software bezels, gets in the way in landscape mode, "Eventually you just learn to ignore it.", "It's definitely annoying in landscape.", etc.

About FaceID, "It doesn't work with the way I usually hold the phone in day to day usage or lying in bed. You need to relearn how to hold your phone."

$1000, 9.0/10
Will this fix offer protection from the snow? I can see it now, diving for an iMuff.
Those batteries that burned up in those Samsungs? Yeah, Apple has bought them up and is going to install them as heaters...
so basically, apple is saying you shouldn't use the phone outside if u live in canada or northern US? I wonder how they will spin this into a "feature"

I wonder how some people on the internet doesn't realize that this has been an issue for smartphones for quite some time, and isn't apple specific. Stick phone in cargo pocket, go out and shovel snow, come in and check phone and it is off. Let it warm up a bit and it reboots. Huzzah, battery physics.

The unresponsive screen is another thing, but if it last a whole second. BFD, unless faceID exacerbates that. It should fit in the lag form turning on the screen to unlock.