Apple responds to iPhone 4 reception issues


[H]F Junkie
Dec 17, 2006
This is just unreal. Even more reason to never buy another iPhone again; Apple responds to iPhone 4 reception issues: "You're holding the phone the wrong way" :eek:

So, we just spoke with Apple and got the straight dirt on the reception issues that have been plaguing users today... and it's a little surprising. The company's suggested fix? Move your hand position, or get a case which covers that part of the phone, thus breaking contact.
Seems like people are almost laughing at this major if haha oh Apple you are so silly.

Pretty nuts
Duh. Every Apple fanboi knows that if Steve Jobs says you're holding it wrong, you're holding it wrong.
I am sorry I am making threads about not liking the iPhone4, but geeze, with issues like this and their response, how can't I post it.

I remember before I bought my Nexus-One, T-Mobile had some weird issue too with the N-One, something with covering the bottom part of the phone with your hand caused the 3G signal not to work ? Like WTF :rolleyes: I do love my Nexus-One, but not T-Mobile anymore, their service has become very spotty, either it is great or just cuts out, and almost zero signal once inside my house.
Well, you think the Jobs of old was a dick, this is Steve Jobs on market dominance.

Goes from dick to Prick of the Highest Order.

anyone keeping the phone or buying it after that is truly an asshole.
Whoa, I just tried covering the lower left corner on my 3GS. The signal dies after a few seconds. I never noticed that before.

But I had a Samsung phone before and it said not to cover the top of the phone which I guess is the same problem, just different position.
Granted, this is an issue with EVERY cellphone that has an INTERNAL antenna so Apple has a point there except they do not seem to be handling this situation in the manner they should be. They are just relying on the fanboi's to carry them through.

I still think this is an engineering flaw....if you hold the phone like any normal person would while talking, your signal shouldn't drop to ZERO. 1 or 2 bars is perfectly acceptable, but not 0.

Apple claims this can be fixed with a software update, we'll see how that plays out.
Granted, this is an issue with EVERY cellphone that has an INTERNAL antenna
Not really.
The iPhone sticks all three antennas straight to that metal trim around the phone. Which is why contact can directly screw with the antennas.
Most other phones either keep it truly INTERNAL to where it's not touching the outer metal or use plastic to where it won't matter.
Not really.
The iPhone sticks all three antennas straight to that metal trim around the phone. Which is why contact can directly screw with the antennas.
Most other phones either keep it truly INTERNAL to where it's not touching the outer metal or use plastic to where it won't matter.
Hence the reason why I said it's an engineering flaw
Yes, but this isn't an issue with EVERY phone with an INTERNAL antenna... As you claimed.
I'm really starting to hate Apple, Jobs' arrogance is a real turnoff. I don't let things like this affect my purchasing decisions. I can't stand Nvidia and their CEO either but I still buy their products on occasion, but Steve Jobs is possibly the biggest ass on the planet.
Granted, this is an issue with EVERY cellphone that has an INTERNAL antenna so Apple has a point there except they do not seem to be handling this situation in the manner they should be. They are just relying on the fanboi's to carry them through.

Ummm, no. Not every phone has this issue and most of the time the antenna is either inside or near the top edge of the phone where it makes much more sense.

I just don't understand why Apple would put the main antenna on the bottom left of the phone. Horrible design. Also, I don't get how the bumper case is suppose to fix this issue. Is the case special or something?
Ummm, no. Not every phone has this issue and most of the time the antenna is either inside or near the top edge of the phone where it makes much more sense.

I just don't understand why Apple would put the main antenna on the bottom left of the phone. Horrible design. Also, I don't get how the bumper case is suppose to fix this issue. Is the case special or something?

Well, it was a good design in CONCEPT (Directly connect the antenna to the exterior of the phone = better reception). However in their rush to get the damned thing out the door, or just shitty QA process (it was either one or the other), they totally screwed the pooch on figuring out that the hand there kills signal.

My gut feeling is that Jobs probably knew about this and told whomever discovered it, "NBD".
Now he's caught up in the lie and had to maintain it.
So either Apple will have to admit Jobs lied or cover it up and face class-action lawsuits.
Best move for Apple right now is giving away bumpers for everyone that purchased an iPhone 4, to keep customers happy until they can resolve the design flaw.

The bumper case will fix this because or bodies can conduct electricity just like copper can, so... Hand directly on it causes issues whereas if you put a barrier between it, it solves the issue.
All of the apple fan boi's crying in the comments section of that article is funny as hell.



This one is funny, too:
" Man, it is interesting to see the same people who always defended Gizmodo's overkill coverage of Apple products before suddenly have a change of heart."
The data browsing demo part of it was a great example, too.

I wonder, when Monday comes around, how Apple will respond after pissing users off all weekend with signal issues?

"There is no reception issue." - Steve "Douchebag" Jobs